Friday, May 27, 2011

About This Whole Lindsay House Arrest Thing - 14 Days Of Partying

For hopefully at least the next two weeks there will be no Lindsay Lohan in our world. No pictures of her walking the streets or falling down in a club. No "accidental" topless or flashing photos. For two weeks it should be just Lindsay and her friends, going over to her apartment and drinking and doing drugs to their hearts content.

If you would like to hate the California penal system, this is your chance. Lindsay was arrested and charged with a felony that could have meant many years in jail. She plea bargained her way down to a misdemeanor and four months of jail. However, because of overcrowding and because she is a non violent offender, when she went to jail yesterday, she spent one hour there before being sent home with a house arrest anklet. Not a booze one, so she is free to drink and party. The four months was automatically reduced to 35 days of house arrest, which with good behavior should be reduced to 14 days. So, the bottom line is that for stealing a necklace and facing potential years and years in jail, instead it is two weeks of party time at Lindsay's house. During her house arrest, she is not allowed to perform community service, so literally all she has to do is sleep and party.


  1. Her punishment is that she'll never have a career again. That's all. And probably an OD.

  2. After reading an article on what the overcrowded California prisons are like, I think she's doing less harm where she is. It's not like she would've learned any lesson by going to jail anyway. It's a shame she doesn't have to serve the full four months, though.

  3. im so sick of her and her pretend career. She is on 3 years probation she is going to screw up again. Again, she will get away with it. Becuasse Hollywood is her daddy and daddy should protect her. barf.

  4. She will screw this up. Just wait.

  5. I hope all the criminals in Texas are following this. Move to California. No jail!

  6. It's all complete BS BUT if the anklet keeps her from drinking/drugging and driving then so be it. If she's going to be a screw up, let her continue screwing up her own life vs. killing some innocent driver.

  7. If anyone were to try to get around house arrest and sneak out, it'd be Lindsay. Wouldn't surprise me at all. That's what an incredible fuck up she is these days. Not to mention addicted to if she can go 35 days without anyone seeing her cranked mug. No way. She'll find a way to stir up shit.

  8. She doesn't belong in jail!! Treatment? sure.

    I've mentioned it a few times that I just got out of jail. I am in Chicago and Cook County DOC is just as bad as LA as far as over-crowding goes. Options like this free up jail cells for violent and sexual offenders that badly need to be off of the streets.
    America locks up an embarrassing amount of our citizens. (please look up the statistics!) It is time for reform and I think programs like this are a great start.

  9. I saw a news segment this week on these "bath salts" that are all the rage in NYC and how one guy who was whacked out on them began licking the sidewalks. I immediately thought of this pic of LL. These "bath salts" aren't illegal, but they are lethal!

    As for LL, she will be lucky to live past age 30. I still don't think jail or prison is the best place for addicts. They don't "recover' there. And addicts will never recover if they don't want to. I'm no expert, but it doesn't seem to me like LL wants to recover. So, happy "waste of a life," Lindsay. No do-overs when you're dead.

  10. I hope she OD's, and while she's trashing around in her final death throes, knocks over a candle and burns down her house with her mother and father inside.

  11. @Vicki Cupper -- I'm really not a violent person...but I can dig it.

  12. i'm just so happy for her. she'll have a lot more time to focus on what's really important---reading those piles and piles of scripts she's been too busy to look at.
    best actress oscar 2012, here we come!!

  13. @nancer: That's EXACTLY what TMZ is saying she's doing for the duration of her confinement--reading a stack of scripts to decide on her next project. That, and paint (she stocked up on art supplies) to relieve her "stress."

  14. please email the LA Sheriff and let him know what bullshit this is. ANY of us would be rotting in a jail cell.

    It only takes a minute.

  15. Be careful, Enty - Loser Lindsay is going on the warpath, threatening to sue anyone who says that she's still drinking. If that's the case every gossip blog on the planet should be receiving cease and desist letters first thing in the morning.

  16. If it makes any of you readers here feel any better, that $2500 necklace (which was really only worth around $800 to begin with) wound up costing her $210,000 dollars in laywer and court fees.

    So, at least we have that.

  17. ^^ That does make me feel a little better, Jason :) You'd think this girl would know by now that she gets caught every time she fucks up. Some people break the law every day and never get caught. This one....when will she learn??

  18. RQ, maybe once something actually happens to her as a result of her behavior. so far, that hasn't been the case.

  19. She's got two legs, why can't they have her wear a house arrest anklet on one ankle and a alcohol monitoring device on the other?

    It boggles my mind that Momma and Poppa Lohan are each so self-serving that they are oblivious to the very deep trouble their daughter is in.

  20. Years ago I had to wear one of those ankle monitors (alcohol as well as location monitoring; I could only leave from 8a-6p to work). Was it uncomfortable? Yes. Was it better than sitting in jail? Hell yes! AND... I was only AWAITING trial for a misdemeanor pot possession charge!!!
    I was a ballet dancer for many years and am still skinny as heck so I was actually able to toe-point and slide it off (I hated showering with that damn thing on!) and would put it on my dogs when I was showering, drinking or wanting to leave after hours. It was 3-4 months of HELL!!!
    Felonious bitch should just be glad she’s not sitting in jail.

  21. So now having her party at home is at least saving California some cash. Let her party her brains out.

    Then the day will come when she gets off "house arrest" and emerges back into the public. Since she is basically STUPID she will find a way to get arrested again or OD.

    She's finished.
