Thursday, May 26, 2011

This Casey Anthony Trial Just Gets More Depressing

At some point, I do wonder whether Casey Anthony's parents are covering up something, but at the same time it is because of them that police were actually called and Casey was eventually arrested for the murder of her daughter. If Casey's parents were not alive, would anyone ever ask or call police to inquire about Caylee? No one did anything for 31 days so to think someone other than Casey's parents would have done something is wishful. If we are to believe Casey's story, then Caylee drowned and Casey was really shaken by it, but somehow it did not stop her from entering a hot body contest (above) four days after her daughter died or spending the night with her boyfriend every night or partying. It does not explain why she was Googling ways to kill people and neck breaking and how to kill people with household products. I would love to know her answer to that.


  1. Anonymous10:44 AM

    i'm thinking her parents had blinders on during their child rearing. the "my child doesn't do anything wrong" mentality. along with the "i'll do anything for my kid" mentality. they reared a narcissist, immature witch.

  2. I think Casey's parents are in denial. How does a parent cope with the knowledge that your child most likely has murdered your grandchild? I would probably want to deny it to my dying day. And maybe after Caylee being gone, they figure Casey is all they have left and don't want to lose her too. Never underestimate a parent's love I guess.

  3. this is quickly becoming one of those stories I am just going to have to skip. honestly, it is just too upsetting that a life was less important that who was going to buy the next lemon drop shot for this bitch.

  4. Everything Big Mama just said.

    I just can't muster up any interest in this story. It just makes me dislike humanity even more.

  5. i don't trust the parents. i think the only reason they finally called the authorities 31 days later was to throw suspicion off themselves...they're shady and have lied for her, so i believe they knew and simply let the state exhaust resources on searching for that innocent baby girl. they are not good people.

  6. @Macvixen -you're exactly right. And if Caylee did accidently drown, why put on 3 pieces of duct tape? She wasn't going to be any more dead.

    And if I were on the jury I'd be getting really tired of Baez' attitude - I know you have to be a little confrontational on cross examination but he's really being a jerk. When Casey appeals, she should use grounds that she had a jerk attorney.

  7. I'm with Pookie. I think the parents ONLY called the cops when they realized their own implications to the death might result in an arrest.

    pardon my language, but FUCK this bitch and her poor excuse for a family. i hope the guilt drives her to an early grave.

  8. I seriously wonder about the parents and what their part in it was. Something is off about the three of them.

  9. I'll post this in today's too. I was talking about the case yesterday & I hadn't heard the sexual abuse allegations before. My friend thought Casey's Dad is the real father of Caylee.

    I don't have an opinion since I've not read up on the case in awhile but I thought it was interesting.

  10. Both Casey's father and brother were paternity tested---NOT the FATHER.

  11. While everyone focuses on the moral elements of this crime I would just point out that there is an intelligence, or more appropriately lack of intelligence, element as well. Some people are both criminal and dumb. I suspect that Casey belongs with OJ Simpson et al in that category.

  12. I really don't think the parents had anything to do with this. This is a spoiled rotten selfish bitch we are talking about

    I think the parents let Casey have her way with everything from the time she was born and then when she got pregnant, they were like, oops, we better try to help her raise this kid. but as time went on, they realized how selfish and spoiled and narcissitic Casey was and figured the best thing for the child was to raise her, while making it look to the outside world that Casey was raising Caylee. Casey started using Caylee as a weapon to get what she wanted from her parents(money) and they didn't want her to take off with Caylee cause they knew she would be a horrible parent,so they gave in. They were in essence, afraid of Casey and afraid for Caylee. So afraid that they took every lie as the truth when caylee was missing. You can hear in Cindy's voice on the 911 call that she is finally(even if it is only briefly) seeing Casey for what she really is, and that terrfies her more than what Casey will do to her, she knows something is very wrong and she forces Casey's hand by calling the cops! I find this case fascinating and have followed it from the beginning. No matter where you turn in this, it always comes back to Casey. She had her parents under her thumb and living in terror! They had nothing to do with the actual murder.

  13. I believe I can answer Enty's last question...
    It's because the (trust me you don't want me using the language I want to here because I'll blow out your monitor) is guilty as Hell.

    Any presumption of innocence went out the window a long time ago for me where she's concerned.

  14. I think Skeeball is also correct. I've felt that before the child was missing, George & Cindy were getting to the point where they might be thinking of trying to legally get Caylee away from Casey. It must be horrible finally realizing you raised a monster. Although Casey strikes me as a casebook sociopath - I think she is truly baffled that no one believes her stories. She actually took police to the place she said she worked, when she didn't work there! Personnly I really resent my tax dollars (I live in Florida) going to pay for her incarcement and trial, not to mention her theatrical attorneys.

  15. I'm with BigMama and Ida on this one. I can't read about this any more because it makes me want to cry and pop a Xanax. It's horrible.

