Thursday, May 26, 2011

Attorney General To Investigate Arnold

Apparently when you are Governor and are having sex with multiple women who are not your wife that is perfectly fine. No worries there. However, when you spend state money to have your women shuttled back and forth to your hotel room every night and then back to where they came from, that is against the law. And that happened a lot. Whenever Arnold stayed at his hotel suite in Sacramento alone, then it was all girls all the time. It was only when he went back home to Santa Monica that he was sometimes faithful. And by faithful, I mean not having sex with people in the marriage bed. Other than that he did it anywhere in the house he could.

I thought it was interesting that his daughter has already publicly forgiven him which I find shocking and also wonder when she grows up and gets married or has boyfriends if she will consider it normal behavior for her partner to have multiple women and expect her to be chaste and then forgive him when he repeatedly cheats. These things have cycles so then her children will expect it and so on.


  1. Who is writing this blog today? Cause you're awful. The leaps you make are fucking astounding, and a wee bit embarrassing.

  2. The daughter removed that forgiveness post a few days ago.

  3. I don't think anyone's saying the cheating is okay, is that something one would prosecute?

  4. ^No! There's no morality police, ffs. That's why I am obviously so annoyed.

  5. Anonymous10:08 AM

    forgiving others does not excuse their behavior.

  6. Anonymous10:08 AM

    however, it does take time to forgive others depending on the offense.

  7. "I thought it was interesting that his daughter has already publicly forgiven him which I find shocking and also wonder when she grows up and gets married or has boyfriends if she will consider it normal behavior for her partner to have multiple women and expect her to be chaste and then forgive him when he repeatedly cheats."

    Yep. Because women aren't capable of developing nuanced opinions, and we're all just sexual robots who follow all the relationship patterns set forth by our parents.

    I DO think this is you writing this blog, Enty, but you've REALLY been pissing the dogcrap out of me lately.

  8. someone pls take a picture of arnold this week...i want to have it for comparison to see how much he's aged by the end of this yr. i've a feeling it'll be brutal and drastic.

  9. 100 bucks says that he's got another family lawyer (pr his paralegal) writing today.


  10. I dont think its unreasonable for Enty to hypothesis that the cycle will be continued. I think we have all speculated on here that Maria Shriver probably grew up seeing that in the Kennedy family cheating on spouses was the norm and the role of the female was to turn a blind eye or whatever they did to keep the marriage going in the face of numerous affairs.
    For her daugther to do that so soon after learning this horrible incedent has occured would make me draw similar conclusions as Enty's.

    Yes, that is her father and she is trying to be on his side when no one else appears to be right now BUT she is a person and should be making rational decisions regarding this, as a woman and daughter of her poor mother who is going through this shit.
    For her to forgive him this quickly, to me, shows an ability to forgive indiscretions already,and Enty's point is valid in speculating that this could transfer over into her own realtionships.
    Whats wrong with that deduction?

  11. @Jasmine -- fortunately, I have a father who isn't a dirtbag, a boyfriend I trust entirely, and lots of great male friends who respect women. So, I DON'T think that ALL men are predisposed to cheat on their mates, and I also resent the notion that there are certain women out there who are "trained" to turn a blind eye to indiscretions just because it's what their daddies did.

    Ultimately, though, how dare Enty attack a teenage girl who's going through some pretty significant public shit? Her father didn't cheat on HER, but he surely wounded their family, and I would imagine she's got tons of conflicting emotions right now. The only reason she probably said anything at ALL is to shut up the clamoring media.

    Can't we just wish her well, and focus all our ire on the person who fucking deserves it?! It seems as if lately, EVERY post about this subject on this blog ends with some sort of ridiculous diatribe against Maria for "knowing and not doing anything about it," and now Enty's attacking the daughter, too?

    Sorry, but I find it disgusting.

  12. Why the outrage Sue Ellen? The prosecution would not be for cheating. It would be for unauthorized use of state funds that was used to shuttle his women back and forth from the hotel. Why is that so outrageous? As a California taxpayer, I say make that idiot pay us back if turns out to be true. He was a HORRIFIC governor and if he abused his position I certainly hope the State does try to recoup the money.

