Friday, April 22, 2011

Emily Longstreth Has Been Heard fom

Back in April and May of 2009, I wrote two posts about Emily Longstreth. The first was in response to a reader question who wanted to know what happened to the actress who looked as if she was headed for stardom. The second post was what allegedly happened to Emily. Well, it turns out that Emily is alive and well and would like the posts removed from the site. She used a public interest lawyer to write to me and because I am a nice guy I have agreed to remove the comments from the two posts and to not allow further comments on those posts. I am not going to remove the actual posts though. I also extended an invitation to Emily to speak to me because I think her story would probably be fascinating to all of you. I know it would be to me. This is was an actress who was set to be A list and then she just disappeared. The question is why.


  1. She wants her privacy give it to her. I dont' care why she walked away from the limelight. It is her right to do so. Wish Lindsay would take the hint.

  2. "Well, it turns out that Emily is alive and well and would like the posts removed from the site. She used a public interest lawyer to write to me and because I am a nice guy I have agreed to remove the comments from the two posts and to not allow further comments on those posts."

    Oh, Enty. If this is the case, then what made you decide to dedicate an ENTIRELY NEW POST to this poor woman?

    I mean, if she wants to be left alone, I respect that. It's easy for me to follow those wishes; I've never even heard of her. ;-)

  3. yeah I do see the irony here...

  4. I detect a strong note of sarcasm in this current post. Could be just me though.

  5. When someone from 20 years ago threatens a lawyer with a lawyer?

    Please. She's lucky someone even remembers her or cares.

  6. I didn't remember the story, so I read the comments in the other two blogs. They haven't been removed yet. I also googled her and found this.

    Things that make you go hmmm...

  7. It seems we had a reply from her brother's ex. I was satisfied with that. I'm really not getting my snark on today. I might have to just go home......

  8. She probably just got tired of the Hollywood scene. Maybe she partied too hard and needed to leave. Maybe she got sick. Maybe she didn't feel like starving herself to death. Maybe she'll write a tell-all one day. If not, then all the best to her anyway.

  9. Enty as a "buttplug of Satan?" THAT'S a new one, at least for me!

  10. @Robert - that was just a rumor.

  11. I'm with Ida. Why post this then?

  12. I didn't see the original posts, so I'm confused. What's the drama about?

  13. To the other lawyer: Freedom of speech. Entry can write whatever he wants especially in the case of a public figure.

  14. I wish Emily the best!

  15. I'm with Ida...never heard of her!

  16. OK, I read the older posts in question, and I can't muster up the energy to care about who that woman is and what she's been up to for the last 20 years. zzzzzzzzzzz

  17. This is a malicious bullshit on your part, Enty.

    She's been out of the limelight for almost 20 years and your posts led to vile things being written about her.

    Is there a personal connection between the two of you that you've neglected to mention?

    You weren't content with the leaving it at the first post. had to post a second time about her to notify your readers that people purporting to be family members has posted about her in the first post.

    Then post a third time about her. The comments still aren't removed several hours after this post, despite your claim otherwise, and you did this on purpose.

    She isn't some little famewhore who's in the headlines for bad behaviour. This is someone who dropped out of sight and you've repeatedly allowed her reputation to be besmirched... and continue to do so.

    You should be ashamed. Your behaviour is a malicious as some of the people who posted about her.

  18. ...and I think we need a facebook campaign to get her on Dancing with the Stars! kidding.

  19. One more thing... your third post about Emily was like a lightbulb with regard to why I rarely visit here now. And when I do visit now, it is because of several of the very special long-time readers on this site and their witty and touching comments.

    Anyway, this site used to be FUN. Gradually, as you took yourself more and more seriously, the fun began to evaporate.

    Now you're essentially going after someone who hasn't done anything wrong and really isn't in a position to properly defend her reputation.

    It takes a big person to admit when they've made a mistake.

    You're acting like a small, spoiled brat with this third post about Emily. To write that you're taking down the comments but to leave them up for hours... they're still up.

    It's official. I've lost the last shred of respect I had for this site.

  20. I have a feeling there is more to this story, why even mention her again two years after the fact? Why would she contact you now? Why have you not taken the other comments/post down?

  21. ITA, Ms. Fullwood. I have the same feeling too.

    I really don't care enough about this woman to try and figure out what's going on but I did want to say that if the issue is that she's had and/or is having mental problems, I'm sad that that's considered so scandalous. I understand her wanting privacy and agree that she should be able to have it. But I wish there wasn't such a societal stigma on mental illness. It happens. Mental illness has nothing to do with a person's character, it is a biological occurrence that in most cases can be corrected or at least managed with medical treatment.

  22. Anonymous3:23 PM

    this post is not cool. i'm surprised you even made a post on this and not just deleted the materials you promised. are you not one to keep your word as some here suggest?

  23. Anonymous3:33 PM

    [Anyway, this site used to be FUN. Gradually, as you took yourself more and more seriously, the fun began to evaporate.]


