Monday, April 25, 2011

Random Photos Part Three

Eric Roberts has given up magic mushrooms. Now moving on to sushi.
Some Easter volunteers at the homeless shelter. The Duff sisters.
Zoe Saldana and
The one and only Donal Logue.
Heidi Klum goes all out for every holiday and Easter is no exception.
Hayden P at the premiere of a movie about her boyfriend.
Jessica Alba in actress mode and
in mommy mode.
Speaking of mom's, I am not sure Jenelle is ready for a dog.
What do you have to do to get your hands on Kelsey Grammer's millions? Grab his ass.


  1. A German Shepard puppy and a little baby? Oh man, I hops she is good with dogs...

  2. I could do without any private photo of Kelsey Grammar. Yuck! But love him on screen.

  3. That's the first mommy picture of a star where it really looks like a mommy, not a star acting like mommy for the camera.

  4. That poor (very cute) puppy. It doesn't stand a chance.

  5. That bunny's trying to put the moves on Jessica Alba.

    Can't say I blame him.

  6. Cash's looks have improved.

  7. WTF is Alba wearing in that first pic??

  8. Holy crap, Honor's actually SMILING in a picture with Alba.
