Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Hurt By Betty White Comments

I am actually surprised that we have not heard from Dina Lohan on this issue. She usually rushes to her daughter's defense when someone dares say anything about Lindsay. Earlier this week, Betty White gave an interview to the Daily Mail and said the following about Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan.

"They party too much, don't learn their lines, are unprofessional and they grumble about everything. I think they are terribly ungrateful. I cannot stand the people who get wonderful starts in show business, and who abuse it. Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen, for example, although there are plenty of others, too. They are the most blessed people in the world and they don't appreciate it."

For her part, Lindsay said, "I've always been a fan of hers. It's just a bit strange when people feel they must speak publicly about others. Especially a grown woman." Yeah, well if she had something nice to say about Lindsay, then I don't think Lindsay would have minded that Betty said it publicly. She just can't handle the truth. Wow, a Jack Nicholson line. Going to be a good day when Nicholson lines start popping in your head.


  1. Completely despise Lindsay and her family. Totally not surprised she felt the need to "comment" on someone else's opinioin about her. It's the only way she can get herself some more coverage (since she's obviously not working!)

  2. Look at what Betty had done at this age versus what LiLo has done. Enough said.

  3. I think most people, myself included, are Team Betty. Her comments were right on and given her experience and professionalism, not many people are going to disagree with her.

    Lindsay and Charlie need to stop acting so entitled. They don't deserve to be where they are. Sure, they've put in some hard work but mostly it's just luck.

  4. But its TRUE, so many ungrateful actors out there just abusing their fame, when there are a million struggling others who would be much more gracious given the opportunity.

  5. Lindsay to orange oprah:
    Mommie, they are making fun of me again
    OO: lets sue her
    LL: sounds awesome mommie. we should get lots of money because Betty White has worked her whole life, is adored by zillions of fans, and doesn't do drugs & boozing ... so she should have enough to bankroll us for a year or two ... plus look at all the free publicity we will get
    OO: I'm on it dear (with $$ signs in her eyes)

  6. Betty speaks the truth.

  7. Team Betty all the way! *L*

  8. Lindsay wasted her career. She'll never get the big roles again because there are too many good young actresses out there who are not alcoholic drug addicts. For instance Saorise Ronan who was great in "Hanna". Check it out.

  9. Who explained to Lindsay what "unprofessional" means?

    Team Betty here.

  10. Oh, i have been watching the match game a lot and Betty is simply adorable! She was always a classy (hrm-hrm) broad!

  11. Exactly Looserdude. By the time all her legal troubles are over (if they're ever over) she'll be almost 30. 30 is considered ancient in Hollywood. There are thousands of young women in the industry in their 20's (that look appropriately like their in their 20's - EI: Jennifer Lawrence) and these are the people that will get hired.

    Lindsay's career is OVER.

    And she did it to herself. Natalie Portman, Anne Hathaway, Mila Kunis never behaved the way Lindsay did and their careers are thriving.

  12. HAH, White Oprah hasn't spoken because she knows if she opens her mouth, Betty will unload on HER next. Team Betty!

  13. I want to know if that's a real Hermes....and how that bitch can afford it.........
    Betty is right Lindsay had the same chance...in fact she had more than one and blew them all....she has no one but herself to blame....
    With all the new talent coming up she should just fade into the sunset...she's over.

  14. Aaaawwwww, bless her little cotton socks!!

  15. Big surprise. Lindsay's feelings are hurt again because someone is calling her on her bullshit.
    And did she just say it was strange for a grown woman to speak publicly about someone else? Isn't that we she JUST did in return? Oh Lindsay. You are so completely oblivious. And OVER.

  16. @MISCH - I think that Hermes is from her famous days of yore. I've seen super old pics of her with it.

  17. "It's just a bit strange when people feel they must speak publicly about others. Especially a grown woman."

    Because infants can't form sentences, yet they still have more common sense than you Lindsey.

    Team Betty, as if there's any doubt.

  18. To Lindsay: You know, you're a "grown woman" too...or at least you should be acting like once considering your age. So your stupid comment is just that - stupid. That's the type of saying people use when it's an adult picking on a child. Sure, you act like a 13 year old, but you're over 18 & look closer to 50 in looks. Betty's comments were dead-on. They were not petty or immature, just the truth. It's a shame that you'll never have that much class or brain power. Next time you fall down in NYC please fall down a hole, as I'm tired of you taking up space.

  19. Lindsay, you're a grown woman too. Act like it.

  20. LL has had that Birkin for years. I remember her carrying it in Paris when she was stalking Lance Armstrong. Look how banged up it is.

  21. Lindsay's just jealous that an 89 yr old woman is more popular than she is.

  22. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Team Betty. She speaks the truth.

  23. Lohan doesn't get the irony of referring to White as a "grown woman." Lohan herself is 26 and counting -- she's over the hill for her branch of the industry.

  24. Why is Lindsay acting like this is the first she's heard of this?
    IS this the first she's heard of this?

    Betty is just reminding them that acting is still a JOB. You still have to work once you get famous.

  25. I'm Team Betty too. When I think of all of the young actors and actresses equally as talented who will NEVER hit the big time, but still will continue to work in the profession because they love it--it makes me sick to see the lucky ones (Lindsey, Charlie, all of the reality show numbskulls and others) take their luck for granted. Because a lot of their success is based on luck, as well as talent.

  26. Betty is just calling you the asshole that you are Lindsay.

  27. Lindsay actually had time to make a statement? I'm surprised. Shouldn't she be telling TMZ or Radar that she's up for a VERY BIG PART in Peter Jackson's "The Hobbitt?"

  28. Lindsay's on Google alert for sure. She's read every horrible thing written about her.

  29. Anonymous1:21 PM

    She's either owned that purse for years or, like Louis Vuitton sends Gucci purses to Snooki, Chanel sent LL that purse.

    I'd kill for it.

  30. Oh, just go scrub yourself with some goddamn soap and water, you dirty little thieving whore!

    (Lindsay, not Enty)

  31. I think this is pretty much the same exact response she gave the last time someone bad mouthed her to the press.

    Betty speaks the truth, Lindsay. As a grown woman, perhaps you should listen.

  32. People always ask why celebs comment on the business of other celebs. If you watch TMZ on TV, you know it's because the paps are constantly asking them questions about each other. I doubt Betty just decided to issue a press release about them - I'm sure she was just being polite and answering a question that was posed to her.

  33. Lilo doesn't understand the concept of public condemnation for bad behavior. In her world if you can't say something nice about her, stfu. She will be stunned when she's sentenced to 3 years in a prison and have no clue why people are picking on her. Clueless. At this point you can't blame the parents, she's 25 and ALL her crimes were committed as an adult.

    She needs a publicist so she stops responding to people who are pointing out the obvious. It makes her look even more stupid if that's even possible at this point.