  13. I honestly never figured the Kennedy trait of "turn a blind eye to the infidelity" was genetic in origin, I always put it down to upper crust mentality.
    IE, shtup who you will outside the marital bed, but it doesn't come home.
    Does behavior like that become a genetic trait after multiple generations endure it?
    If it's not genetic, then the cycle can and should be broken.
    Not unlike what's due to happen to Ah-nald...broken financially by Maria in the inevitable divorce settlement, broken by the studios by their seeing him as box office poison (even Mel can still make a movie but apparently not Ah-nald) and now the Justice system has him in their sights.
    Ahhh, Karma...When you hit a target, you really hit a target.

  14. I'm just annoyed at the tone of the first part, as if "Ent" wants the AG to prosecute him for cheating on his wife. *snort* and wtf?

  15. The ability to forgive is a wonderful thing and I congratulate this teenager for having a forgiving heart. That has nothing to do with condoning his behavior and everything to do with knowing that animosity is toxic. I'm not sure what "already" or "so soon" mean. Is there a proper time limit before forgiving? Silliness. Obviously a young woman who knows more than a lot of us a lot older.

  16. Anonymous10:38 AM

    looking the other way when your mate cheats is the married upper class mentality. it's a behavioral/psychological thing. until there is scandal about to burst at the seems...or one mate gets tired of it all.

  17. @Ida- I agree that people tend to blame the victim when things go down like this, even if its in subtle ways like asking/speculating about when or why she did or didnt know about the affairs. And I hate that too.
    I didnt mean to imply that I am faulting Shriver or even the daughter, though it may have come out like that.
    Rather, as someone whose dad is in and out of my life, I can see that it HAS affected the relationships I HAVE with men.
    And all Im saying is cyles DO happen and though we are thinking beings who can form cognitive decisions around cheating and stuff, when it comes down to it, often women are impacted by their fathers. Think of the cycle abuse often takes, and thats what I was thinking when I sort of agreed with Enty's point of view.

  18. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I don't think it's genetic, the infidelity and/or looking the other way at said infidelity, but families do seem to continue certain behaviors. For example, child abuse. Cheating is NOT the same as child abuse, please don't think that's what I'm trying to say. It's just that if you grow up with it, it loses some of its taboo so to speak. And the mentality of the uppercrust, as someone said, to keep it out of the marital bed but otherwise do what you will...I think that's the same mentality that causes those types of families to protect their own in the face of nearly any kind of wrongdoing. Avoid scandal and deal with it internally.

    ALL of that being said, I am so proud of Maria for leaving and taking some action! She is breaking that cycle...and in doing so, is giving her children a tremendous example of how to deal with those who betray you. So the daughter wants to forgive her father...children forgive their parents for so many things, and so many worse things than what has happened here. It's a survival skill as much as anything. If she has erased that post, as someone mentioned, then maybe she has had a bit more time to digest what is going on, and needs more time to process. That's a sign of maturity in my opinion.

    At the end of the day, the post is about Arnold misappropriating public funds for his personal trysting. This is disgusting, and the same thing for which John Edwards is being tried. This sort of thing has gone on forever, but having your dirty laundry so publicized, like Edwards, Tiger, Ah-nuld, DSK, etc. might show others who are considering doing the same how much they have to potentially lose.

    Gosh, this is a long post and maybe the longest I've ever posted on here. Love to all who post here, and love to Enty as always. I have been reading this for nearly as long as he's been writing it. I hardly ever post but I have been through a lot of what Maria is going through (without the public hoo-ha, of course) and I so sympathize.

  19. Agree, MacVixen - I hope he pays the state back every penny. His personal behaviour was disgusting, but to do it on the dime of the state? Repulsive.

    Surprised at the daughter, personally. I don't think I'd be so forgiving, truth be told. I once heard my dad was messing around with a woman in the parking lot of a bar in my small town and I told him the next day that if I ever found out he was messing around on my mom I'd kill him. And I meant it at the time.

  20. @Jasmine -- it's all good! I love your comments a lot. You always express yourself in an impassioned, friendly, eloquent way. No worries!

    Honestly, I'm mostly just annoyed that Enty has been so inflammatory lately. I KNOW this is his blog, but it kind of says a lot that the commenters here have been way more mature than the actual blogger.

    And sorry if you've got a weird relationship with your dad. I lucked out in that area, personally, but I've got a sketchy relationship with my mom. I know it complicates things all the way into adulthood.

