Monday, April 25, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Is Whining Again

Apparently Lindsay Lohan thinks the only reason she is having a tough time is because she is a celebrity. I am not sure how much celebrity she has left. She says that she is being punished only because she is a celebrity. Actually I think because she is somewhat of a celebrity and apparently has some funds left from fencing other stuff that she has managed to keep herself out of jail a lot longer than other people in the same position would be able to do. Yes, she got sentenced to 120 days in jail on Friday, but because she has money she appealed and posted bond. Not everyone would be able to do that and certainly not do it as quickly. I don't know why she thought she was not going to go to jail. Even though the judge dropped the felony down to a misdemeanor, the fact is that because the judge thought there was intent to steal, Lindsay violated her probation. It is the same for everyone. Perhaps instead of thinking she is being hassled because she is a celebrity she might try to actually pay for necklaces she likes in stores. Oh, and do the classes the previous judge assigned. That is what this all comes down to. Lindsay drank in violation of the court's order. Lindsay did not go to classes in violation of the court's order. She has had numerous chances and blown them all. I predict she will be spending a lot more time in jail because there is no way she will ever comply with the community service. If she could not make a few classes, there is no way she will do 480 hours of community service.


  1. Everyone is out to get poor Lindsay! Oh no!!!

    I want to smack her so fucking hard.

  2. Poor Linds. I don't know why everyone is always picking on her.

    How can someone be so clueless? Oh - right. Drugs and alcohol. And Dina. Got it.

  3. So LL "accidentally" walked out of a jewelry store wearing a necklace she didn't pay for, but at some point after she got home she had to have noticed like "Oh my gosh! Where did this necklace come from? Did the angels drop it down on me from heaven?" So at what point after "accidentally" getting home with something that she hadn't paid for was she obligated to return it? Hmmm, two weeks. huh? This is such total bullshit. The legal system in LA is broken, but that's not news.

  4. Having a hard time because she's a celebrity? I find so many things wrong with that statement.

    For starters, Lindsay is getting off WAY easier than any of us "regular" folk would ever have. We'd all have been locked up the minute we violated our probation and our asses would still be sitting in jail awaiting trial.

    Second- celebrity? Who is she trying to fool? Kid, you've had more mugshots than you have had movie posters. You did Mean Girls like seven years ago and let's face it, that was your last great accomplishment.

    I wish Lindsay Lohan and her white trash family would just go back under the rock on Long Island that they crawled out from under already.

  5. Give it a rest Lindsay...

    I just read that Oliver Stone is casting John Travolta and Uma Thurman in a project starting to film in July...Savages...from a book by Don Winslow, that alone says fantastic...

    So where does that leave Gotti ?

  6. We would all be rotting in jail for the crap this stupid bitch has pulled over the years. Enough already, don't do the crime if you cannot do the time you stupid idiot.

  7. Lindsay has a Ph.D in Victimology. Don't people realize the DA is just using this case as self-promotion in her bid for re-election? Lindsay's the victim of a "witch hunt!" She says so herself!

  8. I don't understand what happened. Is she out on bail and still has to do the 120 days? How do you get out on bail when you're serving time? Usually she gets out after 5 hours due to over population.

  9. Anonymous9:59 AM

    meh. next. unfortunately, i get the feeling 2012 will be the last we hear of lilo.

  10. Charlie Sheen is "Winning!"
    Lindsay Lohan is "Whining!"

  11. She is such a stupid twit. The kind of "celebrity" she has now sunk to is that of "notoriously sneaky whining white trash bitch" celebrity. Who could ever trust her?

    Oh and btw, did any of the paps follow her to her imaginary church on Easter Sunday? She was suddenly so religious about Good Friday. I'd love to know where she went for the Holy of Holy days in the Chrisitan calendar.

    Oh wait, I forgot. Its the Church of Lohan.

  12. She's a Cocaine Whore. I'm saying that just so everyone doesn't think I think she is a Coca Cola Whore.

  13. Winona Ryder didn't get off scot free, and she was the bigger star. How does Lindsay get away with all this crap? She can't possibly have enough money left from her movies/cd sales, can she?

  14. If we ignore her, she will fade away. She's the LAPD/DA problem. Let them have her.

  15. She could have gone to jail, come out of jail and been on with her life long ago. Think of the money she would have saved! Paying lawyers is never fun.

  16. Execute her parents, throw her in a mental hospital hooked up to mind-numbing drugs for the rest of her life, and give her sister a lobotomy and put her in Witness Protection.

    Problem solved.


  18. I don't understand how she could appeal the judge's ruling that she violated her probation. Who hears the appeal? The same judge? Some sort of probation committee?

  19. Lindsay is having a tough time because she keeps breaking the law! DUH!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Lindsay Lohan thinks of herself as an actor who's had some trouble with the law. I think of her as a criminal who's had some success acting.
