Friday, May 20, 2011

I Forgot The Palins Had An Older Son

Whenever I would see the name Track Palin, I just assumed by the ridiculousness of the name that it was one of the other monosyllabic T names that are in the house. I guess I should have paid more attention, because Track is not just a sport, it is a guy and he got married in a rush job last week to his high school sweetheart. Apparently the two have known each other since they were two years old and have been together for the last 6 or 7 years so of course it would make sense they would get married during the week, have no one there but parents and have a celebration seven months after the wedding in December. Yeah, I think she is pregnant too. A formal celebration in 7 months? 5 months to have the baby and then two months to get ready for the big day.


  1. Pregnant. Fooling no one. Well done on that "abstinence" message, Palins. Gawd.

  2. See? America is the land of opportunity because no where else in the world could trailer trash aspire to the top office. Huzzah!

  3. Ah yes, family values again. Must not have bastard children. OK to divorce though.

  4. Absolutely pregnant.

  5. Perhaps they got married during the week because the date had special meaning. I have a friend who got married at the courthouse during the week because they wanted a particular date for their anniversary and had a reception later. Not totally ruling out the pregnancy thing, but other explanations are possible.

  6. Is he being deployed? That's the only other reason I can think to rush to the courthouse.

  7. seeing that her flowers are placed right over her belly/womb. Yup I would say preggers.

    These Palin's love those shot gun weddings.

  8. So PREGNANT!!!! LMAO - Sarah, that abstinence is working out so well for your children. Hypocrite!!!!!

  9. Wow. I thought it was classy when my uncle wore a Hawaiian shirt and ripped-up jeans to my dad's nuptials.

    Yeah. Totally knocked up, totally hypocritical, and totally getting divorced in less than two years.

  10. lordylord. alaska must be even more boring that i have imagined.

  11. This is the kid who ended up serving in Iraq because he had gotten into a lot of trouble and needed to get out Dodge.

  12. Anyone notice that Track is practically his father's twin (minus a couple years)? Height, face, hairline, probably same size clothes.

  13. Make that out OF Dodge, or Wasilla, or whatever...

  14. Kate the Great: I think he's already deployed....we'll see what in a few months. Sorry but don'tcha love it? Why would they even announce it, just hide quietly until the baby's born, they're not going to stay together anyhoo.

  15. Track served in Iraq and has been deployed again. How many of us can say the same? Give the guy a little credit for serving his country.

  16. You can be patriotic trash,I'm sure.

  17. Judging others because they (or their parents) do just makes you a hypocrite. Shot gun weddings happen in every family, no matter how affluent or classy they are. People act like they are trying to hide it, but what should they do? Even if they admitted that the girl was pregnant there would still be trash talk and speculation.

  18. ^^ Yep, shotgun weddings happen all the time and personally, I don't have a problem with them.....unless you're lecturing people about abstinence before marriage. Just keep your mouth shut. Judge not lest ye be judged.

  19. Yeah because the son has been out preaching abstinence. Oh wait that was the daughter. All we know about the son is that he is a soldier who served in Iraq. People shouldn't be judged for speeches that their parents or siblings make.

  20. I don't think anyone's judging the son. Just the mother. We get it. He's a soldier. Doesn't make him perfect. And that's okay.

  21. And somehow, when this gets reported and discussed, Sarah will make herself out to be the victim of an invasion of privacy and unpatriotic statements about one of America's soldiers, use it raise a few more million, and keep stringing along her run for President. She is a horrid, horrid woman, but do not discount her deviousness or the arrogance that keeps her going each day.

  22. She might be pregnant, or they might just want to get married so she can live with him where ever he is stationed. A lot of people in the military get married because they don't want to be alone (and they get paid more).

  23. It's not possible for me to hate the Palin's any more then I do.

  24. thank you, RQ. short, sweet, to the point and 100% my feelings as well.

  25. Speaking as someone who doesn't have any shotgun weddings in the family (we all just have bastard children and never worry about it), why would it matter if she got married before or after? If she pops out a kid in 5 months, everyone will know either way - and aren't these people believers in the whole "life begins at conception" thing?

  26. My great grandma said: "The first one (baby) comes anytime, after that it takes nine months"

  27. I am not judging the son at all. Shocking, young high school sweethearts who have been together 7 years are having sex?! No!

    But I do judge the parents, because if they educated their children on CONTRACEPTION instead of living in the delusional world where no one has sex out of wedlock, they might not be on unplannned pregnancy #2 for their children. (well, there were rumored to be more but who knows...)
