Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Teenager Stoned To Death After Participating In Beauty Contest

In the Ukraine, beauty contest are a pretty big thing. It is one way to escape what can be a life of poverty and if you are lucky, maybe you can end up on Bachelor Ukraine starring Maksim. Well, for one Muslim girl in the Ukraine, entering a beauty contest did not turn out so well. Katya Koren finished seventh in her first beauty contest and for her reward was stoned to death by three fellow Muslim youths who said they killed the 19 year old and buried her in the forest because they were administering Sharia law. They said they would do it again. I bet what really happened is that Katya would have nothing to do with these a-holes and when she rejected their advances they decided to get even by killing her and then ended up trying to justify it under Muslim law, which they cannot, because the only thing stoning is supposed to be used for is adultery and even that is up to debate except for Iran which seems to take great pride in ticking off as many countries as possible with their interpretation of Muslim law.


  1. Assholes will always interpret their own religions the way they want and to justify their own crappy behaviour. Cause they're assholes.

  2. That's why religious extremism is scary. You can't use logic when you're talking about faith/God.

  3. scary is right...

  4. Well, you can use logic, but only insofar as you're applying it to what Scripture actually says -- in context and in totality -- not as interpreted by someone so as to justify doing something heinous. It's when we apply human attributes to God that we lose sight of His logic.

  5. @white lorelei

    That's what I was thinking along the lines of. You can't use logic to convince someone that what they are doing is wrong if they believe that they have God behind them.

    I should have articulated better.

  6. Anonymous11:03 AM

    If you read the comments in the dailymail article about this, you'll find one, which says the story is not correct. A guy called Merhat Sharipzhan writes that the girl was orthodox Christian and the killer was from a mixed Ukranian-Tatar family (whatever that means).

  7. religion needs to stop being a loophole.

    don't even get me started on jebus...i might offend.

  8. I wish this blog would stick to gossip and entertainment instead of these types of sad & depressing stories.

  9. These kinds of stories are what mixes it up though, Temp Grape. We have posters who are capable of intelligent discussion on such things, which really sets it apart from most gossip sites.


  10. Sad, sad, sad. And still, only one of many similar crimes against women under so called "Sharia law". Fanatics, criminals, and assholes, exist in all religions and non-religions. It's certainly not limited to muslims (see Westboro Baptist Church et al.)

  11. Why can't we just shut this entire Religion down? Seriously things are SO FRAKED up with Islam, we need to shut it down.

    Sometimes I wish that we found absolute undeniable PROOF that there IS NO GOD. It would make things much more honest and simple.

    Heck I am writing a script as a ANTI-rapture film. God comes to Earth and we learn He is closer to this insanity and Al Queada, and He hates Western Civ, Democracy USA and freedom. So the PREZ then declares war on GOD and things do badly until we ally with the ALIENS.

    Think of it as Dogma crossbred with Earth Vs Flying Saucers.

  12. @Gary

    Islam does not say that. That's what fear mongers would have people believe. Islam does not condone the warped version that extremists (like Osama Bin Laden) practice.

  13. I will wait for the liberals to blame the USA and tell us we need to be nicer to the kids.

  14. You know what? I think this story is a better example of straight-up violent misogyny more than an example of religious zealotry run amok. This issue transcends faith and politics -- though those two things sure as hell aren't helping the plight of sisterhood or anything.

    Women are NOT granted sufficient legal protection. I don't care where or what you worship, or if you live in Zimbabwe or Des Moines -- there are plenty of men all over the world who are simply threatened by females, and who love exerting any amount of control and power they can over them. And they get away with it WAY more than they should.

  15. What I'm about to say is harsh, but a lot of people are thinking it.

    It is time to take a stand against all and any organized religions infringing on HUMAN RIGHTS.

    Islam, although some of it is beautiful, has been a leader in human rights transgressions, more specifically allowing, encouraging, and in a lot of cases leaving un-punished acts of murders and cruelty against girls and women.