  24. I read the old posts and I personally didn't think that they were malicious in nature, people are just curious about what became of her. A poster claimed that Emily was mentally ill, after that the majority of the posts were compassionate and full of support for her.
    This is a gossip blog, Emily is no different than any another person that Enty posts about on a daily basis, I'm sure most of Hollywood would prefer that their private lives remain just that, but then we wouldn't get juicy gossip or find out how awful mr/ms megastar is irl. Sometimes we find out about sad things and we see that the folks on the silver screen are merely mortals likes us plebes, there is "no" shame in being mentally ill. I just hope that Emily is ok wherever she is and hopefully Enty will keep his promises.

  25. Am i m issing something here because Enty said he agreed to removed the comments from the previous posts but they are still there.

    So he reminded us all of something most of us probably wouldn't have recalled, about someone most of us never cared about and left the comments he agreed to remove for us to read?

    strangest Enty post ever

  26. And if he had deleted the comments and locked them without explanation people would be shouting, "CONSPIRACY! COVER UP!"

    It's a no win situation so he might as well do what he wants, whenever he wants, with his own site.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. None of this makes any sense. I just read the posts and comments from 2009 and WTF? The Amy girl's and the Mom's (if either are real) were just STRANGE.

    Clearly there is something going on here, lol...but who the hell knows...

  29. @ ureallyannoyme

    The original Emily posts are two years old. No one would have bothered to look if he hadn't pointed a brilliant neon arrow in that direction.

    What he could have done was ignore her attorney's missive. Instead, he chose to behave with malice towards her.

  30. @ Ms.
    I agree, I don't even remember the original post and I visit this site everyday. Something more to it then what is being stated or posted.

  31. I have been an avid reader of this site for a the last four years. I have never commented before but I feel compelled to comment on this post as it has left such a bad taste in my mouth. As previous posters have asserted, this site used to be fun, a lighthearted diversion during a long day. As of late the levity and fun have disappeared and seem to have been replaced by Enty's self-aggrandising and his personal agenda. Why has he chosen to single out this woman Emily and cause her undue distress and unwanted attention decades after she has left the limelight for a private life? It is just bizarre and strikes me as being part of a hidden agenda and seems to be a personal vendetta of some sort on Enty's part. I will no longer visit this site, it isn't fun, nor is it interesting. Additionally it seems to have take an almost desperate and dark quality to it.

  32. Yes, here's the thing. Not only did he say he was going to remove the comments sections and didn't do it, the link I posted above clearly suggests that he borrowed the original screen caps from another blogger without giving that blogger credit.

    He also had people donate to this site for picture rights.

    I realize screen caps are just that. Anyone can do them with the proper talent and equipment. But why not give credit where it is due?

    This whole thing has left a very yucky taste in my mouth as well.

  33. And if he had deleted the comments and locked them without explanation people would be shouting, "CONSPIRACY! COVER UP!"

    If he had deleted the comments before writing the post, it would have been more believable. Or not mentioned the whole affair at all. Nobody would have noticed.

    At this point, I don't believe he got a letter form her "public interest attorney" at all. His hits are obviously dropping and he's trying to stir something up.

    Good job.

    As it is, he got people to go back and read old posts of his for more hits, while calling himself a "nice guy."

  34. So, almost half a day later, the comments are still there. I just checked.

    I blog on a variety of topics. I know it's time consuming. But if I were to really feel it necessary to take comments out of a section, I would do it BEFORE posting about it. If I were really concerned.

    And to the person who said anyone is fair game... I agree if they are out posing for paps and/or still in the limelight. That does NOT appear to be the case.

    Would have said all this earlier, but I was working and then dinner.

  35. Caralw, and others who are 'onto it': I haven't posted since the radio/licensing donation scam was exposed (and I had never posted before it). Even though $ isn't involved in this instance, I'm glad that all of you aren't forgetting the slime that started all of the skepticism and questioning. I have thoroughly enjoyed making this scumbag's scam just a tinier bit less convenient.

  36. I really question Emily's "set to be A list" status. I loved The Big Picture, but she wasn't all that great in it. Kind of flat actually. Enty must have some history with her, or had a crush on her, or stalked her or something. But almost A list? Not a chance.

  37. Anonymous8:22 AM

    the thing is had she not been written about today some of the readers would not have responded this way. this woman was not in any of our minds. enty could have taken care of the situation, and none of us would have been the wiser.

  38. Anonymous8:27 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Anonymous8:28 AM

    just checked and the comments that perhaps could offend emily are still up. the posts are still not closed off from further commenting also.

    "...and because I am a nice guy I have agreed to remove the comments from the two posts and to not allow further comments on those posts."

    but i don't know maybe he's still held up in court?

  40. Anonymous8:32 AM

    And if he had deleted the comments and locked them without explanation people would be shouting, "CONSPIRACY! COVER UP!"

    nope, see my 822am comment.