  21. You know, I DO think he cheated on not just Maria, but his whole family, and I wish that would become part of the vernacular. Meaning that he cheated them of his time, his affection, his integrity, and they are facing the consequences. He made a vow to be a loyal husband and father, but he took his time and resources elsewhere. Whether Maria knew or not, the kids were in the dark.

    Arnold cheated on Maria, and he cheated on his children too. They will never forget this betrayal, and they will never see him or their family in the way they did before.

  22. @Ida- thanks for the compliment, and right back atcha :)
    And you are right, Enty's post lately have definitly been no holds barred.

  23. I always wondered, even before his political career, if Arnold married Maria more for status and legitimacy than for true love.
    But after they were together a coupla decades, I was happy to have been 'wrong.' Not so much lately.
    I think he did use Maria. Most ambitious men get the 'right' wife to accessorize them & bear their children, while they themselves sleep with whomever.
    He is such a tool.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. What's up with all these weird and inflammatory posts? It's very off-putting. Making crazy assumptions is usually fun on an entertainment blog, but only if it it's a less serious subject, like, I don't know, Nicole Kidman's face actually becoming the first living wax statue, or something of that nature.

  26. Yes, because you should always condemn your own father for bad behavior that has nothing to do with you.

  27. Why do all these idiot politicians use TAXPAYER money to have their affairs???

    Although, Arnold's case is starting to sound more like Tiger than John Edwards or Mark Sanford. At least there was only one (that we knew of) in those situations.

    Politicians are THE WORST.

  28. @Sarah - I'll condemn anyone who hurts and embarrasses my mother, whether he's my father or not.

  29. Anonymous12:43 PM

    RQ I like your response lol

  30. This is funny, since Arnie did not accept a salary from the state. I guess he figured shuttling his women on the state's dime was in lieu of that.

    Accepting cheating is not genetic! I do think there are patterns though and this has been show in psychology. If one has a cheating parent, one might think that is acceptable.

    I know my father was a cheat, but I never was cheated on by my men. My men always had different psychosis. I actually have radar about girlfriends' men who cheated due to my father. I could spot a cheat a mile away. Ditto for my male friends (women cheat too)and they were easy to spot.

    I do believe on a gut level these women and men knew something was wrong. I think it is just easier to turn a blind eye than deal with the fact you made a poor choice in a mate.

  31. I blame Arnold and the women.

    What kind of low life sleeps with her employer and hangs out with his wife and kids?!

    She wasn't under the age of 18.

    Everyone knew what they were doing when they did it.

  32. Enty and Jasmine - I've had the same thoughts.

    Also, maybe Maria is trying to protect the kids and not calling Arnold out in front of them. Hard to go from loving your Dad to hating him overnight. The son mentioned "loving his family" on his twitter right after it came out and I wondered about his feelings for his father then.

    But he sure is a sleeze. He betrayed them all over and over.

  33. Enty and Jasmine - I've had the same thoughts.

    Also, maybe Maria is trying to protect the kids and not calling Arnold out in front of them. Hard to go from loving your Dad to hating him overnight. The son mentioned "loving his family" on his twitter right after it came out and I wondered about his feelings for his father then.

    But he sure is a sleeze. He betrayed them all over and over.

  34. Enty and Jasmine - I've had the same thoughts.

    Also, maybe Maria is trying to protect the kids and not calling Arnold out in front of them. Hard to go from loving your Dad to hating him overnight. The son mentioned "loving his family" on his twitter right after it came out and I wondered about his feelings for his father then.

    But he sure is a sleeze. He betrayed them all over and over.

  35. oops! My computer jammed. Sorry.

  36. What's the evidence that he used tax dollars to move his side-pieces around? Wasn't the maid living in the house with him? Also, didn't Schwarzenegger give up the salary for the governorship? And pay for his own flights back and forth to LA? I remember reading about that. There's disliking the man for his misdeeds (though, honestly, are you really surprised?) and then there's just making shit up which I think is what's going on in this post.

  37. "Who is writing this blog today? Cause you're awful. The leaps you make are fucking astounding, and a wee bit embarrassing."

    I love you Sue Ellen!!

  38. Horror novelist Stephen King once said,"If I can't scare you, then I'm going for the gross out."

    Same objective here. Anything for a reaction.
