Tuesday, April 05, 2011

This Week Sean Hayes Will Play Larry In The Three Stooges

The last time everyone started casting The Three Stooges there were names like Sean Penn (divorce drama and alcohol killed that one), Jim Carrey and Benicio del Toro that were set to play the parts. Now, it is Will Sasso and the latest addition is Sean Hayes. This has gone from a very dark version of The Stooges to something that seems will be light and more funny. I don't see Sean Penn or Benicio doing comedy. The last time Sean Penn was funny was when he asked a hooker if she would take a check or f**k him on credit.

Sean Hayes as Larry is an interesting choice. To me he will always be Jack. I did see him in Promises Promises on Broadway and he was great in it, but it seemed to be just an extension of Jack. I just hope they finally get this thing made.


  1. He's actually more than a one note actor - so if this project actually reaches broadcast, I'd be interested in seeing his take on Larry.

  2. I love me some Sean Hayes. and I think he can pull off a lot of different roles, not just campy Jack. Although I did love Jack, too. Jazz hands!!

  3. I think it's pretty great that Will Sasso is cast as Curly-- been fantasy casting him for months.

    However, instead of Hayes though, I was going for Michael Rappaport.


    Not that I'm a particularly huge fan or anything, but Sean Penn was pretty funny in Sweet And Lowdown.

  4. I'll watch if Will, Grace, and Karen are also in the movie.

    Karen - Mo
    Jack - Larry
    Will - Shemp
    Grace - Curly.

  5. @studio gulag - ITA that Michael Rappaport would be great as Larry.

  6. I love Sean Hayes and think he could pull it off.

  7. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I can not picture Sean Hayes as Larry..

  8. I love Will Sasso! I miss MadTV.

  9. Sean was excellent as Jerry Lewis in the Martin and Lewis Biopic a few years back.

  10. GEEZE I have to stop drinking and watching so much tv. I am hungry now.
