Friday, April 22, 2011

Military Music Videos Never Get Old

Last year there were a rash of music videos from members of the military not only from the US, but from other countries too. It was really fun and then I think some generals got their underwear in a twist and they all seemed to stop really abruptly. Now though we have this from some members of the US Marines and Hold It Against Me from Britney Spears. Love it.


  1. I have many thoughts right now, but I'll only express one of them:

    How in the hell do SO many different people know the words to that song? Personally, I can only bear to listen to it for approximately ten seconds.

  2. Look, these guys deserve all the recognition and support they can get. But - I have to question if this will get them in trouble. I really do. I want to recommend you to check with someone, anyone, to be sure by posting this there is no harm done. It concerns me. It really does.

    As always, love the site! Love and Bacon always!!

  3. it was cute and funny the generals need to realize how hard it is over there and boredom must set in pretty quick. Better to do a video then torture prisoners. But I guess the Generals would prefer that.

  4. Not only are they risking their lives but they're also seriously endangering their brain cells by listening to and lip syncing to that crap.
    Regardless, thank you to every participant for your service in the Armed Forces.
    But please...come back safe and whole and WITHOUT BRITNEY!

  5. I think this is fabulous. Now, Britney's camp needs to send them something thanking them for being fans and making her song so enjoyable. Where are the days of Bob Hope and touring just for the purpose of thanking the troops?! Sigh.

  6. I think that Britney needs to do a USO tour and go give these men and women some love for doing this. It was great, posted it to Facebook! : )

  7. Great Video and Great Site!

  8. I also never get bored of military people doing music videos. Too funny!

  9. Anonymous4:33 PM

    You know what... good for them! They are in the middle of nowhere in the desert away from family and friends and modern civilization.... a coffee run ain't the same there. Plus it's a great way to blow off some steam!!

    I for one still love the Kosovo/Kokomo video!!

  10. I love this, these men and women rule!! I cannot even imagine what it is like for them over there!! if doing these videos brings them some fun and laughs then keep on doing them!!

    oh,and brit-brit sucks!!! I can't believe how horrible she sounds

  11. I saw this posted on one of my FB friends walls earlier today, I thought it was much better then Britneys version.

  12. I love the fist-pumping hip shakers against the sky. Really made me lol.

  13. So this is where my tax dollars go? And they want pay increases? Fuck that noise.

  14. Don't be silly Nightmare Child. They get time off over there.

  15. Yeah, I really don't care. Shit like this is why I DON'T support them. They could be doing more productive things.

  16. Anonymous4:17 PM

    @ The Nightmare Child..are you fucking kidding me..if you saw/did what they have to and suffer lifetime effects from doing so just to ensure that you n your fam can have the right to live in a society where you can vote, celebrate your faith w/o fear, and you're pissy bc they had a lil fun. You think permanently mentally and/or physically damaging themselves to do all this is not worth a pay increase. Fuck you and your ungrateful self. btw I'm not even American and right now I feel alot more patriotic that you ..

  17. Nightmare Child is just trying to get a rise out of everyone.

    This video is awesome and I posted it on FB. So glad to see these folks having a little fun and you know what? They were all great!

    My next door neighbor's son go blown up in a Humvee attack in Afganistan a few months back. He will recover, but all of the others in the vehicle were killed. He is 19 years old. The others were about the same. He went there because his parents are total losers and he wanted to make something out of his life and pay for college.

    Thanks to people like my dad and my father-in-law, we are all here speaking English instead of German or Japanese. The next time you think of not supporting the troops think of where you would be now without the brave soldiers who protect you and your family from harm.

  18. @Ice Angel...thank you. My child is serving in Afghanistan and it's comforting to know that there are people here on this blog, supporting our Military.

    Somedays I dread going home; don't know what I'd do if I saw an official car in my driveway...

  19. wow they are so young
