Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sarah Palin Does Not Like Bristol Dating A Black Guy

There are all kinds of stories today about how Sarah Palin is really upset that Bristol Palin is dating Kyle Massey. My question is why. The guy is a great guy who has never had issues with the law and if Disney could bottle him up and make every Disney star like him they would. He is fun and charming and keeps himself out of the headlines. He loves his family and has a steady job, albeit reality television, so you know, how long could that last? Hmm, well if Tori and Dean have made it this long then I guess anyone can make it forever.

I think the reason Sarah Palin does not like Kyle Massey is because he is black. Yep. I said it. Sarah wants to run for President. Do you know how you do that? You have to win the primaries and the vast majority of the people who vote in the primaries are your die hard Republicans. The same ones who are never going to vote for a woman who allows her daughter to live with a black man.

Sarah prefers the woman who just married her son. White as snow and the daughter of a minister. Despite the fact I am pretty sure she is pregnant, Sarah still loves her.


  1. I am a die-hard Republican who votes in the primaries and I have no problem with this whatsoever. I don't care who the guy is, I think it's more of the shacking up thing Sarah might take issue with. Kyle is so gosh darned lovable and I think they would make a great match!

    Oh...and by the way...I think those comments were pretty bigotted to assume that because someone is Republican they are racist. Where does that come from???

    By the adopted daughter is 100% African American and we "still" love her!

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    The original blogger did not write this post. AT ALL.

    How do we know that there two are really dating? I need more info.

  3. Racists today don't run around screaming the n-word.

    Racists today say that Obama was born in Kenya and got everything he has from affirmative action.

  4. I wouldn't like my daughter dating a black guy either, even if he's a CEO and a stand-up guy. But Bristol's over 18 and basically on her own, so what can you do?

  5. e: you do realize that's the definition of racism right there? WHY wouldn't you like your daughter dating a black guy?

  6. Anonymous9:49 AM

    i wouldn't care if someone did not want to date outside of their ethnicity, but don't dictate or indoctrine how others live.

  7. Well, of COURSE Sarah Palin doesn't want Bristol dating a black guy. That charming Playgirl model who impregnated and left her was a WAY better match. Genetically, at least. You know.

    Enty, I know you'll get jumped on for this post -- and I don't ENTIRELY think that die-hard Republicans are all racist; that's a big leap, honestly -- but the ones I'M related to would probably rather see me maimed and flogged in public than see me happily hook up with a black dude. Sad, but true.

    The more Bristol rebels, the more I like her. If she's happy, then more power to her.

  8. Anonymous9:52 AM

    oh and btw, i like how this site has readers who post different and interesting comments. gutsy.

    fun times indeed!

  9. "Racists today say that Obama was born in Kenya and got everything he has from affirmative action"


    I don't think most people who take issue with him possibly being from Kenya are racists...HELLO the man is half white.

    That statement is something that has been fed to all the NON free thinkers and is complete horse sh*t.

    BTW - get familiar with Herman Cain...he's black (not African American since he's not from Africa) and is gaining plenty of steam.

    I'm helluva white girl and I'll for Herman ANYDAY over Obama.

    As for this post about her supposed racism...this is gossip and since there is no basis for the rumor...I don't think it's very fair to call her a racist.

    Another R-Word that has been taken out of context.

  10. "I wouldn't like my daughter dating a black guy either, even if he's a CEO and a stand-up guy."

    This is why I get apoplectic when people claim racism no longer exists.

  11. I doubt they are dating. If I were Sarah, I'd be very concerned that my daughter was only 20, has already had a child, has bounced from guy to guy, has totally changed her looks (unnecessarily, I might add) through plastic surgery, and thinks that reality TV is a career.

    If they are dating I doubt that Sarah cares that he's black. I can't stand the bitch and I think she's very accomplished at exploiting other peoples' racism. I think the problem is more with Bristol going totally off script and not playing along with the narrative they have scripted for her--ie, I think they'd rather have her safely engaged to somebody by now, enrolled in college, and/or working at normal job.

  12. I'm counting on the die hard Republicans to never vote for a woman, and therefore Palin loses. Nevermind the race issue.

    Anyone with a pulse can see the GOP hates women. Remember all the jobs they promised to create last election? Yeah, they are now too busy bossing around our ovaries to be bothered with silly things like the economy...

  13. i don't believe all republicans are racists. but what i'm pretty sure of is that far fewer democrats are.

  14. Ice 'Oh...and by the way...I think those comments were pretty bigotted to assume that because someone is Republican they are racist. Where does that come from???'

    i agree it's awful to lump all reps (or any group, if such were the case) and make such a gross generalization. but the thing is, the rep. party has spent the past few yrs wreaking havoc and fear-mongering amongst its white constituency, instilling fear about minorities/immigrants and how they're taking jobs and how they're bad and how they're evil and oh-let's-do-anything-we-can-to-gaurd-against-them. it's very sad. they've bought it hook, line and sinker. i have to agree w/ enty on this one that sarah, if she's serious about running, will toe that party line. until the party cleans up it's act, there will remain many a disgruntled republican. like me. there hasn't been a single solitary republican candidate that i could be proud of in the past decade (or 2). of course, that doesn't make me a dem b/c they suck too. ugh. the state of our nation is heartbreaking.

