Wednesday, April 27, 2011


So much for Tila Tequila and Dave Navarro being together. Reports last month were that the pair were spending every day and night together and Tila had even managed to kick her constant online posting about herself because she was too busy being in love. Or having sex. Anyway, that appears to be over or at it could be Dave is looking for a third because Tila and Nick Hogan have been knocking boots. Yes, the same Nick Hogan who left his best friend paralyzed and needing 24 hour medical care for the rest of his life while Nick laughs it off, pretends it did not happen, blames the best friend, moves to California so he can get a license to drive, and now f**ks Tila Tequila while his friend has to be fed, bathed, and taken care of constantly.

Oh, and note to Radar. Are these real names you are coming up with for your writers or are they just newsroom jokes?


  1. in like manner that deep calls out to deep...the opposite is also true. and i cannot fathom the number of STDs amongst that trio...from dave to tila, tila to dave, tila to nick...

    *mind boggled*

  2. Wasn't she a Lesbian? Wasn't see preggers also a while back? I thought her true love was that Casey chick that died ...

  3. Oh and that Dave guy ... ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  4. Bleh, the two pieces of crap deserve each other.

  5. I'd say they deserve eachother, but it's all so pathetic.

  6. Umm, why 'EWWWW'?

    That "Ewww" should be "Yay for containment!"

    I can not think of two people who deserve eachother more.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Ms. Goodhand, gossip reporter, has a lovely profile on the Radar Online site....

  9. Awww, what a cute couple! Almost cute as his Mom and her boytoy Hulk look alike or his Dad with his pre-teen daughter look alike gf.

  10. Hey, Nick is just trying tp keep up with his scuzzy parents to see who can bring the biggest piece of trash home to meet the family. Nick will have to answer for all he has done one of these days. No one escapes judgment.

  11. I thought that was Amy Winehouse and I immediately thought, "She could do better."

  12. Enty,
    Why do you leave the worst pictures up for the longest time?

  13. just so they don't have kids!

  14. well this is about the grossest thing I've read in a while. add paris hilton to the mix and some kind of drug-resistant superbug would be created.

  15. Seems like a perfect match to me.

    Ms. Goodhand is a former high school teacher. And caught the "journalism" bug. Does that mean she actually went to school for journalism? I always wondered what kind of credentials people that work at places like TMZ, Radar, etc. have (if any, like Good Hand).

  16. There isn't enough purel in the entire country that would make me want to get anywhere near these two.

    And I thought Denise Richards and Nikki Sixx was gross.

    How old is this douche? 18, 19? And completely bald. I don't wish baldness on anyone at such a young age (or any age for that matter) but he deserves it.

    Brings the sleezebag out in him.

  17. Enty raises a good point. We snark on a lot of people here but most of them have never really hurt anybody.

    Then we get oozebags like Nick here.

    THIS is the type of guy that makes me physically sick. Chris "Ah ain't no woman beater no mo'" Brown makes me sick too.

  18. @MCH - I have a feeling Harvey at TMZ picks top journalism students or law students.

    As for the cameramen he picks - I think he could be a bit more choosier there. Most of them look like they annoy everybody all the time.

  19. Just re-read this and for some bizarre reason can't stop laughing at "knocking boots". Nice one, Grandpa Enty :)

  20. Ok, call me crazy, but why the enormous hate for Nick? He has had his time in court. It wasn't as if he purposely went out of his way to hurt his friend. Stupid, risky actions, yes - but not on purpose. Is he supposed to stay in hiding the rest of his life? Did he leave the friend there to die?

  21. 05: Prior to the accident, he had been ticketed numerous times for speeding. At the time of the accident, he had been drinking and was again speeding. His passenger requires round-the-clock medical care and he gets to be a "celebrity".

    It's just not cool.

  22. @05 - Just google John Graziano Brain Injury and you'll see what that piece of shit Nick did.

    WARNING!!! The photos are extremely graphic and disturbing. Seriously!

  23. Anonymous2:54 PM

    How many time you want to be that it was the other way around and John was the one speeding and driving recklessly? Thats just the culture for a lot of young guys in that area of Florida, Fast and Furious wanna-bes. Not that anyone deserves permanent brain damage but it is not fair to paint him as a saint and Nick as the devil. It was an accident, preventable yes, but an accident nonetheless.

  24. I'm with Alleycat on this one. Nick may be a douchebag, but it is not likely he was a douchebag on his own and there were probably plenty of times both boys were out hot rodding. They were an accident waiting to happen and it just happened to be Nick driving that night. Of course it would be nice if he could show a little contrition but I blame the parents for that as well as him. I know he went to jail, but has he actually "apologized" for what happened?

  25. and Angelina from Jersey Shore is pregnant. Gross day!

  26. Anonymous5:11 PM

    so you have reverted to your old ways. i knew this wasn't gonna last long.

  27. Hesitate to say anything in defense of Nick Hogan but I will also chime in to say/ask
    Wasnt the passenger NOT wearing a seatbelt? Also, as many pointed out it seems like they both have this sort of death defying, parents buying them speeder cars more equipt for race track transportation. Im NOT advocating we give Hogan a break here by any means but, like someone said, to paint him as the devil and resonsible 100% for this seems wrong.

  28. that being said- whoa am I glad the contamination of these two celebretards is confined to the two of them. Now if only Amy Winehouse (love her music) and Paris Hilton would join their sex party and stay there we would have cleaned up like half the cause for valtrax in the first place :)

  29. I don't know how Nick Hogan lives with himself in the aftermath of that horrible outcome for his friend. You'd think he'd be a little more concerned with raising awareness of what can happen when you're utterly foolish and careless and as a small measure of compassion for his permanently disabled former friend. He's totally heartless and even dingbat Tila Tequila is too good for him.

  30. at least she doesnt look like his sister...

  31. Lori - no, but he looks just like her sister. So, still gross.

  32. I just realized that sentence made no sense. I cant even figure out what I was trying to say. Need coffee.

  33. Advice to Tila Tequila: either you drive, or hail a cab.

  34. I think that pic of Nick looks like Joseph (Joey) Lawrence.
