Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Huguette Clark Has Died

Huguette Clark was one of the people who intrigued me most in this world. One of the richest women in the world, she was last seen in public about 80 years ago. Despite having a fortune of about $500M, homes across the world (the one above is in Santa Barbara, is worth $100M and no one has lived there since 1963), and the most expensive apartment in Manhattan, she preferred living in a hospital and cut off from the rest of the world. She was represented by one attorney for 20 years and he was only ever able to speak to her through a door. Even before she passed yesterday the family had already started arguing about money. Her relatives say that her current attorney and accountant took money they should not have and that they mismanaged the estate. There will be plenty for everyone so there is no need to be so greedy.

Huguette was the daughter of the second richest man in America and was the subject of tabloid journalism for the first part of her life which may help to explain her fondness for being a recluse. I really wish she had given an interview about her life before she passed. RIP.


  1. For those of us who are going "who" here is a story with her history...

  2. I had to search google maps for the SB mansion. I've heard of it but had no idea where it actually was. I have driven by many times and didn't even know it was there. What a heavenly place!

    Sad story.

  3. thanks patty.

    if i were her, i would have been writing my life story this whole time and then sell it only after my death will all proceeds going to charity. but while i find people like this intriguing (although i've never heard of her prior), i wonder if there would be much demand for the story of a person hardly any knows.

  4. Thanks Patty, I'm intrigued now, too.

  5. I cannot wait to hear what her will says. All Hell is going to break loose with the relatives I am sure.

  6. Not quite accurate -- her attorney moved her into Beth Israel hospital and limited access to her maybe in 1990? She was in decent health and mentally together, given her age. Hospital staffers say he'd been visiting her more often lately and was trying to get her to sign documents. He and his partner are being investigated for mishandling her money.

  7. The site Patty linked to said the coolest fact---Her dad was born in 1839. So there was actually someone alive in 2011 whose dad was born in 1839! Mark Twain even wrote about him.
    Man, I love cool weird things like this. Imagine what the SB house must look like on the inside, all grand and vacent and covered in spiderwebs. Coooool

  8. @Jasmine,
    That is such a wicked statistic!

  9. I love this stuff! Can you even imagine? We might think being born filthy rich would be so great, but I suppose it can be effed-up in so many ways...

    *feeling thankful for being plain ol' educated, working middle-class all the way*

  10. I had no idea who she was. What a fascinating story.

    Thanks for the link Patty.

  11. Wild story ... and clear evidence that, for some people, you can be "too rich".

    Jasmine, that amazed me too. Her dad was born thirteen years after John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died. That's stunning.

  12. Definition of rich; having a circular garden the size of a football field that offers no seating & leads to nothing otherthan an obelisk or birdbath.

    How gauche.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. i wish these types of people would just give the money that they don't use to charities. such a fuckin' waste.

    just sayin'.

  15. Mygeorgie, I think it's a labyrinth, used for meditative walking.

  16. She grew up in a 121 room home in Manhattan - Clark's Folly - which is now the landmark 'Dakota' where John and Yoko and numerous other celebrities live(d).

  17. Check out for more info re Ms. Clark's properties and life. Plus lots more rarified real estate. After CDAN, "Mama's" blog is my second favorite site -- The commenters there also make interesting observations.

  18. Very interesting post (and links from commenters). I'd never heard of this person before. Her life seems so sad to me.

  19. Enty-If you're really interested in this story, you'll love this. I grew up in the town the Huguette was originally from and where her father, William Clark, made all his money mining copper and destroying the environment.

    Right after it was revealed that she was still alive, our Governor in Montana wrote to her attorney asking for money. That's right, he wanted to cash in. I can't believe how vile some politicians are. Who reads a story about a little old lady who plays the Miss Haversham card and hides from the world and thinks, "This is the perfect way to fund my new history museum?"

    What a dick. I bet he takes another pass now that she's died.
