Friday, April 08, 2011

John Edwards Says Suicide Is Better Than Jail

The Enquirer won't give up on printing John Edwards stories. I think the public has pretty much lost their appetite for the stories by now. There has really been nothing new, and unless the sex tapes show John Edwards riding an elephant naked screaming, "I love riding Republicans," I don't think there is much juice left. But, since they have reporters to pay, stories must be dug and in the latest installment of the continuing saga, Edwards allegedly said he would kill himself rather than go to jail. Talk about someone selfish. He would leave behind his two kids who lost their mother and his latest child who will have to grow up solo with Rielle? I mean how much prison time in a luxury federal prison is Edwards looking at? A couple of years? Please. He could do that and it is not like he would be poor when he gets out struggling to find a job. Hire a publicist, confess all to Oprah and go make millions speaking about how he did terrible things. I love the wedding ring pose in this photo. Please.


  1. Nice dye job buttwipe! How much did that cost on top of your haircut?

  2. Oh no, I'll continue reading. It's fun to watch a cheater squirm.

  3. Puh-leeze! Edwards isn't going to off-himself. He might make a half-hearted attempt with pills, but nothing that would work, or mess up that pretty face. Plus, like Enty says, he isn't going to a state pen with real criminals. He'll go to a country club prison that's more like a dorm than anything. Of course when you're as rich and spoiled as Edwards is, I'm sure that will seem like the bowels of hell. He wouldn't last two hours in a real prison. That boy's a natural-born bottom if I ever saw one.

  4. How does he know until he tries both jail and suicide to see which one works out the best?

  5. maybe not for him it wouldn't be bad, but for regular people like us? i agree. I'd kill myself too- I am a Martial Artist, and I still wouldn't survive 2 years in County. I'd rather die than be some huge lady's bitch.

  6. They're kinda the same thing, if you think about it.

  7. I don't buy it. Sure, I can see him saying something like that for attention, but I don't believe for a second he would actually follow through on suicide. He is way too much of a narcissist to off himself.

  8. I just did over 7 months in cook county jail - and it was bad... but not as bad as death.

  9. That selfish bastard LOVES HIMSELF just too much to do anything that might cause himself any discomfort. I just want to slap the shit out of him and kick him in the crotch. Seriously.

  10. Really pisses me off when people like this asshole talk about suicide like it ain't no thang. He's obviously still in his right mind, so yes, to talk about suicide as preferable to jail IS selfish, because he doesn't MEAN it. Asshole!

  11. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I'd kill myself. The thought of having to use those out in the open toilets......

    What did he do? I thought all he had done was cheat on his cancer-stricken wife.

  12. Martha Stewart survived, so can he. Just take up a hobby John, it's what we common folk do.

  13. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Anita, I think their is some questions about money that was contributed when he was running for president.

    Regarding the asshole. He is a chicken he wouldn't kill himself. Also he is such a hypocrite to be wearing his wedding ring.

  14. selfish & idiot: i'm french but i remember a Rolling Stone mag article about him
    OMG he looked nice, clever & interesting and it's why i don't believe in the journalists about the celebrities now : i hate when the journalists lick the ass of the celebrity

  15. I hope he gets a hefty jail sentence. What happens to him after that, I could care less about.

  16. I hope he gets a hefty jail sentence. What happens to him after that, I could care less about.

  17. Oh, how I wish he would really have to go to federal lock-up.
    I would love for him to have to go to prison and be somones biatch.

    I would hope he'd get someone like Vernon Schillinger from OZ as a bunkmate.

  18. PM, I'm glad you're out and able to post here. Hope there are better things around the corner for you. :)
