Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Levi Johnston Writing A Tell All Because He Is Patriotic

I have heard a lot of self justifications for writing tell all books, but Levi Johnston might win the ultimate prize. Instead of admitting he is writing a tell all about the Palins because he wants money, he wants all of you to know he is writing the book for himself, his son and for the country. Uh huh. I don't want to think I am speaking for all of the country but I don't really want to hear the ramblings of some guy who grasps onto his 15 minutes like they are keeping him alive.

Although I am interested in the behind the scenes drama that played out with the pregnancy and the campaign, I get the feeling a book will never see the light of day and that Levi is hoping for a payoff. Either that or he believes this one last chance to be in the spotlight will keep him there permanently. I don't see why it would though.


  1. Geez. I'm neither a hater nor a fan of Sarah Palin & her family - but whatever this guy does and says that's negative affects his son and I hate that.

  2. This isn't actually that crazy. He knows the real Palin family, and he knows the the completely artificial creation that is broadcast throughout the world on the TeeVee. I'm telling you that he might be sincere in saying the country would benefit from having this bubble popped. Seriously.

  3. Oh, and George Wendt.

  4. RYAN! You're back!

  5. Ryan is back... and he's brought George Wendt with him !!!

  6. i'm neither a palin apologist or fan, but i'm sooo done w/ the hate. if he really wants to do something for the country, how about getting an actual job rather than milking minute 16? i feel for that little baby, seriously.

  7. What can he write about that has not already been said by him in the magazines and interviews that he has done? Wanna be patriotic? Carry your ass down to the recruting station and enlist? Or go back to college and become a teacher/fireman/police officer. Hell, even be a dog catcher, because you, throwing the family of your son-no matter how screwey they may be-under the bus for a few bucks, does not a patriot make.

  8. @ Ryan - I agree completely. I bet he has some interesting stories to tell. And it pisses off the Palin's at the same time. Winner!

  9. I didn't think he could read, let alone write.

    And what Moosefan said!

  10. And I'd like to add to the Palin haters:

    It's all been said.
    And anything more just adds to their time in the spotlight.

  11. I've never really been gone. Busy and lurking a lot.

  12. Doesn't Bristol have her own book deal? One that will talk about Levi? Why can't he have his own book and tell his side?

  13. I gotta agree this is for a payoff. It'll be as exciting as powdered milk after Palin gets paying him off.

  14. Anonymous10:38 AM

    The desperation he emits is just so .... well I can't say "sad" because with sad comes sympathy and I can't give him that. Pathetic is the best word. He's just so pathetic. He wants in the spotlight so badly. He should hang out with Jon Gosselin and Michael Lohan and create some sort of unemployed (and unemployable) club.

  15. He doesn't have to write, or read. He only has to spill. And he should. I vote for exposing hypocrisy at every opportunity! And I don't care if he gets paid for it.

  16. Isn't this his 2nd book? Or does having the first one squashed by Caribou Barbie make this the first one?
    Regardless - if this actually sees the light of publication (barring injunction/payoff) it'll be interesting to see what tallies with previous articles.
    And with that, I have one thing to say to Levi - the patriotism excuse didn't fly with Gingrich trying to explain his mistresses, so what in God's name makes you think it's gonna work for you?

  17. Please don't tell me we're stuck with Lindsay as the last post of the day. Anyone but her.

    I'm punching out for the rest of the day.

  18. Moosefan has it exactly right!

  19. Sarah Palin gave Levi herpes

  20. Thank you Susan and Patty! (wavin' at ya)

  21. Wavin' right back at ya!

  22. Moosefan has a very good point. I agree.

  23. It comes off as desperate but it doesn't bother me. Both sides run each others names through mud. He's just a deadbeat dad and they are a high profile family who sell out to the media. Wasn't DWTS for money? It doesn't mean one side is right and the other is wrong.

    Boo hoo. Don't bring your kids into politics because it's dirty.

  24. this kid got a taste of fame and he can't let it go.

    He should just try to get his GED get a blue collar job and live quietly and give his son some normalcy that the Palins will never give the baby.

    But that will never happen.

  25. WHat does a 19 year old know? He doesn't know anything. DO you remember when you were 19? Please

  26. Are they still doing Sureal Life? I think between Jon Gosslin, Blohan's dad and Levi that we might have some new people for the show.

  27. @Jamie's Girl -- I think it's safe to say that, at the age of nineteen, most of US weren't:

    A) the ex-boyfriend of a shady Vice Presidential candidate.

    B) a former Playgirl centerfold.

    C) the parent of a toddler (a toddler with a questionable name, but that's beside the point).

    D) being courted by publishers, despite a complete lack of verbal ability.

    E) living off pure notoriety, rather than hard work and/or talent.

    Just sayin.'

  28. Does Levi really think that he - a former boyfriend of the daughter of a political candidate, who has trashed his girlfriend's family for years, who's barely seen his infant son while he tooled around Hollywood trying to make it big on his "looks", who is a high school dropout with no job, no job prospects, or no formal education - does he really thing the American public is going to run out and purchase his book with breathless anticipation of all the "secrets" he's going to reveal and throw millions of dollars at him for the privilege of doing so???

