Friday, May 06, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This star is part of an ensemble cast that gets together every once in a while to hang out. Our star is not the brightest star of the bunch but she is one of the nicest. Because she is so nice, and generally well liked by every body in the group it’s caused some jealousy issues with one of the cattier stars. The jealousy boiled over after the group hung out several weeks ago and the jealous actress had a few drinks in her. She got her hands on a used tampon and put it on the driver’s seat of the nice celeb’s car. When the nice star was walked out to her car by the group, everyone saw it and although she denied it was hers, everyone was still grossed out.


  1. That is by far the grossest thing you could ever do to someone! It definitely verges on criminal and can imagine one could argue with attempted assault. God only knows what diseases were on that thing! Absolutely horrid! I hope this person is outed and everyone know what a truly ugly person she is. Also, I wish I could unread this blind!

  2. Courtney Cox and Busy Phillips.

  3. Lea Michelle/Dianna Agron?

  4. @bflogurl: i was gonna go w glee but i dont know anyone's name besides bitchlea michelle.

  5. Gross, and only a moron could possibly think it was her own. Obviously somebody did that to her.

  6. On second thought, I'm with Ice Angel -- this borders on criminal/assault. It's not far off from sending shit in the mail, or shitting in someone's car, and I'm pretty sure that can be prosecuted.

  7. Leighton Meester, Blair Lively for the bitch.

  8. @bflogurl considering they lived together at one point I doubt it...

  9. Thats just too gross. What sort of horrible person stoops this low? She must be a real mental case.

  10. "got her hands on a used tampon"?

  11. @Rickatoo, from the mouths of babes I guess LOL

  12. That is just disgusting and I want Enty to reveal this Bitch's identity. Poor victim. : (

  13. First off...why would you leave your car door unlocked? 2nd...this is the grossest thing I've ever heard that hasn't come from John Mayer. I hope this is revealed one day, so I can know that the biatch is not only a jealous biatch, but a gross one too.

  14. Shannon Dougherty/Jenny Garth (or Gabriel Cateris-whatever her last is)

  15. @Rickatoo - That's what I was thinking too.

    What a little schemer, going into the ladies room scouring the bins for used tampons. BLECH.

    Really hope this person is outed.

  16. @Mrs. Patterson - That might not be a bad guess if this were 1995.

  17. @bluebonnet - this is a Buzzfoto item, not one of Enty's. Which means it's probably full of shit anyway.
    I'm definitely going with the Glee gang - they're the only ones immature enough to pull this crap. Lea Michele ftw.

  18. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Totally agree with Ice Angel. Ick

  19. that's probably the most juvenile thing i've ever heard. what a dumb bitch.

  20. That's some due dirt shit, right there.

    I'm going to go out into left field and say Christina Hendricks as the victim and January Jones as the aggressor.

  21. Actually, changing my answer to Naya Riviera on Glee. She fits better.

  22. Heather Morrison/Lea Michelle from Glee

    Heather being the ncie girl and Lea of course the nasty witch

  23. Holy high school, Batman.

    And thanks, RQ ... you were a lot nicer in your reply than I would've been. ;-)

  24. I don't watch any of tv shows but one (and I'm not gonna say because it's a guilty pleasure) but I read the Lea Michelle was not nice at Coachella.

  25. The Vampire Diaries, Hellcats, 90210...

  26. lol chopchop - are you referring to this post or the last one? And thanks! :)

  27. Juvenile and FUCKING GROOOOSSSSS!!! *LOL*

  28. Sound like Glee to me. I'll bet the nice star is Heather Morris and the bitchy one is Michele or Naya. I don't think michele would do it because she knows she's being watched and scrutinized closely, concerning her bitchy ways.

    Didn't Naya trash Mark Salling's car last year. I used to go out with a girl that looked a lot like Naya. She was a real spitfire too.

  29. I'm going to guess Sarah Hyland putting the tampon in Sofia Vergara's car.

  30. @MCH - regarding Mrs. Patrersons guess - you'd have to go back further then 1995 - Shannen left the show in the sopring of 94'. And believe me, they were all happy to have her gone.

  31. @JasonBlueEyes - HA! Good call. I couldn't remember what year she left. Excellent guess if it wasn't a current TV show. :)

    I like Rocket's guess of Naya Riviera simply b/c she's already pulled one other juvenile stunt like this before (keying the car).

  32. Criminal assault?? The fuck...? That's gross and all but...

    Moving on. The 90210 brats?

  33. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I'm too grossed out to think of who the cast would be.

  34. Personally, I think this is not true. Been a lot of completely iffy blinds from buzzfot and blind gossip lately, even for BI's they seem too farfetched.

    I knew the Glee cast would be the popular guess, but I follow all of them and check in with their fan community from time to time. For the most part, they all get along really well, they all hang out together regularly, and yes, Lea knows she's being watched and everything she does gets reported on and blown out of proportion, so no, I don't think this would be any member of that cast, not even Naya would be that gross.

  35. Bring on the eye bleach. Bleck.

  36. I think it's Glee and the nice star is the new girl that plays Izes (sp?).

  37. Oh man, this is completely Junior High School crap. Even adults my age engage in it and it's just ugly to watch.

  38. You think THAT'S gross? My sister told me about walking into the restroom stall in her high school and having been smacked in the face by a used tampon someone had taped inside the frame of the stall so the door lifted it up when she walked in. Lots of ingenuity there.

  39. actor adam rodriquez sucks on his gf tampons (melanie fiona) thaT,S JUST HOW NASTY THEY ARE!

  40. First off tampons are usually flushed down the toilet.
    Second, who in their right mind would touch someone's used tampon. I think if this story is true it was her own tampon that she used. Disgusting!

  41. Oh no dear, Lutefisk. Actually, tampons are NOT usually flushed. They should be rolled up in paper and put in the trash.

    This blind reminds me of a Seth Romatelli short where he gets in a fight with his girlfriend and he's leaving her apt and she's standing in the front of the car yelling. Next thing you know SPLAT! She threw her bloody tampon at the windshield. Good stuff!