  16. skeeball, VERY WELL SAID! Hear, hear!

    I think Casey was pissed yesterday (?) b/c her father IS NOT going along with the 'accidental drowning' crap. OR the sexual abuse. She has been controlling her parents a LONG time, definitely a sociopath.

    I've mentioned it before, but Dr. Lillian Glass is a body language specialist, and is following this case closely. DEFINITELY worth checking out, even if she does need a proofreader:

  17. libby, thx for that link...just clicked, really interesting!

  18. I'm with you Skeeball.

    I think Casey is a sociopath, and her parents probably never knew what the truth was. I think Casey is just a bad seed, not a product of being raped by her father. I don't believe it for a second.

  19. Libby, I also follow Glass's blog & you're right, it's interesting. Don't always agree with her but she has some decent insight.

    Last night I was in a ton of pain & for some reason after reading Enty's post from yesterday and the comments I decided to read some of the transcripts of the interviews police conducted with Casey's friends. Like some of you have also said, I felt like I lost my faith in humanity. The whole thing is just sick. While there is something odd about the family in general that I can't put my finger on, Casey had a very long history of lying and was unfortunately able to pull it off well enough where people didn't suspect just how much she was lying about. Stealing money from friends, saying she was going to purchase her parents house when there was no such discussion, saying she worked at Universal and throwing out names & addresses like they were real...the woman is beyond sick. There is no term existing in the dictionary today to describe what she is. There isn't a punishment on this planet to pay her back for what she did to that innocent child.

  20. Thanks Libby. I haven't really been following since they found Caylee so I couldn't remember many details. I hadn't heard of any sexual abuse until yesterday so glad to hear there isn't any possibility that he could be the father.

  21. So how is she supposed to owe $68,000. to the IRS from 2008 (per TMZ). I thought she basically never did anything so how'd that happen.

    I don't know what happened to Caylee but I think Casey is responsible and the whole thing is just sick, sick ,sick.

    For some reason Casey is reminding me of Lindsey Lohan now.

  22. I haven't been following this very closely and I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of details...but...her dad and brother were both paternity tested??? Because that would imply that she's been sexually abused by her father and her brother, and if that is the case, that begins to explain why she's completely messed up. It's obviously no excuse for the horrid crime I believe she committed, but still....

  23. The only thing her parents are hiding is that once their denial eventually wore off they know Casey killed Caylee. They never would have treated their grand baby like trash in the woods. The only guilty person here is CASEY the pathological liar. Anyone that has followed this case knows it, it can' t be any more crystal clear.

  24. She's a bad mother, but I'm going to wait until I hear all the facts before deciding if she's a killer.

  25. Enty, all of the stuff you just mentioned about Casey's behavior post Caylee disappaering has been out for years and is why anyone who has paid an ounce of attention to this case knows in their heart she's guilty. And that's only just a few of the oddities that occured, none of which is anything that would happen with a person who was NOT GUILTY. Remember initially, when they were first looking for Caylee and Casey sent the police on a wild goose chase to a place of employment where she WASN'T EVEN EMPLOYED?? That was my first tip off that something wasn't right with this girl and she was a LIAR.

    Oh and everything skeeball said!

  26. @Maja, it is because she lied about who the father was(i don'think she really knows who the father was) she named at least 3
    guys. and then she let one boyfriend( who she became engaged to when she was pregnant) help her raise Caylee for the first year until she wanted to started dating other people and then told him he wasn't the father.

    She is a monster and a master manipulator, she said she was abused to ellict sympathy. She truly has insulted everyone who has ever been sexually abused!!! She always falls back on this when she doesn't think she is getting her way. Because she has been saying this her father and brother had to be tested.

    She is a classic psychopath and a very distructive one, just watch her jail house interviews, it is all about her, Caylee only get mentioned when her parents bring her up!

  27. Jeri, I was wondering teh same thing. If she hasn't really held down a job how the hell could she owe $68,000 in back taxes? Though that's the least of my concerns when it comes to this case, it is weird. This bitch is nuts and there are so many lies going on in this trial I can't even follow along.

  28. The paternity tests of the father & brother were most likely because of Casey's hedging, OR something Casey told cops to get 'sympathy.' She's using the dad excuse for her whole trial, she probably pointed a finger at her brother too. Who cares if they actually did it, as long as Casey gets what she wants!

    While I am sympathetic to victims of incest & child sexual abuse, A LOT of women suffer horrible things as children and DO NOT KILL anyone. And then bar-hop for a month.

  29. Skeeball, you hit the nail right on the head. I wish you were on In Session.

  30. I've always been suspicious about her father. He is so fake and shady. And being a former detective, he also knows how to manipulate investigations.
    Dysfunctional people, and unfortunately, would have passed on their legacy.
