Thursday, May 19, 2011

Botox Mom Made It All Up For Money

For a lousy $200, this whole Botox mom thing got way out of hand. It turns out the mom who gave botox to her 8 year old child did not actually do anything like that or enter her daughter into beauty pageants. Nope. According to a declaration signed by the mom, the UK newspaper, The Sun convinced her to pretend to be a mom who did this and gave her $200, a script and told her what to do and say while they taped her. This led to Good Morning America and Inside Edition offering her $10,000 each to appear on their shows. She did so and the next thing you know her daughter was taken from her. She did tell her story to officials who did a medical exam and apparently the results were that her daughter has never been given botox. So, the daughter is back with the mom. For now.


  1. Jesus. GO TO SCHOOL! Or figure out a marketable business and make money somehow. Then you don't have to get up to some crazy shenanigans for 200$. Get a fucking waitressing job. Jesus. What a bloody deadbeat.

  2. wow, can you get your child taken from you for being just plain stupid?

  3. What? For 200 damn dollars she started this whole mess? all of the money spent investigating, etc. Inside Edition and what not should ask for their money back and the City of San Francisco should file a claim to be reimbursed for their expenses as well. The stupidity of people never fails to amaze me.

  4. The Sun is paying people only $200 to make up stories? The writer is getting more than that!

  5. I am glad The Sun got caught red handed! So now this little girl will grow up thinking its ok to lie as long as you get paid enough. Great going mom. I wonder if she' would have regretted this had she not been caught. Ew.

  6. I loved that GMA defended themselves by saying they didn't pay for her interview. They licensed the photos for up to $10,000. Vultures, glad they got hood winked.

    Years ago Howard Stern had on plastic surgeons that performed plastic surgery on children. People went insane. It turned out they were actors and it was an April fools joke. It even fooled me.

  7. Wow... well isn't that going to be fraud?

  8. This story feels familiar. Balloon Boy, anyone?

  9. I'm not as upset at this woman as I am at the Sun. This shit disgusts me. How do the "writers" and "editors" of these publications sleep at night, dragging journalism into the gutter??

  10. So you not only sold your sould to the devil for $200, but you sold your daughter's as well....nice, Mom.

  11. Yes, you should have your kid taken away for being stupid. If that happened, stuff like this would stop.

  12. i think there's plenty of blame to go around. the sun is a rag. but what about a mother who uses her child to pull a con like this? THAT'S why she should lose her kid.

  13. She is a up and coming potential Darwin Award Winner for sure! Poor daughter deserves a better Mom than this! : (

  14. What Rocket Queen said.

    Also, I DO take some solace in the fact that this IS fake. That's nice...I guess?

    I thought we had seen the last of this shit when Balloon Boy's dumbass parents got busted, but I now know I was sadly mistaken.

  15. I wonder how they got her name to offer her the 200.00? any ideas?

  16. It also led to an additional $20k and appearances on national t.v.

    What some people do for fame.

  17. I don't know what's more disgusting. To actually give your 8 year old botox shots or lying that you did for a litlle bit of money. The Sun is even more disgusting though for thinking about it and going thru with this. I don't understand how evil people and corporations could be. I don't care how much $$ I'm offered and how deep in a pickle I am. I would never subject my intregity and most importantly my child for something remotely close to this.

  18. Wow, way to teach your child to lie to TV cameras. People who do that, like ballon boy's dad, make me sick. They dont understand that manipulating children like that makes it that much harder for every child who has to report a real crime.

  19. $200 and 15 minutes of fame. When I was getting divorced and struggling to feed my kids, I might have done some stupid things for money but they wouldn't have been that stupid for that little and that public.

  20. yellow journalism and sensationalism...orders of the day for many a year now. we should not be surprised.

  21. I think it's hilarious. People were willing to see this womans head on a stick the other week. You just can't believe anything these days.

  22. Well that investigation by child services undoubtably cost the tax payers money, so she should have to use that money she received (for lying) and pay the costs of that investigation.

  23. The Sun is a shit rag - look up the lies they've printed before that did people irreparable damage. Like Alicia, I too am glad that they got found out in this.

    As for 'Botox Mom' herself - she's emblematic of people today who want to be famous, regardless of what they are famous for. A bit of money and fame is more important than what they do to earn such 'rewards', and they'll sell anything they've got (including their children) to achieve their ambitions.

    What a world.

  24. Incidentally, The Sun are (of course) denying that they made the story up.

  25. I immediately thought of Balloon Boy too....

    @Sue Ellen - ITA with you!

    What a lesson to teach your kid. She gets the mom of the year award.

  26. From the beginning it was for money, that's why she started the botox injections on her little innocent girl. I hope she'll receive a big punishment because she deserves it. Botox is the best anti-aging treatment and not a treatment for kids.
    By botox Kitchener

  27. What do you expect - it's The Sun. They make millions every year making up crap to piss people off.

    Now you're all pissed, right? Yep, that's what they do.

  28. The real story about the botox mom. Very interesting

