Monday, April 18, 2011

When It Comes To Court Hearing's, Lindsay Has Religion

Apparently Lindsay Lohan must have found out drug dealers were offering a discount for Good Friday this week. According to Radar, Lindsay has asked the judge to continue her hearing set for this Friday so she can observe Good Friday. Uh huh. Yeah, I see a photo op coming. Nothing to get people on your side than saying there is no way you can go to court because you have to observe the holy day. All I do know is that whatever church she does decide to visit, they better stock up on wine for communion and announce prior to the start of serving it that it is one shot per person.


  1. Oh, she's a good little Catholic girl, isn't she?


  2. First news about Lindsay that made me laugh in quite awhile. The judge should ask her what Good Friday actually is and then make a decision.

  3. Of course she's going to celebrate Good Friday.

    She's going to get good and fucked up on that Friday.

    It is a high holy day, after all.

  4. *rotflmao*

    That family has unbelievable gall.

    How is the Gotti movie project going? I've seen reports that Victoria has toned down/denied her approval for Lindsay to be in the movie. A Gotti distancing themselves from a Lohan is rich.

  5. Well, Ida, she is a good Catholic girl, at least if you don't listen to Billy Joel (his experience runs counter to my years growing up in Woodhaven, Queens).

  6. I wondered how long it was going to take for her to embrace the Jewish zombie.

  7. Good try...there is no movie part for's all talk on her end...

  8. Can't they just lock this girl up ready, and not let her out until she is completely irrelevant, even to mockery?

  9. Love you Enty, but my professional self (the editor/writer) has to correct you on your headline. "Hearing's" is possessive, not plural. Should have read "Hearings". Sorry; that kind of thing makes me want to scream.

  10. ^^ agree with Reese. Particularly heinous, Enty ;)

    As for this trick, hahahahaha! Honestly, who does she think she's fooling? Does she think this will make her look like less of a criminal to the presiding judge?

  11. @Sevenmack -- they *always* start much too late, right? :-)

    @Reese -- I truly feel your pain, but I'd give up this particular ghost. Enty did NOT major in English. But at least he doesn't pilfer other blogs for content or overuse the word "dong"...

  12. *LOL* Reese, you took the words out of my mouth.

    Didn't Lindsay say she was pretty much Jewish a few years ago?

  13. Argh! I'm so sick of this cunt's self-entitled bullshit. Always asking for special treatment. Always expecting the world to accomodate her every whim. Nothing's ever her fault. Everyone's always picking on her. Blah, blah, blah. STFU.

  14. Lindsay is blowing it. She could use Passover as the excuse and it would last for 7 days. Blow isn't usually cut with flour or wheat products, right?

  15. bullshit she just doesn't want to leave the party at Coachella. Now the bracelet is off she can start putting vodka back in her water bottle.

  16. To quote Bill Maher: "Boy. she got all Christ-y all of a sudden, didn't she?"

  17. Michael is feeding her this garbage. That's all.

    He carries a big thick Bible with him everywhere he goes. Because it's a good item for bashing women upside the head with.

  18. HAHAHA. Give. Me. A. F. BREAK!

  19. hahaha @valerie. Good one!

    I had to re-read the headline like 3 times because I was so confused. Funny that it irked so many of you guys!!

  20. Breaking: TMZ says Nick Cassavetes Is NOW OFF the Gotti movie. John Travolta wants him replaced.


    So long Lindsay. No wonder she was never signed on.

    Better spend Good Friday and Easter Sunday praying for an Easter miracle, b*tch.

    Your gonna need one.

  21. Lindsay was never signed on becuase there is no money to fund this movie or pay the actors or crew.

    Maybe John wants to do it for another Oscar shot. But I really doubt this movie will ever be made unless he pays for it and then there will be a ton of scientology refrences in there.

  22. I'd like what shiny special one said on a Tshirt please, unisex medium. Thank you.

  23. Isn't Good Friday a holiday in the US? Or is it only us long weekend starved Canadians who have turned it into a Stat Holiday?

  24. Reese, et al., I'm right there with you. I'm an editor too. I just can't help it. And apostrophe-S for plural...blurgh.

    Good Friday isn't a national holiday in the US. :( Some companies give it off, some don't...

  25. Why doesn't John Travolta want Nick Cassavetes? Any gossip there?

    Now I'm in the mood for The Notebook.

  26. So she likes to fuck and suck while on blow on Good Friday. So what? I bet she's hellacious in bed.

  27. Nick Cassavetes apparently has a scheduling conflict with another movie. And executive producer Marc Fiore said he would self-finance the film. No budget has been released.
