Monday, April 25, 2011

James Franco Wants You To Use Your Turn Signals

So, there you are, headed into a grocery store parking lot. You find a spot, and get out of your car and the next thing you know James Franco is in your face. Does he want to discuss the weather? Your car? How he f**ked up at the Academy Awards? Nope. He wants to discuss with you the proper use of turn signals on your motor vehicle. Last week, Franco followed a woman into the parking lot of a grocery store and when she got out of her car, James said, he liked the woman's car and she said she just got it. James then said, "Well, too bad it didn’t come with any #*&%$ turn signals! I’ve been behind you for five minutes and you never once used your blinker in TEN turns! Let me give you a piece of advice – in the future, USE YOUR TURN SIGNALS. The life you save could be MINE!”

And I thought people who smoke a lot of pot never got angry or upset. I guess I was wrong.


  1. Admittedly, I know how he feels. It's one of the biggest pet peeves I have.

  2. i don't blame him a bit. in fact, he's my hero for saying something.

  3. I hate when people who don't use their turn signals, too, so I completely understand his rant.

    People, it's not an option on the car when you buy it - I can't read your *&%$ mind of where you are going or turning...!

  4. I fucking HATE when people don't use their turn signals!!!! I have approached people before. It SUCKS. I'm supposed to GUESS what you are going to do? Fucking assholes. It's not like it is HARD to flick the damn lever up or down.


  5. I agree with him, but following someone just to tell them to use a turn signal is kinda creepy

  6. I'm 100 percent with him on this.

  7. I wish I had his nerve to do such a thing to the moron I had to follow yesterday.

    Only if I tried it I'd probably be stuck in the hospital for my injuries.

  8. I have done this. Several times. I can't blame him.

  9. How odd. I agree that it's annoying but I can't imagine actually following someone to yell at them.

    And I've had people laugh at me for my overuse of turn signals (using it when no one else is around).

  10. James can follow me any day.

  11. So he stalked someone into a parking lot and verbally attacked her? That's more wrong then someone not using their signals. He carried road rage to the next level.

  12. ive started to think i was the only person who still used their turn signal.

    now dear james, can you get people to start making right turns at a quicker than snail's pace that would be amazing!

  13. Patty, it really is. If it was some stranger it would freak me out.

  14. Turn signals are a petty peeve of mine too, but more annoying are those people who drive around with the bass so loud on their speakers it makes the entire block thump!

  15. I came here to say what Patty said.

    Aggressively following a person and informing her that her actions are offensive goes beyond a certain line of sanity. I don't think it was cool to even *lightly* threaten a stranger like that over something that didn't affect him PERSONALLY. Oh, but he's Professor ~FRANCO~, so that gives him the right to hork up his opinions on EVERYTHING, and we all have to nod solemnly and accept his wisdom because he bought his way into 45 different doctoral programs.

    IMO, road rage should die down as quickly as it flares up -- and if it doesn't, ride a bike, take a bus/cab, or WALK if fellow motorists piss you off so damned much.

    This guy is quickly becoming my least-favorite celeb out there. He and Lea Michele should start bumping uglies.

  16. Verbally attacked her? That's not exactly the correct definition. Correcting a stranger is kind of silly and inappropriate, yes, but an attack? Yeah, no.

    He's a nut. This is hilarious.

  17. oh for christsake. who said he 'aggressively' followed this woman? maybe he was SHOPPING there too. who cares?
    hit sounds like he started off very nice and then he got to his point. he didn't attack her. he didn't threaten her.

    are there a bunch of criminal defense or personal injury attorneys here or something??

  18. This is our pet peeve as well, and it causes me to swear more than anything - even in front of our son.

    If he did indeed follow the woman just to chew her out like that, dude sounds like he should go home, smoke a bowl and chill out for a couple of hours next time he feels that way again.

  19. Oh, and I forgot to add that I loathe people who don't use their signals, but if I am cut off in a most offensive manner, I just do what normal people do in that situation: use my middle-finger and the c-bomb. It doesn't matter if the offender is a man -- he still gets the c-bomb.

    I also hate people who don't turn on their lights in the rain.

    Also, people who flick their cigarette butts casually out their windows. Those things are going to remain on the ground even after Armageddon smotes us all, you know.

    And people who talk on their cellphones while driving, obviously. It's not illegal where I live, but it's only a matter of time.

    Oh, and if YOU think you're the exception to the rule that cellphone talking drivers are a-holes, you're dead wrong. I love you, but you're wrong.

    Okay. I need to just stop right now.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I am TOTALLY with him on this...not using your turn signal is one of the most lazy, self-involved things a driver can do. Using them is the simplest thing a courteous driver can do; I sometimes wonder if people don't use them on purpose--sort of like: "I don't need to tell you where I'm going--who are you...?!??" sort of thing. Then again I think most people are a$$holes...!

  22. Can't say I blame him. I hate people who don't know how to use the turn signal/are too lazy to take the.5 seconds it takes to use a turn signal with quite literally a flick of the wrist. They're as bad as morons who ride their breaks.