    With the globalization of politics, commerce, and internet interpol policies against pedophiles, isn't it time for civilized society to put its foot down and globally declare all religions encouraging violence, in any shape or form, against human beings to be illegal, and declare them globally illegal, prohibiting individuals, like terrorists from practicing outside their territory, and on war-criminal hit lists.

    Extreme? But isn't it extreme to rape, lapidate and kill girls for partaking in activities such as beauty contests? Imagine your classmates taking you outside, and hitting you over and over with stones until you die a slow and agonizing unmerciful death.

  16. Bunch of idiots. There's going to be more of these senseless killngs as fashion and runway pageants are becoming more commonplace in these parts of the world. Some people have to hang onto their silly 1500 year old fairy-tales then actually be happy that society is making social progress. And women will 98% of the time be the unfortunate victims.

  17. Ida, I love you. That's all. *L*

  18. Beautiful girl and she is dead for what? Absolutely doing nothing wrong that toddlers compete in here. Just makes me incredibly sad that women are treated as garbage. I think her family should get to slowly stone all of the killers to death.

  19. The "religion of peace" at it again.

  20. @Rita -- "It is time to take a stand against all and any organized religions infringing on HUMAN RIGHTS."

    If you were to make a list of religions that have infringed upon human rights, Christianity would be near the top.

    @Maja -- love you too, my little Swedish meatball. <3

  21. The Catholic Church continues to oppose the use of condoms in AIDS-ravished Africa. They are contributing to far more death and suffering than Muslim extremists.

  22. @Mooshki -- THANK YOU. EXACTLY.

  23. @Ida. I absolutely agree. Although Christianity is not as bad as it was in the middle ages, most have evolved.

    What bothers me is we're not in the middle ages anymore, we have evolved, women's rights have evolved, heck, they now truly and permanently EXIST. If someone under Catholic law committed murder, they would be punished by law, not so in muslim countries, religion, interpretation of religion, is still law absolute.

  24. @IDA - I COMPLETELY agree. The Bible is full of sexism towards women. But what do you expect from a book written by primitive man during primitive time?

  25. @Rita -- well, Catholics might not get away with murder, exactly, but they HAVE gotten away with pedophilia for who knows how long. Hard to say what's worse.

    @JBE -- I just think of all the Aboriginal Australians who were yanked from their homes as children by missionaries who wanted to indoctrinate them and "save" them from their "primitive" lives. Some of those kids never saw their families again. And that happened up until 1970! All in the name of spreading the Gospel...

  26. And the Crusades! Don't forget that!

  27. Those young men need to be imprisoned for murder. Period.

  28. whatever happend to Maksim and his pick.

    Ida, you are so on point it is not even funny.

  29. It saddens me to think of the vast number of men living on the planet today who see women, including the ones that bore them onto this earth, as completely inferior beings. My Anatomy professor in college was male, he actually taught that women were biologically superior because our bodies could completely rearrange inside to support a life, then feed that life for years after it was born. He said that deep down inside all men are jealous of this and that is why they work so hard to demean women. Interesting theory.

    Anyway, I do not believe in the death penalty as policy, but I say let the punishment fit the crime. These boys need to be stoned to death. Very slowly.

  30. @rita. i love you.

  31. Horrific. No excuse for this. We still have such a long way to go in order for people to be equal.

    Thank you again for the thoughtful posts. If a person gains comfort from their religion, I have no problem with that. It is when they try to impose their belief system on me that I have issues. This is why I think separation of church and state must be paramount.

  32. been looking around and reading more on this story. seems the Daily Mail and other Western/English speaking news sources got some info wrong, it was one boy, possibly with some mental issues, who may have been rejected by her. She is a Christian, the boy is of Muslim heritage, but from a non-religious family. So...