  41. Hmm I wonder if this Emily is same actress who had the anti Enty blog? I don't remember much about the blog but didn't the person running it say she used to be a actress?
    The blog is gone now by the way.

  42. If someone is really doing well in their life I can't imagine how a few posts + comments on a blog would upset them, unless they were doing it for attention/free publicity.
    If Emily is in fact not doing well in life, I tend to think a few posts + comments on a blog isn't going to be her main concern either.
    Maybe she's planning on running for President or has had a background check done and needs to make questionable issues go away.

  43. Anonymous9:45 AM

    so your invitation to Emily and the promise to do what you said, is really blackmail until she accepts your invite? who's coke mom? who's heroin mom? are you gonna revel those 7/4?

    i have said it before word on the street (hwood) is that this blogger blackmails some of the higher on the totem pole celebs not to out their behaviors for pay or favors. coke and heroin mom will never be revealed.

  44. @ Paleblacksheep: I was wondering the same thing! Something about this post made me go "Hmmmmm" and "Anna" from her Anti Enty blog popped to mind.

    What's equally as concerning is in the post from April 2009 Enty says he "got an email from Poperah" enquiring about this gal....."Pope Rah" is the cow that took over the LaineyLurv fb group that kicked half the group out if they dared question the ulmighty Lainey or the Pope herself. Gal's a delusional nazi blogger. What's she doing conversing with Enty?

    These damn anonymous bloggers have dirtier secrets than the celebs they dish about (& throw under the bus on a daily basis)

    Juicy, trivial shit.

  45. Enty, Anna, PopeRah et al....the relationship between lack of transparency & genuine intention is glaring.

  46. I was wondering why on earth I was getting updates on my email from several years ago saying just "z". Now I know.

  47. @kympossible, I am not out to bring anyone down. I'm just gonna read all the blinds on the aggregate site and not give enty any more hits. Very disappointed.

    He is holier than thou when he talks about celebs, but his moral code is obviously lacking big time.

  48. Caralw, i think kympossible is "anna", the anti-enty blogger. Syntax is hard to hide.
    Obviously there is history between emily & enty. Too bad enty choose this route to duke it out because the only person who looks bad is enty.

  49. ^^Agree with Private on both points

  50. It's laughable to me that you think I am this "Anna" person. I read TMZ, Lainey, etc. on my lunch breaks, I do not blog--total waste of my time. I had never even commented on a blog before the comments I made here. When the donation requests started happening, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, as all of yours should have. I was intrigued, and wondered how it would play out. Alas, the scam worked. This whole "Emily" thing is just another example of the sneaky, unethical, and immoral actions of the snake who writes this blog. If Anna and I have the same syntax, I would love to meet her--she's wicked smart.

  51. She became a Quaker. Google search it!

  52. She became a Quaker. Religious. Google search!

  53. Some of you have class and are wishing for the best while Lawyer seems to love stirring up controversy. He posts that she became a prostitute, then chooses to push Amy Madden's version and ignores the possible mothers posts.

    To top it off he says that because he's such a nice guy he'll cease and desist due to being contacted by Emily's attorney.

    This "Lawyer" guy seems like a sleaze bag on par with Mark Marek. Also, if Emily has an attorney to protect her from slander, I don't blame her so for Jamie'sGirl to say she's lucky that anyone cares is just a ridiculous statement!

    Jamie'sGirl are you so stupid that you can't see that it's not a slap in your face for her to take action against enty?

    As for the people that say they can't muster the will to care what happened to her, you disgust me. Has this world turned to shit so bad that people don't care about others?

    By the way, why do some of you post only to say you haven't even heard of her. It's obvious that it's mean spirited as if you're minimizing her fame. Having not heard of or being aware of her only tells us that you're too young or don't get out much

  54. I was a roommate of Emily's in the winter of 1984/early 1985. A group of us was living in a huge apartment in Larchmont village. She was involved with actor Bernie White, one of my roomies. She was beautiful but really strange and had one calamity after another. Oddly, she seemed to have no coping mechanisms either. Bernie took very good care of her. She seemed almost childlike and fragile, despite her stunning, sexy beauty. She was an up and coming starlet and had a real aura around her. She always struck me as being in her own little world. She had one movie under her belt - Hardbodies, and seemed destined for huge things. I remember her walking around the neighborhood in the skimpiest clothes but she got away with it.If I'd had her body I would have waked around half naked too... She disappeared for days sometimes and Bernie would go into panic mode. This was in the days before cell phones, pagers, etc. One night she came back and wouldn't say where she'd been. She seemed subdued and shaky. Several hours later, the police arrived in the middle of the night and woke us all. Poor Bernie was hauled away. It turned out Emily was 17 and underage! What a shock! None of us could believe it. Her mother who apparently tried to keep a strong grip on her, had Emily followed. Charges were not pressed against Bernie but we all talked to the police and made it clear that she was in our home of her own free will. She had told everybody she was 21. We never saw her again after that night...her age certainly explained a lot of things though!

  55. Thank you, Nicole. Great story.
