Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Angelina & Brad Can't Agree On Marriage

Late last week, Brad Pitt gave an interview where he said the kids were all starting to pressure Brad and Angelina to get married and that Brad felt the time was getting close. In an interview this weekend with The Telegraph, I don't get the feeling that Angelina is quite in the same place. You know, in this case, she might have a point. Much like me, she has some failed marriages under her belt. It took me a good half dozen to get shy about the possibility of more, but, maybe after two Angelina has had enough of the ritual. She did get Brad's location tattooed and she said a bunch of nice things about him this weekend in that interview including that he is a man's man everywhere it counts. Hey, much, much better than saying he could measure up in certain areas.


  1. I thought they weren't going to get married until gays in the States could?

  2. I've been married, and now I live with my partner. The truth is I'm much happier this way...he's never been married so he's all for taking the next step...but for now this is good.

  3. Yeah Sue Ellen, that's always been Brad's big thing.

  4. I think they're doing awesome right now, why risk it with marriage? Seems like it might actually bring them bad luck ;) Then again, I guess I can understand the pressure from kids, and you KNOW Brad is a marrying man...

  5. I'm all for going with whatever living situation you're comfortable with, but somewhere in the back of Brad's brain, there must be a few cells thinking..."you married Billy Bob, but you don't want to marry me???"


  6. Sue Ellen, he said the children are starting to ask them, it's becoming important to the KIDS, that's why it's being considered now. The part of the interview that was left out.

    They'll probably go to Vermont or Canada to do it. That'll fulfill it, in spirit!

  7. Sorry, not 'left out', just it was stressed much more in the full text that he would do it for the kids and they ARE bugging them.

  8. @MISCH - why do you prefer living with someone to being married to them? I ask in all seriousness, since I have never done either, but am at a point where it is becoming a probability.

  9. I think much of this has to do with money and what comes with it. These two have millions all timed up in various assets in the USA and aborad. Getting married means a team of lawyers and accounts will have to go through it all. It also means that both parties will have to disclose assets they do not want public because the IRS then will want a piece.

    When you are making 20mil a year, marriage becomes a different beast than if you only make 20k a year.

  10. @libby

    I understand. I was just pointing out how they shouldn't have put something like that out there when (obviously) the older their kids got, the more they would push for it.

  11. they seem to be happy. (now watch them split up in a month.)

    but really, they DO seem to be happy and loving raising those kids together and they're still hot for each other. if they're struggling with a decision about marriage, i can see why. they've both been there before.

    i'm rooting for them. i hope they're together forever, married or not.

  12. valerie...maybe it's because I was so unhappy when I was married, my fault really I married a very selfish controlling man.
    However I picked someone totally different, he's european, very gentle, kind and allows me to be me without trying to change me. We're together because we choose to be not bound by a contract. it works...

  13. Valerie, my advice is don't get into anything you can't get out of easily until you've lived with someone and know how they are.

    Kids add a whole other dimension though

  14. They have three biological children and have adopted two more together and changed Maddox's last name to Jolie-Pitt. Get married already, they have been together for YEARS.

  15. It seems as if so many people get married because A) they want a bigass wedding, B) they're proud of "possessing" a spouse and enjoy saying the words "my wife/my husband" instead of calling said spouse by her/his actual name, or C) "it seemed like the right thing to do."

    I don't agree with any of those reasons for getting hitched. And count me among those who say that if it ain't broke, then why fix/jinx it by making it "official"?

    A few years ago, I actually had a friend shrug and say "well, we figured it was time to shit or get off the pot" when I expressed surprise at her engagement. Surprise! She's now divorced!

    That said, I think these two are the real deal, and they could easily make it for the long haul. They've been together for SIX YEARS. Maybe their kids just want that extra security that comes along with having married parents, and I can't blame them.

    BUT, if they really want to make it to the altar, I wish they'd campaign a little harder for gay marriage. That's a lovely statement Mr. Pitt uttered a few years ago, and it appears as if none of us have forgotten it. ;-)

  16. I think a lot of people marry for the security they think perceive they will get from marriage. If you are secure in your relationship, especially if kids are involved, there may be no reason to marry to keep the lifestyle they are used to.

    I think kids had a whole other dimension to the equation. Since neither one of them would be living on the streets without the other, they don't need to get married.

    I am curious as to why the kids are urging them to marry.

  17. Since I am (relatively recently) engaged, I will say I want to marry my boyfriend because he is my best friend and I love him. It's nice to know that you have someone in this world that is there for you no matter what. Sure, you can still have that if you aren't married, but I think it makes things (legally) easier in case something happens.

    As far as our wedding is concerned, we are capping it at 50 (max). Family and super close friends only.

  18. Brad is definitley giving me major Robert Evans vibes from that photo.

    I'm also getting a little Marcello Mastroianna vibe from him there too.

  19. @JBE -- "Brad is definitley giving me major Robert Evans vibes from that photo."

    YESSSSSSS! I've been trying to pinpoint who Brad has been reminding me of for WEEKS, now. Now all he needs are a pair of too-short shorts, a few gold chains, and a gigantic hot tub full of starlets.

  20. Sue Ellen, the original remark was not well thought-out probably. But to use such condemning language..."he should have never..." It's always easy to point out when others haven't thought out fully their flip responses to strangers' intruding into their personal lives.

