Friday, May 20, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

She is a non-famous and very insecure wife to this lead singer of a Top 40 Rock Band that lives outside of LA. The couple have only been married for a few years, but she is so worried about affairs and losing him, she’ll do whatever she can to keep him happy. The trouble is, she hates, HATES his mother and he can’t stay away from her. He recently suggested having his mom move in and the wife said she was happy to have her, but she’s really planning on ways to make the Mother-in-law miserable. The two fight like cats and dogs behind his back and the Mother-in-law is said to have plans to split up the marriage. The wife is gearing up for this already having a neighbor secretly plant flowers the mother in allergic to. Who knows when this family feud will end or if the marriage will end first?


  1. I'm going to go with Chad Kroeger, because turmoil in his life would make me happy.

    On a related note, I typed into Google "Is Chad Kroeger....married?" and the SECOND Google guess option is "Is Chad Kroeger a douchebag?" Ha!

  2. I have no idea who this might be, but I feel bad for her/the mom. That can't be fun living like that.

  3. Monster In Law for sure! Poor wife. : (

  4. kroeger lives in abbotsford just outside of vancouver - i hang my head in shame that he lives in my province. ugh.

  5. me, too, princessd. If it helps, he's originally from Alberta, I think.
    It might actually be him. "Top 40 Rock Band" and "outside of LA" fit.

  6. I'm embarrassed that he's from Canada, let alone the left coast.

  7. Too bad. Is that an Alberta thing? The thing with Moms? I just don't know any other men that are that nice to their Moms who aren't from Alberta. What's up with that? Not that there's anything wrong with it - except possibly in this case.

  8. @princessd if it helps any, I first read "Abbotabad" instead of Abbotsford. I don't know who that guy is, but since he's douchey, I'll keep thinking Abbotabad!

  9. ahhh yes - outside of LA - I just read LA. it is probably him. ugh. he is SO greasy. he looks like he smells like drakar noir and three day old beer.

  10. Brandon flowers? The flowers hint and he's from Los Vegas?

  11. Anyone in Kings of Leon fit the clues? They live in Nashville at least part of the time, and I think New York the rest of the time. Also members of Paramore live in Nashville.

  12. Chad Kroeger and his common law wife split a while back. She was just awarded $25,000 a month, after taxes, in spousal support pending trial. So, it isn't him.

  13. I think this is totally Brandon Flowers. he is married to a "civilian" (who is potentially in complete denial of the fact that one can be married & have kids & also maybe be gay... so no wonder she is nervous), they got married i think shortly after the killers first album so can't have been too long, and the flowers in the end is kind of a tell. Thoughts? If I were her I would be more worried about the bolero jackets and the wierd stache than MOL.

  14. Brandon Flowers' mom died of cancer in February 2010 while The Killers were on tour supporting Day and Age. Very sad story. This Blind is definitely NOT about Brandon Flowers.