  15. Of course it's because he's black. Anyone buying that 'because they're living together' excuse? Pfft.

  16. Desiree, I think you are misunderstanding the terms black and African-American.

  17. I'm a die hard libertarian (leaning Republican) and I was fully prepared to vote for Hillary in the election if she had been nominated - I really want to vote for a serious woman candidate for president before I die.

    I couldn't care less if Bristol is dating a black guy, white guy or the Michelen Tire Man. I read a lot of political blogs and this is the FIRST I've heard of this.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I think it was Dan Savage (not sure) who said recently that if you are a Republican, you aren't necessarily a racist. But if you are a racist, you are most likely a Republican.

    Holds true among the people I know, and applies to homophobes and sexists as well. Sad but true.

  20. I really don't think they are dating or even really know one another. The reality show is Kyle, his brother AND BP with baby (I would hope), living in a house. I really think this was thought up in a bar, after a few drinks, and they thought it was hysterical. That remains to be seen. Kyle does seem like a nice guy.

    I work with a lot of hard core Reps and Dems - I personally have no affiliation with either - My observation of both with their children: The Dems like to project the image of being very liberal and with it, but when it's in their house they are more likely to be upset. It's a great idea and they are very supportive - until it's their child. The Reps are more likely against the whole idea but then end up being quietly unapproving and possibly coming around to approving. Just my observation of office mates and the offspring.

  21. It's not that ALL REPUBLICANS are racists...

    It's just that if you are a racist, chances are, you are a republican.

    Hope I made this clear?

    No way a Democrat would ever question his/her President, LEGALLY ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE (not speaking of proven falsified results, hmm, hello Floriday), would ever DARE to question his nationality. You know what we call a Democrat who questions Obama's nationality? Republican.

  22. letloverule: what you said.

  23. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Rita, you are full of shit.

  24. Texshan: I don't know anyone who thinks: "Democrats are all open-minded and loving and Republicans are evil, racist bigots" but when I think of the people in my life who have racist thoughts/feelings they are also republican. I'm not saying all are good or bad in either party, but I can't deny what I see/know. Maybe you are fooling yourself.

  25. Anonymous10:25 AM

    LOTS of people (Democrats, of course) questioned whether John McCain was qualified to run for president because he wasn't born in the USA. He was born on a military base in Panama while his father was in the service.

  26. I have no problem believing SP wouldn't want her daughter to date a black guy. Sarah needs to accept she will never be elected president and it's all on her own merit. She's already shown the world how intelligent she is and it's just not enough.

    Dianne, I would be concerned about the plastic surgery too but SP pushed Bristol into DWTS, her first taste of reality shows. We've all seen once it starts, these pseudo have a hard time giving it up.

  27. Kyle Massey is adorable! I would love for my daughter to date him. Saying that, however, my father would have a stroke. I try to teach my kids to look for a person who treats you well, regardless of color or even gender. Not a popular method of raising my children in the south but guess really is ALL that matter at the end of the day. Being with someone who treats you well and you treat well in return.

  28. I didn't realize McCain was born on a base in Panama but that's because I get all my news from The Donald and I don't recall him ever bringing it up. ;)

  29. @Texshan -- aren't people born on military bases still qualified to run for office, though? I thought that was a no-brainer. The people questioning McCain's legal status weren't all Democrats. But they were IDIOTS, just like the people questioning Obama's birthplace.

    And, truly, count me among the people who couldn't care less WHERE a politician was born. As long as the person elected isn't evil and is ten times smarter than the average voter, I'm cool with any gender or nationality.

  30. "I think it was Dan Savage (not sure) who said recently that if you are a Republican, you aren't necessarily a racist. But if you are a racist, you are most likely a Republican."
    I AGREE WITH YOU 100% !

    Ever heard of the term 'Anchor Baby' or ' Terrorist Baby' ?
    THese are racist terms REP have used to faciliate fear and hate mongering onto America to get their agendas across. To date there have been NO evidence of either Anchor or Terrorist Baby treats and yet the Repubicains continue to incite this bigoted ideology of the scary "other" onto masses of gullible people.
    Tell me you think Republicans arent racist or dont use race to win elections and I have a river in de Nile to sell ya

  31. Anonymous10:29 AM

    LL, I have friends and relatives of just about every political pursuasion you can think of. Being an asshole isn't limited to one political party. I'm not fooling myself that Reps are all lovely folks and dems are all evil. I'm just saying that Dems like to talk about how they are so open-minded, while at the same time they're sending their kids to private school so they don't have to mix with the "wrong sort."

  32. *Threats, er, not Treats
    sorry :)

  33. @Ida - you said EVERYTHING I was thinking LOL

  34. Tex: fair enough! (-: there are idiots in every walk of life--i agree with that!!

  35. @Texshan. I totally agree with you. Thanks for putting it out there.

    For the record, I think this story is total BS.

  36. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Ida, yes, people born on military bases overseas are eligible to run for the presidency. But that didn't stop people from questioning it in 2008.
    Yeesh. The Donald. One of the Rep assholes I've referred to. That guy is a scumbag.
    Jasmine, how is there a river IN the Nile? And, since I've lived in Houston for over 30 years and have worked in the public hospital district and local hospitals for over a decade, I can tell you that anchor babies do exist, they are a huge problem, and they cost us -- you and me and every other citizen -- billions and billions of dollars a year. These are the facts. It's not racist to be opposed to people specifically coming here to have babies. It's financially prudent.

