Friday, April 01, 2011

Pro Tennis Player Hits Ball At Crying Baby

During his quarterfinal match on Wednesday night, David Ferrer was struggling with his serve. I have that problem too. I can't lift the Wii controller above my head so I invariably have to serve underhand. Then of course my mom swoops in and kills it. Don't laugh. That woman is sprightly for her age. Housedress flowing, cigarette hanging from her mouth, my mom has some skillz. I have always wanted to spell it that way. It is also how I imagine everything in the Swiss Beatz house is spelled. Everything is zed-ified. (That is for my Canadian friends) "Letz go to the park and play on the swingz."

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah. So, there is this baby crying during the match and David had enough of the baby. After losing his serve, he launched a ball in the stands towards the direction of the baby. He did not come close to the baby, but did hit Shakira who was on the lookout for another tennis player to date. The woman is obsessed with tennis. Shakira was hit and immediately stood up and said, "I was hit. These hips don't lie."

Here is the video below, and David apologized later for the incident. The baby did stop crying.


  1. What an asshole!! I've never been to a tennis match, maybe should security have asked the family with the baby to leave?

  2. Agreed, RQ. Asshole but yet, perhaps a tennis match isn't an appropriate place for a baby.

  3. Another event snatched right off the msn homepage from yesterday....

  4. Yeah, a tennis match is not a good place for a baby. I really hate when adults have unrealistic expectations for children/babies. That kid does not want to sit quietly and watch tennis for hours. I'd be bored out of my mind and have a hard time sitting still & I'm an adult.

    That being said, launching a tennis ball at said child is douchetastic to say the least. Passive/aggressive much? As a pro playing an important match, I'm sure he could've asked the line judge to do something about it.

  5. Could have been me. I'm tired of screaming brats in public places. But, it's like dogs, and cats. You can't blame the dog.

  6. Good point, Ms. Cool/chopchop. In fact, maybe they shouldn't even be allowed in the first place unless they're over a certain age?

  7. he didn't do the right thing, but hey, neither did the asshole who didn't immediately remove the crying baby from the match. what's WRONG with people?? that's the LAST PLACE a baby should be.

    get a sitter or stay the fuck home.

  8. I agree with the majority, the baby didn't below at the tennis match to begin with.

  9. Sabotage! Tonya Harding style. The baby is the sledgehammer.

  10. Makes me think of an old episode of M*A*S*H where Hawkeye is on a bus with Koreans and they have to be silent but a woman has a chicken that keeps squawking (sp?) so she smothers it. Turned out to be her baby...

  11. Aside from the selfishness of the parents, why didn't an usher ask them to leave? This would not have happened at the U.S. Open - the employees there mean business.

  12. He shouldn't have done it and that's all. Yes, the baby was crying--deal with it. It's a public event, children are part of the public. It's not a movie theatre, it's an outdoor event. He was out of line in a massive way.

  13. I kind of agree with you, von. While I wouldn't bring a baby to a tennis match, as long as there are no rules against it (and maybe there are? I've never been to one), he should have just dealt with it like his opponent was - by tuning it out.

  14. The guy is a douche, but personally I don't understand people who bring babies to sporting events where it is so loud. Bad for the baby.

  15. Who the hell would bring a baby to a tennis match? If you love tennis enough, you'll find a god damn sitter. I don't blame David Ferrer for losing his shit.

  16. I'm surprised the officials didn't ask the person with the baby to leave - they're usually in charge of maintaining order during the matches.

    And for those people who say Enty isn't writing the blog anymore, this post is classic Enty writing with the zed-ifying. :)

  17. @ ChopChop - I am going to have to steal Douchetastic from you...Awesome and made me lol. I also agree I am sick and tired of having every movie, play, meal out, church, etc interrupted by a screaming baby. Seriously, I am a Mother of four and I have had enough. Take your child out when this starts or better yet get a sitter if at all possibly. If not, stay home.

  18. Dude, how about you pick your crying baby up and go to the bathroom. You are a rude, obnoxious prick to bring a baby to a tennis match.

  19. I can't count all the times I've wanted to do that to whiny kids. I don't DO it. But I've often wanted to.

  20. i know that venue well...surprisingly good acoustics, amphitheater style, so of course everyone heard the baby. but i'm sorry, as much as i'd love to be in 87°F miami weather right now, family in tow, a tennis match is just no place for a child. it may not be illegal, but there is protocol involved. same applies to concerts.

  21. While kids at tennis matches are annoying, Ferrer has anger management issues - likely stemming from steroid abuse. Like some of the other members of the Spanish Armada *cough* Nadal *cough*, in tennis circles it's assumed that Ferrer is HGH'd up.

  22. when did shakira dated a tennis player? She was with antonio de la rua for like 10 years and now she's dating pique, who is a footballer

  23. While I'd never bring my kids to a tennis match, it's hilarious that many people here are so outraged by people bringing their kids to public places. Um, weren't you all kids once? And I'm sure you all cried at least a few times in public. Get over yourselves! Kids are a part of life-deal with it and stop being so uptight!

  24. luuuuuu24, supposedly she was with Nadal around the time he was in one of her videos. It would have been around the time her last relationship was ending.

  25. Why should the rest of the public have to suffer because people can't use condoms? I think that kid's parents should have been ordered to leave. I really hope in the future parents will be fined for shit like this.

  26. I don't really care that they brought the kid, but once it started crying, they should have left. I'm wondering what would have happened if this were The Masters? I don't care if it's a public forum or not. If it's a distraction to your seat mates and especially the players, it is rude not to get up and take the baby out.

    That being said, throwing a ball at a baby is horrible.

  27. I would have aimed for whoever was holding the brat.
