Friday, May 27, 2011

Jenelle Evans To Fight Danielle Staub

I don't usually pay too much attention to Celebrity Boxing because it seems like celebrities always talk about doing it, but then they always back out when they realize it is not fake like wrestling, but that someone is actually going to get hit in the face and the body and that it does not feel good to be punched. Then, all the hype is just that, hype and you end up with someone from the second season of Average Joe, fighting against someone kicked off the first week of Beauty & The Geek. Yep, that is celebrity for you.

However, this time, maybe, just maybe we might get lucky. The guy who runs the organization took time off from f**king all of Jon Gosselin and Michael Lohan's exes to say that he is really close to having a fight between Danielle Staub and Jenelle Evans from Teen Mom. Jenelle would kick the crap out of Danielle, and I have no doubt Jenelle would do it for the money, but I wonder if Danielle would really do it. Considering Scores is suing her for $300K, this seems like a good time to ask.


  1. Jenelle, Danielle ... who the hell?

  2. I wonder if Danielle's need for attention will outweigh her fear of physical harm.

  3. I don't know. Danielle has taken some boxing classes when she was on the RHONJ.

  4. Who the he'll would actually watch this? I'm thinking a dude came up with this idea.

  5. Reality TV ->

    Housewives & Teen Moms from [?] ->

    'Wives v. Moms Boxing on TV ->

    End of the World as We Know It ->

    WAAAIIIT!!! Salvation Is at Hand ->

    'Wives/Moms -> Knock Yourselves Out!

    [back to screen/twiddling thumbs]