  37. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Thanks, Caydian and LL. Sorry if I've gone off on a tangent.

  38. Well, thanks to Texshan, I went to the bathroom, and yeah, there was shit.

    And now that I empty of all shit, let me say:

    All Republicans are not racist.

    If you are a racist, chances are, you are a republican.

    No Shit. Proven, reliable, factual, and unlike republican candidates whose résumés include reality tv and have many times filed bankrupcy, this statement is lacking of all fecal matter.

  39. Oh here go hell come.

  40. Tex: even tho we don't entirely agree it's nice to disagree without resorting to name calling. And i like what you say about donald--so there's that!

  41. Anyone interested in the social science of racism in Republican and Democratic circles would do well to read "The Gray and the Brown" in the National Journal. Essentially, the Republican base consists of a graying population that has never lived in the presence of human diversity, racial or whatnot, while the younger generations live in multi-cultural communities and have no fear of the "other" types of humanity. As these two populations grow further and further apart, the grays have to fight to maintain "their" America. This is one of the roots of Republican racism. Not all Republicans are racist, but as the party of the grays, they have a lot of discomfort with Hispanic, black, Asian and immigrant Americans.

  42. People say it doesn't matter what someone 'looks like' as far as voting for him. I believe them. The problem is that those 'looks' are used by -usually republicans- to imply that a candidate is fatally 'different', un-American, and can't REALLY be trusted to do things the way 'We' would. During the 2008 campaign, it was all Kenya, all Rev. Wright, all the time, totally ignoring the fact that our President was pretty much 'raised white', if such a thing exists.
    You've all heard of Fox 'News' here, right?

  43. Warning - flame worthy comment ahead.

    I'm really tired of people assuming that just because someone is republican, they are racist. I have been to several tea party rallies, and not seen a single racist word. I've seen Herman Cain enter the presidential race, and get significant backing from conservatives. It feels more racist to me that people assume that just because someone doesn't like Obama, that it must be because of his race. Perhaps it is because HE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING TO IMPROVE THINGS ECONOMICALLY? That idea of judging someone on their character and capabilities, and not on the color of their skin -- seems to me that the people jumping to the conclusion that any criticism must be because of a person's race are the more judgemental for the wrong reasons.

  44. @Rita

    You better have some statistics on that one, otherwise you're gonna get a train run on you.

    That aside, I could care less about any of this except to say I'd be more concerned about how the American system is set up rather than which idiot is pulling the lever.

  45. @Rita...sounds like another trip to the bathroom is in order.

    Republicans do not have a lock on racism. Also, it's unfactual (is that a word?) to believe that there is no racism among Democrats.

  46. Caydian. You are saying exactly what I've stated. Read again.

  47. People born on military bases are eligible specifically because Congress clarified that in a law in 2008, specifically for John McCain. Then-Senator Obama voted for it.

    I am a fire-breathing Democrat, and I will say that NONE, even the most partisan nutcases in any Democratic thread, forum, or e-mail group EVER questioned anyone's eligibility based upon being born on a military base. I literally never heard anyone question it, because it would be an absurd technicality.

  48. @valerie

    You can't really blame Obama for the state of the economy 100% because the government doesn't "control" things like banks, so when that sweet little housing bubble burst, you guys were fucked. That's pretty much the biggest thing that saved us(Canadians) from it all.

  49. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Rita, arguing on the internet is pointless, and compounding it by arguing with someone like you, who can't see how ridiculous they are, is an exercise in frustration. You see "racism" only as someone using the "n" word or not hiring someone just because they are a different color, but the fact is there are many other expressions of racism, and democrats are just as guilty of them as republicans.

  50. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Libby, it should take you about 30 seconds after googling "John McCain nationality" to want to retract that statement.

  51. If my daughter started dating Kyle Massey I'd give her a long hard "side-eye". Only because he's fat. I unabashedly like lean studs. But if he treated her respectfully, then I wouldn't complain. I actually like Black people. And African-Americans, too. I am both! (Side-eye to Desiree)

  52. Wow, quite a post and comments.

    All I'll say is I agree with the poster that anyone questioning Obama's birthplace (birthers, in general), are racists, even if they won't say it. I truly believe that.

    Enty believes that Palin is a racist. HIS opinion. I don't see anywhere where he said all Republicans are racist. I certainly don't believe that, but to a certain extent, I do buy into what Dan Savage says. Same goes here in Canada. I don't know a hell of a lot of NDPers or Libs who are racist, but I know a bunch of Conservatives who are. I'm not sure why people of either party are finding that so hard to admit.

  53. PS - Kyle Massey seems like a catch to me!

  54. to quote Bill Maher:

    Sure not all Republicans are racist,but I can pretty much guess that ALL racists are Republicans.

    (not Dan Savage.)

  55. For what it's worth, I'm not American, so I have no stake in this. I am also very interested in american politics, and read a lot of political blogs, left and right wing, Democrat and Republican (and a few libertarian ones), lots of American Christian blogs... and my (outsider, no stake in it) impression is that racism does seem to rear its ugly head in Republican climes.

