Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Rapture Dude Says His Math Was Off Again

I have decided I am going to chip in and buy this Harold Camping guy a calculator. He says that the end of the world was not May 21st. I know, I know, he said it was and has said it repeatedly, but now he is saying his calculations were five months off and it is going to be October 21st when the end of the world happens. Hmmm. Not to be vulgar, but I think he already blew his wad. The whole world was caught up in the rapture countdown and I think with the exception of the 8 people who actually thought it was going to happen, the rest of the world had fun with it. I just do not know if the world can get pumped up for it again so soon. It would be kind of like if you tried to have Christmas a few times a year, or when networks decided what you need is 7 days a week of Jessica Simpson specials.


  1. perhaps we should organize a calculator campaign. We need an address. I'd spend the postage. that would be classic.

  2. 7 days a week of Jessica Simpson specials?
    Is that why the Rapture is to now happen on 10/21?
    Camping got a look at the upcoming Fall season and that's what we have coming up?
    No wonder he changed the date.
    He'd be right, we'd be in Hell.

  3. He should just run for office, honestly. He's got the sanity, priorities, and intelligence required to be a politician here in America.

  4. Then I assume the calculators will be off again and we'll all die in October?

  5. Perhaps he should brush up on his math skills before his next prediction.

  6. He needs to STFU. Some screwball does this every decade or so. I was just reading about someone making this prediction in the 1840's and some other clown in the 1920's. And both times they said their math was off. What a coincidence. Done! Next crack-pot to the front of the line.

    Blew his wad, indeed!

  7. I'm just angry at this asshole. I was reading stories yesterday about his followers who have spent their entire life savings in preparation for the Rapture and are now left with nothing. Sure, they might be idiots for believing this guy, but this guy is still a criminal in my book. Fucking cult leader asshole.

  8. I hope the weather is still good for the next Rapture BBQ in October.

  9. I grew up going to a fire-and-brimstone-type church that must've scarred me for life. Any time someone starts making an end times prediction, it gives me a lump in my stomach and cold sweats. Logically, I think he (and anyone else who tries to predict the end of the world) is wrong, but it doesn't stop me from stressing about it.

    The bad thing is that this guy probably wouldn't have gotten so much press before the age of 24-hour news channels and web sites trying to one-up each other in shock stories. I'll just be happy when this guy fades back into the woodwork.

  10. I just hate the thought of holly rollers scaring the crap out of kids for end of times bullshizz.

  11. This fool needs to sit down and shut up. On a good note his math being off will lead my friends and I to have another party. AWESOME! More fun in the mud. (I live in Pa. It has rained here almost the entire month.)

  12. Were you aware he's pulled this before? Check out "88 Reasons Jesus is coming back in '88". He also tried this in 1994. If he ever actually read his Bible, he'd know that no one knows the end date but God.

  13. @ Rocket Queen, I think you have the right comment for this one. The Bible says in Matthew 24:30-36(there is more to read than just this) "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Camping is a false prophet, read your Bibles! He has not sold any of his stuff or spent his money. Don't follow this lying idiot.

  14. Anonymous12:49 PM

    people like this take advantage of others with poor judgement, emotional instability, etc. unfortunately, they are always there for the taking.

    kellylynn, when it's time for the world to end, there is nothing you, me or anyone else can do about it. this is coming from one Christian to another.

  15. October 21st, Huh? Well, I'll save money this year by not having to hand out any Halloween treats then.

  16. I was kinda bummed that it didn't happen--I had my flashlight and crowbar ready to go a-looting. Oh well, perhaps on the 10/21.

  17. false prophet = the only thing that's biblically true about this guy.

    i love this guy's take on the whole camping 'prophecy' frenzy:


  18. When/if this guy does meet his maker, he's gonna have a lot of 'splaining to do.

    @Pookie - Is it bad that I am more mad that people euthanized their pets than gave away their life savings? B/c that really pisses me off.

  19. Just when I think I may be wrong about religion some one comes along and confirms my original belief that it is an evil business run by crooks, child molesters and nut cases that have somehow managed to elude being locked in a looney bin.

  20. I'm not very happy with this guy, I think he needs to have his ass sued and charged with public mischief at the very least. I know about freedom of speech but this goes a little beyond that. And the media are just as bad for giving him so much publicity.

  21. His math isn't the only thing that's off.

  22. when anyone asks if he's going to return the enormous amounts of money that have been donated to his church, he simply says no.

  23. I just hope his date is right this time. All my friends who are going have left me in charge of their everything, here in Hell. I need to make some plans!
