Thursday, May 12, 2011

Who Is Watching The Dog & How Is She Affording This?

Jenelle Evans must make more per episode than the numbers that were previously announced for cast members of Teen Mom. I say this because she has entered rehab and decided to go to Promises in Malibu. That place is not cheap. She must be making some money from appearances or something. I think I said before the cast makes almost $100K for the season, but after taxes and bad tattoos that does not leave you much for rehab, let alone Promises.

Also, if you will recall, a few weeks ago, Jenelle was photographed with a new puppy. I said it was a bad idea at the time and now that is confirmed. Who is watching the dog? Your mom? Oh yeah, the same person who also has custody of your child while you go off and drink and do drugs and make more money than most of the rest of us for simply getting pregnant at 16.


  1. no idea wth janelle is. and i'm ok w/ that.

  2. So what if she makes that much money for embarrassing herself on t.v and pretty much ruining any opportuinty she may have had in life? You should be glad that she's got some scratch and doesn't need the government to support her/her daughter.

  3. You know she's only going there because it's where celebrities go. She's totally hoping to become friends with one. That is the golden ticket for these ignorant, inbred, wastes of oxygen.

  4. I love how you care about the furry members of our planet, Enty!

  5. @Sue Ellen Mishkey - Doesn't need the government to support her daughter? Who do you think paid for the birth? Who do you think will be paying her bills when she blows all her money on tattoos and beer?

  6. This is distressing because I know and love German Shepherds and that's what the pup is. They are GREAT with kids and families, actually so so sweet, BUT they need to be socialized and trained so they know who the alpha in their family is. And if no one steps up, the dog will take that role. And that's when you get a possibly aggressive GSD. This disturbs me on so many levels, makes me sad.

  7. @Jessica

    I know it's inevitable, but for now it's not happening. And I'm not talking about birth because everyone gets that.

  8. Actually, now that I think on it, I don't think it's inevitable. She's pretty young and has the capacity to change. The fact that she's even going to rehab shows something. Maybe it will take? Maybe it won't.

  9. I'll watch her dog (by 'watch,' I mean 'take,' as in, to never be seen by her again). You just know that poor puppy is going to end up with major behavioral problems.

  10. MTV is paying for it.

  11. @msgirl - That makes me sad too. :(

    MTV is paying for Promises??
    I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not. I hope someone from MTV and CPS is making sure both the kid and the dog are ok.