    It's not that Democrats or Libertarians can't be racist - but their racism tends to be of the "blind privilege" type. The hateful stuff is mostly in Republican blogs/sites/publications.

    ::shrug:: make of it what you will, and the plural of anecdote is not data, YMMV, etc.

  56. *to quote Bill Maher:
    Sure not all Republicans are racist,but I can pretty much guess that ALL racists are Republicans.
    (not Dan Savage.)*
    Whoever said this, it rings true, at least in my little corner of the world (and all the various comments from ALL the articles i read on the internet like they are crack---I LOVE me some comments!)
    full disclosure: i have never done crack.

  57. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Yeah, because as we all know, Bill Maher is completely apolitical and doesn't have an axe to grind.

  58. Texshan: I specifically was referring to everything I MYSELF was exposed to in 2008. In MY e-mail groups, news sites/comments I read, etc.
    I didn't say NO ONE anywhere did. I couldn't be everywhere or read everything, but I read a HELLUVA LOT.

    The only time I heard it mentioned was as a hypothetical---like, 'Republicans would probably FREAK if Obama were born in Panama'. But NOTHING questioning McCain's legitimacy; that would be ridiculous, and disqualify a lot of American kids born overseas.

  59. We can attack the messengers all we want---but can't we just admit that a (self-aware) RACIST WILL NOT EVER VOTE DEMOCRAT!!!!

    Come on! Get real! It does not mean that all or most republicans are racists. It's just that (self-aware or not) racists are super-common in this USA, and Republicans know the dog-whistle tactics to use to get them to the ballot box ("Welfare Queens", Affirmative Action-flaming started w/ Reagan).
    I'm not saying Democrats don't have their own dog whistles (I wish we were more aggressive). But they are never about SOCIAL DIVISION or prejudice, that's for sure.

  60. "I'm not saying Democrats don't have their own dog whistles (I wish we were more aggressive). But they are never about SOCIAL DIVISION or prejudice, that's for sure."

    Libby, I basically agree. You won't find too many Dems bitching about gay marriage or affirmative action.

  61. Go Bristol. ^_^

    Now...if I could just get a date with Meghan McCain...all would be right in the world. And I'm not kidding. I'd suck the polish off of her toes. I think she's lovely.

  62. Here is a simple question that I would love to see people answer honestly...

    Bobby Jindahl is of Indian descent. He is the Governor of Louisiana and he is Republican. Many people would love to see him run for President. I think I might to see him run myself.

    So...say he was to run for president and say all of you chest thumping liberals disagreed with him on an issue and you were vocal about it. Would that give me the right to call you racist, because of course you couldn't legitimately criticize him on his policies, it would have to be about his ethnicity.

    See how stupid that sounds? And then if you see how stupid THAT sounds think about some of the posts on this board today. You can disagree with our POTUS about oh, say like being a borderline socialist, and it has nothing to do with his ethnicity.

    The irony is that the truth of the matter is that many DEMS are loathe to give up the whole race card thing and they perpetuate it because they have found that it can stall a debate or criticism about our POTUS's policies. If they didn't have the race card to throw out there, they might have to think a hell of a lot harder on how to justify his policies...

  63. Anonymous12:09 PM

    No, we can't "admit that a racist will never vote democrat,"because that is really stupid. Some people vote democratic just because they ARE racist -- like all of the black people who voted for Obama JUST BECAUSE he is half black. Many didn't know or care about his policies or beliefs; they just voted for him because he was (half) black. Isn't voting for someone JUST because of the color of his skin -- no matter what it is -- racist?
    Fun facts:
    FDR instituted the Japanese internment camps during WWII. He also appointed two avowed (Democratic) segregationists to the Supreme Court, rejected anti-lynching laws proposed by Republicans, and banned black newspapers from his press conferences.
    Robert Byrd -- Democratic senator and member of the KKK. Refused to fight in an integrated armed force. Filibustered the Civil Rights Act (written and introduced by Republicans, btw). Used the "n" word on national television.
    Ernest Hollings -- Democratic senator. Avowed segregationist. Has made repeated racist remarks about blacks, Mexicans, and jews.
    Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton -- have made repeated racist remarks against jews and whites.
    Ted Kennedy -- supported Boston school integration, but sent his own kids to all-white private schools.
    Huffington Post -- ran a doctored photo of Jo Lieberman in which he appeared to be in blackface.
    JFK -- voted against the Civil Rights Act and was opposed to the 1963 march on Washington.
    Harry Reid was quoted as saying that Obama "didn't speak with a Negro dialect."
    Joe Biden said that Obama was "the first African-American who is articulate and bright and clean."
    These are just a few examples of Democratic racism. Again, I'm not saying there aren't any racist Republicans, I'm just saying that Democrats shouldn't be so quick to point the "racist" finger.

  64. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Generic, your post was like music to my ears (eyes?)! I looove Jindahl. I wish he'd run in 2012 rather than the parade of losers and wimps that are running right now -- with the exception of Cain, whom I am very interested in hearing more about.

