Friday, April 22, 2011

Open Bar At Weston Cage's Wedding

Weston Cage aka Cousin It, could have just got married really quietly this weekend to his girlfriend Nikki Williams. Instead he announced the pair were getting married this Sunday. You know, because no one else really has any plans on Easter anyway. What probably would have been a quiet wedding will now be a pap circus. Why? Nic Cage and an open bar? This just screams for some media attention. There is nothing like a good Easter wedding celebration where the new father-in-law makes an ass of himself, throws cake at the wedding guests and then screams at his current wife while maybe making some moves on an ex-girlfriend. Way, way better than an Easter egg hunt.


  1. *shrugs*

    Well, I'M going to a party on Sunday, and Jesus isn't invited. So what?

    Not everyone participates in religious holidays, and I've actually known (weirdos) who've had weddings on Sunday -- but YES, the younger Cage is an odd young man.

    A more pressing matter: is that his REAL hair? It's extraordinary!

  2. who in this day and age gets married at 20. Seems the crazy apple hasn't fallen far from the crazy tree.

  3. who is his mother?

  4. He looks just like his freaky Daddy but with A WHOLE LOT MORE HAIR. Let's hope Nic does not make a complete ass out of himself at his son's wedding. Easter Sunday for a wedding is WEIRD.

  5. She looks like Hilary Duff in that picture...

  6. @timebob I agree, oddly I have two friends who got married at 18 and the other one a year ago at 20 years old. Why the rush?

  7. I have friends who got married on a Sunday because it was more religious. And now they have a very traditional marriage in that I think they will stay companions for life but I don't believe there is anything sexual going on. They have children so I admire their dedication to their family.

  8. I can only hope that someone films it, then leaks it to TMZ. I can just see Nic drunkly burning the brides veil or stomping on the wedding cake.

  9. It is also less expensive to get married on a Sunday....

  10. What the hell is a Weston Cage?

  11. I got married on a Sunday, and I'm not a weirdo. The Saturday I wanted was booked, and they had no available saturdays for months.

  12. Is she Goth like him? I thought he was into the Goth life. Whatever that means.

  13. Rickatoo, it's

    Enjoy that mop of hair while it lasts, kid.

  14. Isn't Nic Cage jewish? If so, then a Sunday wedding is common. Jews don't get married on Saturdays (unless it's Sat night after sundown), because Saturday - not Sunday - is the Sabbath. And if you're Jewish - why the hell NOT get married on Easter? Easter is just another Sunday, and it's a Sunday when a lot of your jewish friends have nothing to do.

  15. Nicolas Cage was raised Catholic...

  16. and some jews do get married on Saturdays.

  17. I know quite a few people who got married on Sunday. It's cheaper.
