Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Whitney Houston Tries Out - Patient Rehab

I'm not sure that out-patient rehab is what Whitney Houston needs. I think it is pretty obvious the singer has been going through some drug and alcohol problems for awhile and most recently at least a year. I did some blind items and reveals a year ago and she has not changed since then. Whitney needs some full on in-patient stay for 90 days kind of rehab. I am not a big fan of out-patient rehab. You are not removing yourself from any of your triggers or situations. All you are doing is going to some treatment during the day and then going home. Oh, and now she has her daughter at home so I wonder if her daughter started using coke after watching mom, joining mom or stealing mom's leftovers.


  1. she's really a hard case. outpatient isn't going to work and i think everyone knows that---it's probably all they could get her to agree to.

    she needs the 90 day inpatient gig, and then to be off the grid and in a sober living facility after that.

    none of which she'll do---i don't believe she gets it---so we'll probably just see more pictures like this one in the future.

  2. I think she passed the Try Out stage...she definitely qualifies for rehab ;)

    Ugh. What a mess. Horrible that her daughter's been with her this whole time??

  3. Anonymous9:47 AM

    does anyone know were this pic is from?

    how the mighty have fallen. sad.

  4. This is so very sad. Such an incredible talent. One of the world's most amazing voices ever...gone for forever, destroyed from the drugs. Even if she got better, the Dr's said her voice is permanently damaged. I just hope someone can save her, so she at least doesn't kill herself.

  5. I once saw an ep of the show Whitney and Bobby had and their daughter appeared normal and resigned to their whacked-out behavior. I wonder why Whitney's mother never took custody of their daughter?

  6. Anonymous9:53 AM

    crila16, it's amazing how some singer's voices are not affected by heavy drug and alcohol abuse. it could very well just be a small percentage of them. for example, el debarge, an r&b singer, can still hit those notes.

    luck of the draw i guess.

  7. Good Lord! This is probably the worst pic I've seen and Whitney is barely recognizable. Scratch that, I had no idea this was her.

    What a shame.

    I say 6mos in rehab then another 6mos in the sober living facility.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Eeeewwwww, I was eating lunch when I saw that :(

  10. Looking at this picture, I don't see how she can survive it. I don't say that easily but this has been going on a long time and rehab never seems to work for her. It's the daughter I feel sorry for who has never known another life.

  11. I remember bringing the cassette tape (yep!) of her first album to my Grade 7 end of year party! (We had pizza and cleaned out our desks..... yeah, I know, the thrills.) I know she was the first current singer who made me get goosebumps, and there have been precious few in my life since. The worst thing is that it's been years since I had any thought about Whitney other than "Her poor little girl."
    I agree with everyone else, not gonna help.

  12. Bobby Brown was on Wendy Williams sometime in the past few months and he seemed to have his shit together. In fact, it was shortly after those awful pics of their daughter surfaced. He claimed the pics were doctored.

    How recent is that photo of Whitney? She's a mess. So tragic.

  13. This is a old pic of nippy before the divorce ...but whitney honey get it together she is in for a life time battle with addiction cause she cant seem to shake this monster

  14. Crack is whack, yo. Crack is whack.

  15. She was never my favorite singer but I lost all respect for her when she told Bobbi she could not get a pair of jeans. Why you ask? Because Bobbi was too "fat" like her Daddy's family.

    BITCH! If I could have slapped Cracky Houston thru the TV set I'd have done it. No wonder the girl is messed up.

  16. ^Ugh, that is horrible. :(

    ITA with you, crila16

  17. Every time I read something about Whitney these past few years I wonder how someone so incredibly beautiful and talented - basically with the world at her feet got to the point where she started smoking crack and threw it all away. It's heartbreaking. There had been rumors for years she was gay - I just wonder if her denying that started her on this path.

  18. Outpatient treatment may be all she was willing to do. Sometime, you have to start softly, put the mirror up to her face and let her clearly see her reflection before she will be willing to engage. Whoever convinced her to do outpatient probably did it with the hope of eventually going in patient.
    Or maybe, because she has done in patient before, this is the recomendation from her team. One thing about in patient is that it removes most of the outside stressors for an addict. No friends, family or dealers hanging out with you offering up whatever you want. Maybe she needs to learn to be sober on the outside.
    It really is sad to see her looking so washed up. She was so beautiful before she started abusing.
