Monday, April 18, 2011

How Was Your Weekend?

Whatever you did this weekend, I am guessing it was probably not as interesting as the one Nicolas Cage had. The follicly challenged actor spent some time in a New Orleans jail over the weekend after getting so drunk he could not remember where he was staying. Now, I have been drunk in a strange hotel before and not remembered what room I am staying in, but I usually stagger to the front desk, breathe noxiously powerful alcohol fumes over the hapless front desk clerk and then am rolled on a luggage cart to my room. Can you tell this has happened perhaps more than once? Anyway, Nicolas did not have the luxury of a front desk clerk and instead was found standing in front of a house he claimed he was renting. His wife disagreed. Well, as the video from a couple of months show, you don't want to mess with Nic when he has been drinking or when he forgets his wig. He started screaming and shocking his wife and a neighbor called the police. The result? One hell of a great mug shot, Dog The Bounty Hunter getting you out of jail and some really bad publicity for which he really deserves for being such an a-hole. I think about three months in rehab would be just what Kal-El ordered here.


  1. how crazy is it he named his son Kal-El. No wonder Alice didn't have any more kids with him with those crazy names.

    And he can't even go to rehab he is so broke he has to take any movie he can get now. To date he has lost 15 mansions 5 bentleys and a G6 private plane.

    TMZ has good video of him being an idiot trying to get a tattoo and her trying to talk some sense into him. Oh how I wish we could of heard that audio.

  2. he's currently shooting some movie called Medallion in New Orleans. It's about a missing child in the trunk of a cab. Heh. Nick couldn't remember which rental house he was in. What a maroon.

    I'm completely embarrassed that I actually was entertained by National Treasure. I think I need movie rehab.

  3. He seems to have really gone downhill since all his money problems cropped up.

    By the way, the term "shocking his wife" kinda threw me for a second. Just saying.

  4. Anonymous9:56 AM

    he's had some decent flicks. if he is in a money bind, the cappolas can front him rehab money. he needs a good year in rehabilitation.

  5. Anonymous9:57 AM

    EXACTLY. rq. he more than likely physically assaulted her to some degree.

  6. Didn't Johnny Depp already loan or give him some money a year or two ago to get him out of some of his money problems?

    The neighbor supposedly called the police after Nic shoved his wife and after they showed up he was taunting them to arrest him.

  7. Here's a link with some of the more pertinent details. He was arrested for domestic abuse. I'm not sure how that got left out.

  8. Anonymous10:09 AM

    if he shoved her, than that's DV. i wouldn't loan him anymore money, if i were JD.

    i highly doubt he'll get paid back.

  9. I actually feel bad for him...he marries someone who really doesn't love him....but sure loves the life...
    That could break the best of men...

  10. Lol, I don't think Alice broke him. I don't think 20 year old girls marry middle aged men with the best intentions either but something tells me he was broken long before she came around.

    Klondyke, I don't remember if the story said it was a loan or not. I remember Enty had posted it a while ago, and that Johnny had wanted to help him because they had been friends a long time ago or Nic had helped. It seemed more like it was a gift than a loan.

  11. Nicholas Cage is probably crazy but he's an amazing actor. He commits to a role 100%. He brings it in the best movies; he brings it in the worst movies. Probably the reason he makes so many bad movies is because he needs the payday. But crazy or not he's starred in more good movies than some people I could name (cough-natalieportman-cough)

  12. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Misch - That describes 9/10s of the marriages in Hollywood. I don't think all those bimbo marrying men deserve all that sympathy. You get what you pay for, after all, and they may end up losing 1/2 in divorce court but not broke. Or broken. They just move on to the next pair of bolt on boobs. (See Kelsey Grammer.)

  13. LOL @ "...then am rolled on a luggage cart to my room."

    Well it is New Orleans. I guess he imbibed a bit too much that night. No excuse for getting rough w/ his wife though. Jackass.

    How is that a mug shot photo though? It looks like it was taken in a warehouse.

    I LOVED the National Treasure movies! Ghost Rider, on the other hand....

  14. Sad to see how he's gone downhill, my husband played music at a party he was at in the late 80's and said he was a really nice guy, had a good time talking to him during breaks, something tells me that wouldn't be the case now. Sad.

  15. I loved him in a lot of movies -- Raising Arizona was hilarious, the National Treasure movies were better as the poor man's Dan Brown/DaVinci Code crap than the real thing was. I even loved Valley Girl way back in the day when he was pretty new on the scene. know there's more.

    But man is he weird and always has been. The Kal-El name is from Superman. He has an equally bizarre obsession with all things Elvis and it was almost perverse when he married Lisa Marie. I'm surprised he didn't want his son to be called King. King Coppola. King Cage.

  16. Why does the mug shot look like it was taken in one of those back alleys feeding behind the stores of a mall?