    Anything to stay in the spotlight - at all costs. Because it's much easier to "write" a book and spill "secrets" (I highly doubt there is much that hasn't already been said) than to flip burgers. If Levi truly had something damaging about the Palin family, don't you think he would have spilled his guts about it already?? It's not like he didn't have the opportunity - several times.

    If he wants his son to truly respect him, he might try going back to school and getting an education. But that would be too difficult, and he wouldn't be getting his picture in the paper for that.

  29. *that should read "the ex-boyfriend of a shady Vice Presidential candidate's DAUGHTER."

    I had to edit my comment, because I know some smartass is gonna point it out. ;-)

  30. He has to do this now because Sarah's stock is falling faster by the day. Even GOP leaders consider her an embarrasment. They have for a long time.

    Scare-a Palin's 15 minutes ARE just about up......

  31. I thought he signed off his paternal rights to the child's mom. Anything he writes will be suspect. What a douche.

  32. I'm just not that interested in Sarah Palin anymore. I was never a fan, but there was a time when she was relevant and it made sense for there to be tons of gossip floating around, parodies made, etc. There would have to be something pretty f*cking spectacular and shocking in this book for me to be interested in reading it.

  33. If the Palin kids are allowed to harrass on twitter and Facebook their school friends, bash them for being gay, and on top of that, get hired and paid outrageous amounts of money for being role models (gag me with a spoon!), then... Why can't Levi write or spill his all to someone who can write, about that horrendous 'family' who spends americans' dollars like it was their due?

    For all the hypocrisy, I would definitely encourage a Levi Johnston to spill all at the right time, so once and for all, the country could start looking up to better, and more intelligent, candidates, no matter they be leftist or rightist. Just a more intelligent candidate than the average Joe (not Joe the plumber), someone people could actually admire, and aim to become as good as.

    Let's be done once and for all with the international running joke that the US had become because of their misplaced trust in the likes of the Palins.

  34. You know anything interesting from the book will be up on all the gossip blogs the day it comes out. Definitely not going to buy this one.

  35. They are every bit as trashy as he is. I'm kinda entertained by the back-and-forth antics between Levi and the Palin family. I can't help laughing at what a thorn Levi is in Sarah's side.

  36. Rita, I think I love you. That was perfect. Thank you.

  37. As far as better candidates, McCain should have run on his Moderate record and picked a woman like Olympia Snowe or Susan Collins.
    I'm a total Democrat, but as a woman, I was dumbfounded that with proven, legitimate female GOP lawmakers out there, he went with a half-term governor/former pageant gal.
    IMO, SP feeds the worst of the female stereotype: Nice to look at, easy to dismiss...catty and bitter...ill-tempered and reactionary.

    I just thinks she sets women back in every way. JMO, not trying to start a fight.

  38. Rita, well said. If he is good enough to be engaged to the VP candidate when she was so sure she was going to WH then he's good enough now. Neither of them has changed but the Palin's don't have to pretend anymore.

  39. Right on Rita and Libby!

  40. Right back at you Libby!

    And thank you Rose and Katja!

    No matter your political inclinations, women must be better represented, let alone Americans. It is really time to take back the country, and go back to what the Founding Fathers had preached and put down on paper: Separation of Church and State. Keep YOUR interpretation of religion out of politics, and represent the best of people, in giving them a better life in their own country. Not overseas.

  41. Gross. I know he has either chaw or snuff in that nasty mouth.

    (I do not like the Palins but this clown and his not-worth-full-frontal peen ain't much better...)

  42. Rita, actually the separation of church and state is NOT in the constitution as much as I (and lots of others) wish it were so.

    Here's the original phase:The First Amendment to the Constitution states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
    And for more..Here's Wiki to 'splain.

  43. I think he probably has a lot of good stories to tell about his experiences with fame. Surely he picked up a few things about celebrity from the whole affair, and considering that his child's grandmother is the President of Right-Wing America, he probably has some funny things to say about Her Majesty.

  44. It's always competition to see who can upstage each other or have the last word in...so ridiculous, both sides.

    I don't think Levi will be revealing anything that we hadn't already heard before. I could have sworn he already did a book before?? Maybe I just recall a mash up of quotes from him on his World Man Whore Tour.

  45. @Ryan - George Wendt was an answer to one of our Trivial Pursuit questions a few weeks ago. I thought of you when I saw it. HA!... :)

  46. @MCH Damn, starting to feel famous. LOL.

  47. No matter what he writes, it will only serve to keep the Palins in the press for a little bit longer. I am sure they don't mind the attention.

  48. Libby, that was beautifully put. Thank you. :)

  49. Screw Levi and the Palins. They are all just desperate, irrelevant famewhores, all of whom cling to their fifteenth minute... especially Levi and Sarah herself.

    I wish they would all shut the fuck up and go away back into Alaskan obscurity where they belong. If I wanted to watch white trash duke it out, I'd turn on MTV.
