Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Rebecca Black Has Received Death Threats

Apparently people really do not like the way Rebecca Black pronounces Friday. The one hit You Tube wonder is under police protection after receiving not one, but two death threats. One of the threats came via phone and the other was via e-mail. Both wanted her to get the damn song off the internet or they would kill her. Here is a tip for her would be killers. Umm, don't listen to the song on the internet if it is bothering you that much. I don't think anyone should be receiving death threats, let alone a 13 year old girl with a really bad song. Obviously these two would be killers have not seen the movie Battlefield Earth or they would be focusing all their efforts on making sure that movie never saw the light of day again.

The police are taking the threats very seriously. Can you believe that song has generated 100 million hits on You Tube? Lady GaGa and Bieber are like at a billion, but that is for every song they have done. That is a crazy number of people who have listened to that song.


  1. People are stupid. Truth. (the ones threatening a girl over a song she can no longer control)
    Battlefield Earth reference - hilarious Enty :) Good snark!

  2. I am NOT condoning bullying in any form, but I think these reactions are mostly due to this girl's newfound fame. Are there ANY celebrities who haven't received threats of some kind?

    The song really is atrocious, though. Her parents should have really foreseen this whole situation. Some dreams should be fostered, sure. Other dreams should be taken behind the shed and mercifully shot.

  3. I don't know much about her, aside from that fact she's like, really young and the song is supposed to be really bad...but this is a bit much for people to be threatening her. I mean, no one threatened Shatner when he did Rocket Man.

  4. *sigh* she's just a girl. Yeah, the song was stupid - the video was stupider but man - teens today are whack.

    "Battlefield Earth?" Never watched it. I'd have said "Catwoman" or even *shudder* "Gigli."

  5. 1 million hits, most of them on a dare.

    And yes, I agree, her parents were more than naive about this whole situation, which is weird for people in So Cal where we are you know, 'surrounded by celebrity' and all that.

  6. I bet it's 2 people that go to her school and are super jealous of her.

    I personally think she's adorable. She's 13. Leave the child alone. I agree with Enty. If you don't like the song, don't listen to it. I'd rather have her sing about Frieeeday (catchy) than to sing about sex and drugs at her age. Her parents should be proud.

  7. I am refraining from listening to the song, my middle aged ears probably couldn't take it. : ) Bad word comes to mind..."Ishtar"...OMG it was AWFUL!

  8. The threats should be taken seriously. The bullying nuts who made them might follow through.

    Her parents gave her an expensive, fun gift of a professional video. It's a cute video even though she can's sing. There was no way for them to foresee that the video would be so popular, but the internet does attract sickos.

  9. Does she make money off of each YouTube hit? I'm not sure how that works.

  10. Love the song, love the bad lip reading version better.

  11. The song is terrible--but terribly catchy. I prefer some of the parodies I've seen, including one for the Canucks. How sad that a kid is receiving death threats. I reserve those for the people who actually thought Pauly Shore would make a good movie star. I made it through five minutes of his Biosphere before I--much to the dismay of my ex--declared it to be so bad that was all I could watch.

  12. Didn't someone on here say she did it for fun? And the production is like the Glamour Shots of music videos? She wasn't seriously trying to become an artist.

    I'm usually horrified by the things people post on YouTube, so the death threats don't surprise me.

    @TMNT - Thanks for the link. I just laughed my ass off. ;)

    I enjoyed the Jimmy Fallon/Stephen Colbert collaboration.

  13. Apparently she donated all the proceeds from Friday to Japan relief :) The song might be shit, but i really like her.

  14. @Aimee -- seriously??!?! That's awesome! :-)

    If that's the case, then girlfriend needs to release another terrible song, STAT!

  15. @Ida :) She's a sweet kid.

  16. The song is really stupid, but I'm no longer in my teens, and I will never understand the Biebs.

  17. I bet the threats are coming from Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber.

  18. Am I the only person who hasn't seen this thing?
    My curiosity still isn't piked.

    Death threats are uncool though.

    Oh well...

    (the former Leah)

  19. @Aimée - Aww, that makes me kind of love her.

  20. @Ramona - I haven't seem it either..... *heads to YouTube...'