  65. Libby, well said. If a democrat held the same speech as say Rush Limbaugh on radio, he would be lynched! The likes of Rush Limbaugh are elected by the people as representatives of their party. And those representatives are questioning anything of colour, no matter if mother is white and more American than any of their ancestors, and all religions not pertaining to Christianity. Has anyone forgotten when he openly stated on his show that God punished Japan because they believe in Gaia. Which is God in Japanese.

    But back to the subject at hand. I think it is too late for Sarah Palin to worry about her daughter. Bristol Palin had done everything and all that the republican party preaches against: sex before marriage, teen pregnancy, having a baby out of wedlock, wearing skimpy clothes on camera, having multiple sexual partners, and negating the face that God had given her. Sarah Palin should understand that it is absolutely too late to ever have her daughter appear as the all saintly Virgin Mary. That cow's been out of the barn and irrefutably milked.

  66. I used to be like "e" didnt want my kids to date white or any other race but black for that matter...

    Now I just want them to be happy and if a white man can make my daughters happy then I am happy.

    Its all about the hating

    You can't help who you fall in love with.

  67. @Texshan -- I'm wondering where you received all that info. If it originated from Fox News or the Heritage Foundation...eesh. Some of those "facts" sound insanely sketchy, particularly the Biden quote.

    Also, *siiiiigh*, until ~Black Privilege~ actually exists, White Privilege IS what keeps white people advancing, and what prevents Afro-Americans from truly being racist. SAYING something disparaging about an ethnicity is one thing, but actually having the ability to influence if someone can get a job, rent an apartment, etc, is another issue entirely.

    Sorry, but I don't think that minorities can truly be racist. It's like women being sexist -- impossible, sorry.

    @generic -- "You can disagree with our POTUS about oh, say like being a borderline socialist, and it has nothing to do with his ethnicity."

    Please explain what YOU think Socialism is. Honestly. I'm curious.


  69. Kyle Massey is adorable and for Bristol, a catch.

    Are a lot of Republicans racist? You betcha! Are ALL OF THEM racist?? Of course not!

    I've heard people I know to be Democrats use the "N" word and say, "Oh, that only applies to certain ones." or whatever bullshit excuse they want to use.

    Here is the difference with those people...sure a lot of times they ARE Republican and sometimes, shockingly, they ARE Democrat but in all the instances I've seen of that behavior in my lifetime, they have ALL BEEN UNEDUCATED MORONS.

  70. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Wow, Ida. So you don't think minorities can be racist. Or women can be sexist. Um, OK. That makes no sense whatsoever. So if I said that I believed all men were perverts and therefore I wouldn't hire any to work in my (theoretical) company, that wouldn't be a sexist remark, simply because I'm a woman? Or that, if I were black, and I made a point to never hire anyone white, that wouldn't be racist? I think you may want to reread the anti-discrimination laws in this country.
    I didn't get any of those facts from the Heritage Foundation, FOX News, or the like. All of them came from multiple reliable sources throughout the Internet. The Biden quote is real. I found it on numerous sources online, including CNN.

  71. Generic: criticizing policies is entirely different from being absolutely CERTAIN that our black president is from Kenya. THAT is racist. Just like someone saying they wouldn't let their daughter/son date a black person even IF they are a "ceo of a company and a stand-up guy/girl" is RACIST.
    Definition: hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. I disagree with some of Obama's decisions...I'm not racist. I wish more people who disagree with our president had more to say than "he's not an american! Or Christian! and he's muslim!" False, False (and who cares!) and False (ditto!) and RACIST RACIST RACIST!

  72. @Texshan -- you still didn't give me the name of any ACTUAL websites. "Multiple reliable sources" doesn't exactly cut it. And if that Biden quote was from CNN, I'd TRULY love to see a link from their website.

    "So if I said that I believed all men were perverts and therefore I wouldn't hire any to work in my (theoretical) company, that wouldn't be a sexist remark, simply because I'm a woman? Or that, if I were black, and I made a point to never hire anyone white, that wouldn't be racist?"

    If we lived in a world where a woman could make hiring decisions like that -- or if a black CEO could make hiring decisions like that -- your argument might be valid. But we don't.

    Check the Forbes 500 and get back to me. If you think those men became successful because of sheer talent, you're dead wrong. It has a LOT to do with race, gender, and societal constructs.

  73. I wouldn't say that Sarah Palin herself is racist, but I would say that she depends a great deal on her base being racist.

  74. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Rita, I found it very hard to get through Maher's racist remarks about Jindahl and look at his smug, disgusting face, but I did it, just for you, because I wanted to hear what Jindahl said that you found so disturbing. So, uh, where was it? It was just four minutes of Maher's cheap jokes and nothing from Jindahl himself.

  75. My friend is a white Democrat and she and her parents voted for Obama. She's dating a black guy and her parents are devastated, completely sick to their stomach and want her to end it. I am a Republican. I've been dating a Muslim for the last 3 years. My boyfriend's parents are devastated that he's dating a non-Muslim, non-arabic. I know plenty of black people whose parents would be upset with them if they dated a white person. I worked for a Japanese company, and one of the japanese girls had to break up with her white boyfriend, because her parents told her she had to. I don't think a person's political stance has anything to do with with religious or ethnic preference. There's prejudice in every single race, gender, religion, etc. When people try to act holier than thou, they're full of it and they're a walking hypocrit. Every single human is guilty of it in one way shape or form, so stop judging.