    I've made quite a few such statements that have changed over time and with experience. Why so critical of Brad? It would be great if we were all born with full wisdom, but then what would we do with our lives?

  21. Honestly, I could care less, I just think you have to be really careful when you're in the public eye when you say things like that. They could never get married for all I care. As far as "condemning language" goes. Please.

  22. Also, I never said "never" I said "shouldn't".

  23. This is another attempt at getting people talking about them and speculating, hogging the limelight so to speak. Looks like it's working.

  24. Whether or not he changes his mind, the fact that he made that statement in support of gay marriage still made a difference in a time of big change for the issue. It would be nice if he stuck to it, but even if he doesn't, it did more good than harm.

  25. How about this for win-win? They get married only in a state that allows gay marriage, or they come up to Canada to do it?

  26. some people thrive in marriages and others wilt. I think Angie is good with Brad as long as she isn't legally bound to him. Plus she has enough kids by him to be tied to him to life one way or the other.

    Brad is more old-fashioned and can see him wanting that piece of paper and is just saying the kids want it. Since Angie seems to run that show I am going to say no marriage and will live committed the same as Kurt & Goldie.

  27. RQ, that would be perfect - then maybe voters in states with gay marriage referendums might think they could get celebs to visit if they vote pro-marriage. :)

    Off-topic - the fact that our fucked up MN legislature wants a constitutional amendment against gay marriage makes me want to shoot something. Fuckers.

  28. I was in almost the exact same place. The kids wanted us to get married, I had done it and didn't want to do it again.
    We finally after many years of hemming and hawing decided to leave well enough alone.

  29. Who knows if the kids are bugging them? They both have movies out now they're doing interviews for and people love hearing about those kids.

    But if so, I think the main reasons kids do request thngs is because their friends have it so they want it too.

  30. In the article Enty linked to, she mentions how in being previously married, she felt like she had lost part of her identity. I'm guessing after two failed ones, she maybe doesn't want to make that leap again and probably does feel that what they have is working just fine, so why mess with it? Can't say I blame her, as I was with my husband for 7 years before we married.

    Slightly OT: The article also said that In Touch put their childcare bill at $10 million a year! $10 million!!?!

  31. It's funny when people talk as though they know Pitt and Jolie personally, or know what's going on in their minds.
    Get married, or don't-who cares? I don't think marriage is the kiss of death for a relationship any more than never marrying is an indicator of lack of commitment. To each his/her own. Relationships and marriages fail due to any number of reasons-most of which have nothing to do with making it, or not making it, official.
    And, for what it's worth, I agree with the poster who pointed out that this suddenly public relationship talk has more to do with publicity than anything else!

  32. I know this sounds TOTALLY off topic but I was watching a BBC series on how animals (including human beings) have evolved throughout time. It was bloody facinating and I guess why Im bringing it up is it put into perspective for me that marriage is much more of a modern phenomenon but finding a mate and being with them throughout your life span is something many species of animal has done for millions of years. So I guess my comment is there is no right or wrong and no better option than any other. If you are lucky enough to find someone you want to be with for life and they feel the same than a piece of paper isnt going to increase those odds or lower them. Mating has been happening for millions of years and wearing a white dress to cinch the deal aint gonna solidify anything more than an acceptable place in modern society for the couple.

    Of course the total chicky side of me WANTS that dress action and that wedding stuff. lolol. But I'll know a wedding wont make me stick to someone for ever- only love can do that.
    Oh no, I feel like I got sidetracked and entered Mushy Town. :P

  33. I was married once. I'd rather stick a coat hanger in my eye than do it again. But, that's a personal choice. To each their own.

    Sorry. I just broke out in hives. *scratch scratch*

  34. Brad! Angie! If you decide to actually get hitched, come to Massachusetts--I'll bake your cake & everything! (How does red velvet--w/more chocolate flavor than the usual red velvet--w/cream cheese frosting sound?) ;-)

    One of the big reasons people still want to get married--and why it's so important for same-sex couples to have the right--is all the various legal issues, such as being able to visit your SO in the hospital, inheritance rights, getting health insurance, etc. etc. etc. Yes, you can jump through as many legal hoops as possible, and make all kinds of contingency plans, but when you get right down to it, actually being married still gets you more respect & better treatment than being long-time partners, even if the married couple are newlyweds & the partners have been together for 50 years. (In western European countries where living together is much more common, many of these rights aren't linked as strongly to marriage, which does make a difference.)

    Now if I can just get my mother to understand this is why I support same-sex marriage even though I'm a straight single woman...*sigh*

  35. @ Gary..I think that's the real problem in most marriages. Most people think about it all romantical and forget it's also a business deal. Deal with that as well and you'll have less issues should the business go bad. I've done that in my previous relationship (not married) and my one and only marriage and it's worked for me. I'm still married by the way. Just wanted to stress I'm only doing it once and it took me a long time to get there.

  36. Brad and Angie say the same shit everytime they have movies coming out! It is getting a little boring. Think of a different angle then using your kids. If you google articles about them the last time they had movies coming out, they are full of "oh the kids want us to get married" and "brad is the most wonderful man"~ sick of reading the same tired tripe.