  23. That is pretty awesome. Calling people on their shit. Maybe we can give him the addresses and phone numbers for Lindsay, Paris and Lea "the meanest bitch alive" Michelle and he can straighten them out as well. My Mom used to walk up to able bodied people who parked in Handicapped Spots and say "Oh, I guess the handicap is mental, I'm sorry". It was pretty priceless.

  24. My Dad, who is an asshole not unlike Franco, followed some "moron" into a parking lot to educate her on the rules of the road. The "moron" pulled a gun on him.

    Just because they suck at driving doesn't mean they can't shoot straight.

  25. That's my biggest pet peeve about driving, but I wouldn't do what he did. I've been tailed by road ragers, and one even got out of their car and banged on my windshield. I was damn lucky the idiot didn't have a gun.

    If people cared what I said about their crappy driving, I'd say something. 99.9 percent of them don't. So that's that.

  26. Good for him! That woman deserved it! Most likely she was also talking on her cell phone as well. Sorry EL-I disagree with you on this one. James because of this I forgive you for the rather sad job you did hosting the Oscars!

  27. my biggest pet peeve...and for the record...potsmokers DO get angry...just in a really mellow way... :)

  28. That DOES it. I am definitely going to stop using my turn signals if there is a chance of gettin a tete-a-tete with Franco

  29. I think a lot of people who are angry smoke pot to be less angry (examples: Eric Roberts, me). One of my biggest driving peeves is people that don't use their turn signal. It really upsets me BUT I don't feel the need to follow anyone because of it. When I was younger, I was a total asshole driver like that, but I have grown-up in that regard. I hope James Franco American does as well.

  30. OMG, lack of using turn signals is one my BIGGEST pet peeves ever! He probably shouldn't have followed the lady to call her out (though, as some said - maybe they were going to the same place), but I still give him a golf clap for speaking up ;-)

  31. James Franco is now my hero. Sure, it wasn't the best behavior, but she deserved it.

  32. Also, people who flick their cigarette butts casually out their windows. Those things are going to remain on the ground even after Armageddon smotes us all, you know.

    Ida, I flash my lights as soon as a driver in front of me tosses his/her cigarette butt out the window. If you think it's too nasty to keep in your car's ashtray, then why are you smoking?

  33. @Cheryl

    Even worse to me are the people that drive around with all their windows open, the volume as far up as it will go, and playing rap songs where every other word is a profanity.

  34. Some able-bodied-looking people do actually have a handicap. Just because someone isn't in a wheelchair doesn't mean he/she isn't disabled. I wouldn't comment on someone parking in a handicap space unless I knew for sure they didn't have some disability or infirmity. Even then...

    I hate people not using their turn-signal, too. But James Franco sounds like a nut cake.

  35. As long as he wasn't screaming and in her face, I find this story amusing. It's one of my pet peeves too. Sounds like the girl was pretty mortified. Maybe she did take it to heart? :)

    @Sydnee - And that right there is why I try not to ever let my temper get the best of me.

  36. @Ida Blackenship: I also hate Franco and his pretentiousness. He's such a overrated douche. If he had a vagina most folks would hate him.

  37. Hahahahahahaha. This story cracks me up.

  38. I am with ya James. The other day a little old lady slammed on her brakes she came to a complete stop in the middle of the road then made a turn without her signal. No one around this granny knew what she was doing. Had she signalled, we might have had a clue.

  39. This is awesome, good for him, maybe she'll be more aware now and use them. And yeah, it did personally affect him, seeing as he was on the road with her. Her action, or rather inaction, personally affected everyone who was on the road.

  40. When I lived in Los Angeles, that used to drive me batshit to the point of screaming out of the car window, "The crystal ball on my dashboard is broken, so maybe next time you could use your turn signals, cause today I can't predict the future so well"

    And I agree with you Allison. Hopefully her mother was making the comment to people who obnoxiously park in disabled parking spaces and have no tags or placard and not people who have them but seem able bodied. I had a woman ask me jokingly, what's wrong with you and was ready to ask her if she could see inside of my body? And I've had people who weren't even friends ask me why I have it, as in "what's wrong with you"? You barely know me, so "what's wrong with you" for thinking it's remotely appropriate to ask me that question?

  41. I doubt James smokes. That was a CHARACTER he played in a MOVIE.

  42. James Dean recorded a anti speeding psa weeks before he died. After urging people to drive more cautiously he states: "The life you save could be mine." This is pretty well known not only amongst fans of Dean but many classic film aficionados as well. Franco probably is pretty aware of this clip. This seems to me to be somewhat contrived behavior from someone who has similar qualities to Dean in their public and private personas.

  43. Ha, ha! Good for him. Full disclosure, I once followed someone who turned left from the right hand lane cutting me off. I didn't threaten her but I did tell her that she was a very bad driver. I've only done it the one time, but for some reason I just snapped. I guess I'm lucky she wasn't bringing a gun into Costco, but I took my chance there.