  76. crila16:

  77. Herman Cain is an idiot. His simple-minded pedantry won't get him past the nominations stage. He is just another businessman who wants to kill the middle class. We have far too many of them. I don't care what his race is.

    People who don't like Obama, don't like intelligent people. That he is black is a drawback to them but they basically dislike him since he's an "uppity black" to them. He speaks about complex issues and understands them. The modern-day Republican wants simple-minded, emotionally-charged, hateful choices that assure them they're going to be rich someday. They are sociopaths and the ignorant dupes who follow after them.

    And please, no one tell us about your beloved black friends and family. If you love them but work against them, it doesn't count.

    Sarah Palin once called Obama "Sambo" in public. I have no doubt she is, as most conservative Republicans are, a seething racist.

  78. yeah, MCH, I have that happen too. The old "oh, well only SOME of "them" are..." but again...MOSTLY republicans in my experience, but I'm sure it goes on in every political party, every race, every religion. Morons are careful where you step!

  79. Nice Comment Melody!
    Look, I have close friends who say things that make me cringe, that I try to correct in a nice way (which only mostly makes them defensive). Some are born into the belief that their whatever is the best whatever; that's what their parents say and that's what they say, dammit! I grew up around racism, subtle and not so much, but thank gawd my mother isn't. when she doesn't like someone it has nothing to do with color, religion, or sex, it has to do with the fact that the person is an idiot, or mean, or both!
    LL out!

  80. @Melody -- "People who don't like Obama, don't like intelligent people. That he is black is a drawback to them but they basically dislike him since he's an "uppity black" to them. He speaks about complex issues and understands them. The modern-day Republican wants simple-minded, emotionally-charged, hateful choices that assure them they're going to be rich someday."

    I agree. It's why so many of them STILL worship Dubya, and why they forgive Palin for her idiocy and complete lack of experience.

  81. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Ida, I didn't know you actually wanted the names of the websites -- but I will list a few.
    First of all, here's the url for the CNN article:
    The FDR stuff is widely available online, but you can read some of it from historian Jonathan Bean at History News Network,
    The Reid quote, from CNN:
    The info about Hollings, Byrd, and JFK is common knowledge. Google it for yourself.
    Ted Kennedy Jr. graduated from St. Albans School in DC, Patrick Kennedy went to Phillips Academy in Andover, and their sister Kara went to a private school, as well. Again, common knowledge.
    I don't even know what to say about your beliefs on racism and sexism. They seem truly misguided, to me, at least.

  82. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Melody, you are guilty of prejudice yourself, against republicans.
    So, if I don't like Obama, I don't like intelligent people? Huh? That doesn't even make sense! I work with doctors and researchers all day, every day. You're saying that I don't like anyone I know? How dare you try to make such a broad generalization about me, someone you've never even met? Let alone calling me a sociopath! You've got some severe issues you need to work on.
    LL, are you saying that you have never, ever made any snap judgment call on someone just because of how they look? I find that impossible to believe.

  83. I think most people are SCARED of anyone that is different from them.

    That's why I don't get along with Conservative Republicans.

    Shit Bristol...I think i'm starting to like you.

    As Karl Rove says, “As people do better, they start voting like Republicans — unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing.”

  84. Sarah Palin "I Don't mess with Black men."

    Sarah Palin lost her 1984 swimsuit competition to a black woman.

    She lost the 2008 election to a black man - should she (god forbid) run again - she willl lose to him again.

    No wonder she hates black people so much. She keeps losing to them.

  85. @Texshan -- those quotes sound a little misappropriated, honestly. And, honestly, it's a tad ridiculous to accuse the Dems of being classist/racist, etc. I think that the Republicans have already done a bang-up job on cornering offensive phrases and dialogue. Personally, I've got to deal with George "Macaca" Allen -- another GOP figurehead who's said things in public that are FAR WORSE than anything Biden has ever spat out -- in my own home state.

    I truly could not care less where the Kennedys attended private school in the sixties, seventies, and eighties. The distant past doesn't concern me. I know all about those elitist schools in Northern VA. I even have a few friends who've attended them -- but at least it's not, say, George Bush getting into YALE purely on family name alone.

    Guess what? Even the best public schools are now primarily populated by white people. And that has largely to do with the fact that white people find it EASIER TO FIND LUCRATIVE JOBS, which makes it easier for these people to provide a great education for their children.

    You're welcome to think what you will about my views on racism and sexism. I stand by my views, and I think they're more evolved than the average Republican's.

    Either way, have fun during the next election cycle! Our "Kenyan-born Muslim" is gonna clean up -- deservedly.

  86. Ha ha. I think this explains why Bristol dared express an opinion counter to her Moms about gay marriage.

    She was just gearing up for the big fight. Palin vs Palin. Fun times.