  33. @FS it is called "Womb Envy"

  34. What a horrible way to die. She was a beautiful girl. :-(

    Can anyone explain to me why her being in a beauty pageant violated their beliefs? I don't know much about this religion.

  35. I just have to say that the comments on this site have been so awesome lately. Even when commenters disagree, it's been entertaining. So different from a few short months ago. I was tempted to never look at comments again. Glad I didn't.

  36. The story of Adam and Eve alone has helped to bring about several several centuries of misogyny.

    When people ask me how I grew up with a Jewish father and Christian mother and ended up Atheist I just say that in both relgions I felt like being a woman was a four letter word, I say that seeing my orthodox Jewish grandfather speak and acknowledge only my father's thougts and ignore his daugter's and even his own wife was mindboggling to me.
    Now Im not targeting just the Jewish relgion, but this is my own personal experience.

    I guess I just like living my life free from all that bullshit of laws and regulations that seem to take us farther away from our humanity rather than closer.
    I fuck up sometimes, I'm selfish,I've even stolen things, and yeah I've tried drugs a few times BUT I try to do things with good intent and I treat everyone I meet well and it's not because I think there is a god telling me to do so or that there is a book outlining the way I should live my life correctly.
    I do so because I know that if I put good thoughts and energy and actions out there I might just get some of that back and that cycle of good intent will continue.

    I've obviously gone slightly off tangent wise here lol, but I think if these boys had good intent rather than an interpretation by some misogynist person who indoctrinated them on who is good and who is bad, well than this could have been avoided. And in the end I think going from your heart is always going to produce better results than going from something else, even if it is wrapped up in a book that is dubbed as 'holy'.

  37. someone above wrote "a mixed Ukranian-Tatar family (whatever that means)"
    - you should learn what it means, because it explains a lot about the issues with muslim/orthodox tensions in eastern europe, which is what this hideous murder is a result of, it sounds like. this is not the first time islam and orthodoxy have clashed in eastern europe - in fact, this is pretty tame compared to the atrocities committed in bosnia, as we all should remember and not forget.

    i think this murder is definitely much more complex than some guys getting rejected.

  38. JasonBlueEyes hit the nail on the head. This is the reaction of a bunch of assholes still stuck on 1500 year old fairy tales and cannot accept that the modern way of live is closing in.

    Personally I think it is time to both take Christianity and Islam and just flush them down the toilet. Jews can stay as they do not act like rabid dogs.

    For all I care after that, Rio can replace that huge statue of Jesus with Bruce Lee. We would be better off accepting him as LORD and SAVIOR. Bruce and Brandon died for your SINS.

    You want to know the quickest way to Atheism, READ THE GOD DAMN BIBLE or KORAN!

    I'm serious both have passages and laws that say to treat women like property with status lower than animals. Stone or just mutilate any man woman or child that breaks even the most mundane of laws.

    I think in this current war on terror, it is faith that will be the biggest causality in the end.

  39. OK, as I thought. We're not talking about "youths". We're talking about men. Again. It's a man problem. Again.

  40. Such a good post, Jasmine! <3

  41. @silenttype, while I don't think the US is responsible for this incident, and agree that how we raise our children is irrelevant to this situation, it is kind of weird to see so much discussion of the harmful effects of religious extremism without any acknowledgment of our country's role in installing and propping-up harsh regimes around the world that have at times used and incubated such extremism. We had our reasons (stable oil supplies, containing communism, etc.), but we all know or should know we did it. Who knows what would have happened if we didn't put and keep those tyrants in power, but a lot of the extremism in the world today can be traced back to them. Would the "other guys" have been any better? Who knows. I tend to agree with those here that suggest this is likely to be a gender-based thing (and no, I don't think it is male bashing to say there is a problem with gender-based violence in this world) and I suspect @kathrynnova may be right that this may well have old school balkans hatreds underpinnings. The only silver lining to this tragedy I see is maybe the publicity this incident gets will lead to change, like the DSK thing, or the Syrian video.
