Friday, June 17, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This C List Actress mostly from film and a few network TV cameos is such a health nut, her kids are starting to suffer. After years of hopping on what ever the latest fad diet is popular, she’s forcing her unhealthy habits on her children. Her daughters are underweight and school officials finally complained to the authorities about it out of concern for the girls’ health.


  1. I hate to read blinds like need a good start and #1 is proper nutrition.

  2. At least the school wasn't nervous to do something about it 'cause the mom is a "celebrity". I'm sure that could have easily happened.

    Poor little ones.

  3. i think denise r is a good guess

  4. Yeah, I like Denise for this. Those poor, poor girls.

  5. I would go with Denise but we see photos of her girls a lot and they look fine. Who has skinny/tiny children?

  6. Not a Denise Richards fan but I doubt it's her. She is photographed with her girls all the time and they look like they have a healthy amount of baby fat.

  7. I'm with Mikey - and Denise had her own reality show on E! - that's more than a network cameo.

  8. Yeah...but Denise has had her own reality TV show, so she's definitely NOT mostly cameos. I don't even remember any cameos that she was in. Plus...I don't recall her ever being into health.

    I actually would have thought Jennifer Garner...but she's more B list.

  9. This must be bad for the school to not only take notice but take action to address it, wow.

  10. Academy Award or not, I'm going with the Goopster for this one.
    Network cameo - Glee.
    Health nut? Infamously the Goopster.

  11. Merlin, the Goopster has only one daughter. (I'm ashamed I know that much about her.)

  12. Would Shauna Sand make it to C-List status? I can so see this as her but the rating seems off.

  13. I saw a show about Margot Hemingway and she had some quite extreme food/health beliefs. I also believe I remember daughters.

  14. @Mary, Gwyneth has a son who is around 3, but I don't think she's a C.

    Leslie Mann and Judd Apatow have 2 daughters, but I have no idea if she's a health nut and the kids look fine to me.

    Thandie Newton has 2 girls and did a stint on ER. Nothing too too big since W. But I can't find anything on her being a health nut.

  15. Caroline, I know that. I was just correcting Merlin's guess of the Goopster.

  16. "health nut" is kinda the opposite of "hopping on what ever the latest fad diet".

  17. I thing the Goopser is a C now.

    Merlin -Sounds like her if you change it to 2 kids instead of 2 daughters. How accurate are these things worded?

  18. Texgen--Margeaux Hemingway died years ago. You might be confusing her with sister Mariel? One of her daughters is modeling now and becoming quite a big deal. Thin as can be. Mariel lives in Sun Valley and is all about yoga and has a cookbook out. But yeah. THIN.

    What about Demi Moore's girls? Aren't the younger two still in school? (If not, at least one of them should be.) Demi can't open a movie anymore, so she's def C-list-ish and did a cameo on 'Will and Grace' as Jack's babysitter. I mean really, what else does she do besides attend "charity" galas and go to doctors appointments while hiding her face?

  19. It's Denise Richards and I tweeted her and told her this would happen. The stupid bitch eats a piece of bread and she goes off on there about how she'll have to work out 8 hours a day for the next week.

  20. I don't think Denise Richards daughters look overly thin at all, what is it with all the Denise haters here, it's ridiculous LOL

  21. Answer: All of them.

  22. (My friend prays daily that the spawn Posh Spice is carrying will be another boy and not a poor girl for this reason.)

  23. Denise may not seem like a "rocket scientist" BUT she does seem like a great Mother. Her girls look fine to me.