  87. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Ida, I never claimed I thought Obama was either Kenyan-born or a Muslim. And of course you think your opinions are more evolved, just as I do my own opinions. Who wouldn't want to think their opinions are the correct ones? But I honestly don't understand why you willfully refuse to acknowledge that democrats and republicans can be equally absurd.
    I personally think Obama will win again unless the Republicans can actually run someone against him who isn't either a complete nutjob or boring as shit. I think it will be a tragedy for this country and our rights as citizens if he does, but the majority rules. And, unfortunately, I am starting to think the majority of the people in the USA are dumb as stumps.
    And btw, Melody, that "sambo" comment was reported only once, in a left-wing newspaper by a self-described leftist American living in Canada, whose only source was some waitress named Lucille who refused to reveal her last name. Not exactly the most reliable source.

  88. Ida, you must be from VA :)

    The guy Allen was referring to was my friend from HS (a year after me - we were on the academic team together). I'm glad he was smart enough to use the experience to help his candidate defeat Allen that year :)

  89. Texshan, a lot of your indignation & counter-arguments to multiple people here involve you simply inserting the word "all" into their opinions.


  90. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Libby, I don't understand your comment. It doesn't matter, in any case, because I am tired of this discussion, which isn't going anywhere and won't accomplish anything except hurt feelings. I am moving on to comment on even stupider things.

  91. Just like the comment that "all" racists are republican Libby? I've seen that repeated multiple times by the dems in this discussion.

    I'm probably one of the few who agrees with Texshan. I'm also a republican, and I'm not a racist. I don't like Obama because he doesn't keep his promises. Didn't he promise over 2 years ago to close Guantanamo Bay, and yet it's still open? I'm not saying that republicans don't break promises as well, but to use something as such a huge platform issue and then not follow up on it annoys me.

    Not all racists are republicans. My in-laws are dems (along with most of the family), and they are HUGE racists. They don't believe in gay marriage, you should hear the stuff that comes out of their mouths. However, they vote dem because it "looks out for the little guys," unlike the big bad republicans.

    Finally, at least Texshan can admit the republicans lately who want to run are idiots (i.e. Palin and The Donald) and not good for the country (I also agree with that). I've meet more republicans than dems who are willing to say this candidate is a bad choice, unlike the dems who will support their candidate no matter what simply because they are a dem. That seems to be pretty unintelligent to me.

    Bottom line, there are racists in both parties. Texshan, myself, and other republicans speaking on this blog have admitted that there are racists in our party, why is it so hard for the dems to admit the same?

  92. @Ida ITA with everything you said in your last post. <3

    I just want to applaude you for continuing to try to get through to a particular blogger on this site. Here's a hint- she seems to be from Texas (surprise surprise)lol jk texas ppl.
    I couldnt even fathom writing anything more once the Anchor Baby propaganda was defended by Miss Texas. Here's a clue blogger- why dont you mosey on down to your local uni and take a race/class/gender course and learn about how everything, including the make-up you buy and the number of minorities in jail, hell, even the truly racist law of not allowing people who've commited felonies to vote (this is a blatent tool REPUBLICANS started to prevent a large portion of minorites from having a voice in politics) all of this is due to White Male Priveledge that continues to be perpetuated. And that often includes the Republican party. Killing the middle class, continuing to grow the divide between the top 1% and everybody else, and the increase in difference between CEOs salaries and the lowest worker (now i think its an unprecendented 300% difference) all equal to certain targeted groups continuing to be ever more powerless, voiceless, and not represented. All thanks, in large part, to a corrupt government. And dont get me started on the fucking enviromental degredation. My fav thing Obama has done so far is within the first FEW MONTHS of his presidency he reinstated several environmental statutes Bush had opened up for big oil comp and the like, simply for profit. I've now begun to babble but my point is this- Republicans will nver really represent the masses of everday people in America- they know this and so use tricks like race and gender and class to confuse and distract from the reality that they dont give a fuck about joe the citizen- unless joe make millions and is in their pockets and willing to play their game.
    End rant, lol.

  93. @letloverule

    I recall Dan Savage being quite upset with blacks after Prop 8 passed in California and calling on some pretty nasty rhetoric against blacks. And last I checked, Dan Savage isn't a republican.

  94. I just don't understand what Kyle sees in Bristol. She's whiny and self-absorbed.

    Just sayin'.

  95. Anonymous5:03 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. Anonymous5:15 PM

    white liberals love blacks that is until blacks do not go along with every program and agenda that they have. then they have no use for them.

  97. "I think the reason Sarah Palin does not like Kyle Massey is because he is black. Yep. I said it."

    Yep. You're an asshole.

    I wasn't initially a big Palin fan politically and I don't know enough now to decide. What I DO KNOW to be a FACT is that negative commentary about her is 90% completely untrustworthy and more likely than not spiteful and partisan. It's both sad and gruesome that you are projecting your own racial insecurity onto other people.

  98. These are some of the best political comments Ive ever read. Not only are CDAN readers lovers of good gossip, you're intelligent and well spoken.
    I cant think of anything to add, except a couple of little things,its all been said very well.

    There are exceptions to every rule. No matter the rule. My experience has been that the people in my life who are most likely to think they have the right to tell me what to do with my uterus, dislike gay people and people who are different than them racially or economically are Christian and Republican.
    The kindest most giving woman I know, nearly lost her life working to make life better for Haitians in Haiti, is a Catholic Republican. Go figure.

