Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How Are The Topless Pippa Photos A Shock?

Yesterday and this morning all I have been reading is how the Royal Family is mortified and embarrassed that topless photos of Pippa Middleton have been sold and how they are doing their best to get them off the market. They are acting like these pictures are some kind of shock. Umm, as near as I can figure I think that is Prince William with his back to the camera in the picture. These pictures were taken in 2006, so William had more hair then. He certainly knew Pippa was topless and did not seem utterly mortified. In fact, it looks like he is moving in for a closer look. You know, strictly for research purposes to determine whether the sisters look alike in other ways besides the face.


  1. I'm just sick of hearing about every little detail regarding anyone related to the Royals. The wedding is over and done, can't the world move on already?

  2. I don't think Kate and Pippa look alike. Actually, I think Kate took all the looks in that family and not much was left for her siblings.

  3. They look like resemblance and it's strong...
    On the topless photo's..big deal, she didn't want a tan line...
    The Brits love the sun...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Why should it matter? For one thing, Pippa isn't a member of the royal family. For another, since when has topless sunbathing been a scandal in Europe? I know the tabloids have had pictures of more than a few people of note in states of undress, but still -- if these people weren't celebrities, no one would bat an eye. (p.s. Sorry about that delete. My husband's account is always signed in, apparently.)

  6. Those crazy royals. hee.

  7. She is NOT KATE. Topless is no big deal in Europe at all. Grow up people.

  8. Even I go topless in parts of Europe - it's what they all do. It's really not a reflection on the Royal Business.

  9. Read elsewhere that Kate & William on that vaca w/Pippi and others when topless pics taken. In fact, saw pics of Pippa & Kate from same trip as topless photos & they were in almost matching white bikinis. So yeah, that's probably William, & yeah, this was NO surprise to royals, and yeah, topless sunbathing-so euro & meh, gossipy-news wise. Also? it was 5 freaking years ago.

  10. I realize the tabs have to fill up their sites, but who seriously cares?

  11. from a pr standpoint, i can see where the royal family might be having a heart really DO marry the family, you know, not just the individual. the flip-side is that should pippa not want tan lines, why should she not be entitled to sun bathe topless? i mean, come one...the royals knew that protocol went out the window the minute prince hot ginge hit puberty.

  12. Still less embarrassing than Fergie.

  13. I think Pippa should have married him. She is far more attractive then Kate.

  14. These royal protocol statements expressing that they're "outraged" or "mortified" are the biggest laughable crock of shit ever. You think the Royals really care what the public thinks? Really?

  15. Agree that this is no big deal in most of Europe, including Britain, but when the royal family is involved, everything's drama.

  16. A 2o something woman sunbathing topless in Europe? ***YAWNS***

  17. Damn, if that really is William in the water, it looks like he is packing some mighty fine guns... Guess I still just think of him as Diana's "son" instead of a grown man.

  18. Sunbathing topless in Europe is a given!- Hell, first time I was on a Spanish beach with hubby, couldn't keep his eyes in his sockets- LOL !

  19. Sunbathing topless is no big deal in Australia either.
    Mazshad, your hubby would love it here too.

  20. I was a totally legal, above-board topless dancer for a few months in college.
    It takes about 6 hours on the job to forget everyone's mostly naked.
    People making news of this are prudes!

    Personally I think everyone looks better naked. Everyone.

  21. I guess this means we are going to get a Pippa reality show now.

    And seriously, boobage is no big deal.

  22. What is the point? Are we supposed to be outraged at the outrage of parents who object to a topless photo of a young (now) relative. This is a big surprise? (No.) Also, no, it doesn't "look like he is moving in for a closer look." Very lame effort to drum up scandal and outrage. Stop.

  23. Maybe it is really Kate in the photo and to draw attention away from it possibly being her they make it out to be something
    "outrageous" and also by saying it is Pippa. Why say anything at all?

  24. remember when prince charles had thaat phone call w/ camilla and told her he wished he was her tampon? now THAT was horrifying.

    the royal family is so stick up the ass.

  25. I imagine the Middleton's are the ones who are mortified. They have high hopes for their Pippa.

  26. I'm sure the Royals are reacting, but it's certainly not the first one and won't be the last. I don't think it's a big deal, especially not the sunbathing one. She probably ought to keep her shirt on at future parties though. :)

  27. Who cares??? Seriously? Prince William isn't wearing a shirt in the photo...and neither is the other guy. They're not making a big deal about them. In Europe, going topless is the norm. If Pippa is taking her top off in front of William and Kate doesn't give a rat @ss...then obviously it's not that shocking or a big deal. It's not like Pippa is having a 2-some or in a compromising position. People make too much of a big deal over boobs. It's just enlarged glands and fat...that's it people. Women use them to breast feed their babies.

  28. I agree with the others - who cares? Many, many women choose to go topless and she's not a royal. Also - isn't that Harry on the boat, or just someone who vaguely resembles him? The picture isn't very focused.