  99. Amartel said...
    I wasn't initially a big Palin fan politically and I don't know enough now to decide. What I DO KNOW to be a FACT is that negative commentary about her is 90% completely untrustworthy and more likely than not spiteful and partisan. It's both sad and gruesome that you are projecting your own racial insecurity onto other people.

    Wrong. Sarah Palin has time and time and time again proven herself to be a twit. Had she been able to answer even a simple question, I would have supported her. A SIMPLE ONE. Not even a hard one. It has nothing to do with my own insecurity and everything to do with her being a twit.

  100. The future of the GOP is Allen West, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley. Clearly the GOP are racists. This is a MSM meme generated by the Media Matters is my guess or another socialist org scared of the power of Palin. I have seen this nowhere, and it's just another lie to bring down a powerful women. BTW I'm gay, female, support abortion and conservative so according to some of these comments I must just hate myself. Ef you, this election will not be controlled by the fawning shivers-up-my-leg lamestream media.

    28% gays voted GOP in 2010 election.

  101. Anotheramy,
    My comment was not addressed to you unless you are the author of the post. Are you the author of the post? The author of this post is throwing out suggestions that are completely baseless and can only be explained by the author's own racial insecurities, and certainly not by anything that Palin has ever said or done.
    You shared your experience so here's mine. I've lived in blue states on both coasts and in a red state. By far and away - it's not even a contest - the red staters are more open-minded about race and the blue staters are completely wrapped around the axle about it. Totally uptight on the issue, and on all the other PC topics as well. They're so repressed from just treating people as individuals that when they think no one is listening they make comments that they assume (incorrectly) are shared by the rest of the country. Stuff about Jews, blacks, women, Chicanos, etc. Bad stuff. Then they salve their guilt by blaming everyone else, especially the hated and supposedly stupid red-staters that Palin represents.
    The reason I've never warmed to Palin as a candidate (as opposed to a likeable person who shows up on TV occasionally) is that she doesn't seem to be able to speak extemporaneously, or she seems to have to work at it. OTOH, she simply has not "proven herself to be a twit." There was the Couric interview, of course. That interview was boiled down from 9 hours of interview BTW. Have you ever been grilled for 9 hours with TV cameras watching? Also, our own Prezzie makes dumb mistakes all the time. (57 states, the Marine Corpse, the recent toastus-interruptus situation.) If they were broadcast as ferociously as Palin's mistakes, would you be so appalled? Or would you say, hey, the guy's tired and/or distracted and he made a simple mistake-so what. What? No? Right. Partisan and spiteful. I thought so.

  102. Texshan you severely misquoted Joe Biden. "First African-American..." no. He said he was articulate etc. And you edited that in an inflammatory way. Talk about showing your bias. Here's the thing, when you say you disagree with President Obama's policies, it's a joke. Even his healthcare plan was previously endorsed by Republicans, it's on tape everywhere. President Obama is almost center right. Public schools are socialism, want to dump those too? Republicans went hard hard right the day he was elected. And the GOP loves Sarah Palin because she will say anything. Call him a terrorist? You betcha. Ugh. Texshan please provide a link to the Biden comment written exactly as you wrote it.

  103. This makes two of my favorite gossip websites today that have posted things that offend me.


    I've been a loyal, daily reader here for several years... so many years I have no idea how long it's even been. One thing I've always enjoyed is that, for the most part, politics stayed out of it.

    As a moderate-leaning-right voter, I dislike Obama for several reasons, and I assure you... all of those reasons are directed at the white half just as much as the black. In fact, the only ones I ever see saying ANYTHING about his race are Liberals, who want to throw it around as a reason to minimize and invalidate anything a person who disagrees with them might say.

    "You don't like Obama?! MY GOD, YOU RACIST!" Who cares if we feel we have valid disagreements with his policies or his broken promises, how DARE we not like the "Chosen" one?!

    Give me a fucking break. Perhaps if you pulled your head out of your own ass and realized that some of us don't like politicians based on their PERFORMANCE, not their fucking color, you'd realize how racist YOU sound by throwing around the accusation so readily.

    Heaven forbid we use our heads to decide what we do and don't agree with... we must use our eyes. Being obligated to adore and support our current president (and by keeping our mouth shut if we disagree, so as not to offend the sensitive ones) simply because of his color is just as racist as not liking him because of his color. It's our First Amendment Right to speak what we feel, and if we don't like the idiot, we don't like the idiot.

    Just as many of us didn't like several of the idiots that have come before, and probably won't like several of the idiots that will come after.

    Seriously. Stop being so damn ignorant. You're perpetuating the problem we have in this country by creating an even larger partisan divide among voters. Stop throwing around accusations that are blatant assumptions and try to make it better.

  104. These days, with the divisiveness that composes American politics the Left seems more and more like the Right facing the other direction. Or the Right seems like the Left facing the other direction. Either/or.

  105. Barton Fink -- Thank you for linking to the article in the National Journal re The Gray and the Brown. It's a great nonpartisan, nonemotional explanation for demographic divisions found not just in the U.S. If people could just unemotionally read the reasons for differences and then understand why compromises will benefit everyone, we'd be better off. Although i'm pessimistic about that happening. "Tectonic plates" pushed by emotion don't rely on thought for their power.

  106. @Mr. M: I agree 100% White gay males are extremely racists!


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