Monday, June 13, 2011

The Enquirer Says Casey And Her Mom Fighting Over Caylee Led To Death

I'm not sure how much real news is actually in this article, but The Enquirer says that a tug of war between Casey Anthony and her mom is what led to Caylee Anthony's death. They cite some police officers who say that Casey was of the opinion that she was not going to give Caylee to her mom and that Caylee would be better off dead than being with her mom.

I am not sure about that. I am sure they probably fought over Caylee, but to the point of death? It is more exciting to discuss though then the testimony of the past few days. The only interesting thing I heard was about the coffin flies which showed some scientist that Caylee's body had been in the trunk. Or a dead body. Or some other dead thing.


  1. I really wish you knew much more about this case before you comment. Please.

    Casey's mother was FINALLY putting her foot down about Casey getting a job, maybe moving out & taking care of her own child. Cindy was no longer willing to be a free babysitter ALL the time, if her daughter was just going to party and steal, Cindy thought Casey should give up Custody of Caylee to her.
    It was a long-running grudge match. Casey was no longer the 'baby' AND her mother expected her to grow up. Casey was deeply jealous of the child, and especially Caylee's relationship with George & Cindy.
    June 16th---flurry of phone calls (probably looking for sitter) to both parents---nobody could watch Caylee that night. On the 16th, Casey had a date with her NEW boyfriend who had expressed to Casey that he did NOT want her bringing her daughter over every time.

    (IMO)Casey can't find a sitter, the baby's cranky, something snaps and she drugs and tapes Caylee for REAL this time. Throws her in the trunk and gets on with her date. Caylee either died from chloroform od, suffocation, OR hot June Florida sun beaming on that trunk while Casey lazed in bed til 11:00 with her new BF, on the 17th.

  2. Please stop covering this case. We come to this site to be entertained and amused, not to hear about the callous murder of an innocent child. Can we go back to snarking on $cientologists?

  3. Good summary, Libby! Casey needed to be free to party and live her life. Children tend to tie you down.

    It's a story/trial that grabs at people and I guess that's why we're following it. Doesn't bother me, I'll follow it with or without CDAN.

  4. @libby - I think your right about what happened. If she died in the pool, then why tape her mouth shut?

  5. Wait a minute: I thought Caylee drowned in a swimming pool......

    This case is beyond sad.

  6. Libby,
    I don't know anything about this case except for what I've seen in the trial. That hasn't been brought up yet, has it?

  7. i'm following the trial it has taken over the media. I don't see a problem with Enty covering it. Yes it is sad the little girl died. But it would be worse if Casey got away with it.

    Cindy busted Casey the night before for stealing from her grandmother's checking account. I think that started the chain of events leading to Caylee's death.

    Casey's house of cards was crumbling and she took it out on her kid. Remove the kid remove the problem. Casey is a socipath, just not a smart socipath.

    Even Casey's grandmother said Casey hated her mother more then she loved her own daughter.

  8. @libby i think those flurry of phone calls was not to find a babysitter as I think Caylee was already dead. She just wanted to know where everybody was so she can get rid of the body and not get caught.

    Tony testifed he had no problem with Caylee coming over he cared about her for the short time he knew her. Caysee was just jealous of anyone who loved Caylee more then Casey. Becuase all that matters to Casey IS Casey.

    I can see the death being an accident, but all those computer searches on neck breaking, accidents and chloroform is premeditated murder in my eyes and not an accident or manslaughter.

  9. the murder was premeditated though. She had been looking up stuff on her computer on ways to kill someone. I'm not discounting the other stuff about her being jealous of Caylee and the attention and frustration with the kid...but i don't believe it was a spur of the moment act.

  10. Libby has it exactly right. And while I wish they would, there's no way Casey will get on the stand. The prosecution would crush her. So those "theories" about accidental drowning and George being involved are all crap and the jury will realize that. She'll be found guilty and the State of Florida will pay a fortune in appeals, etc.

  11. i too will follow this story whether it be on this blog or another...there are plenty of Kardashian stories on this page that I choose not to read...I just scroll past them.....I also don't think that anybody but that family actually know what happened or what led to the child's death. I'd hate for those guessing here to be embarassed.

  12. I personally like the Casey clips every couple of days. But maybe that's because I'm not living in the US where you guys are probably inundated with it.

  13. See, I read about this case only on here, or on the Eyes for Lies blog. It's a huge trial and it's news. I see no rule or law that prevents Enty from commenting on news or trials.

    @Libby - thank you for the insight and information. Sounds close to what happened.

  14. The most fascinating thing really is the why though. Since Casey never reported her daughter missing, nor told anyone, that implicates her more thoroughly than all the forensics combined. But why...

  15. Here are questions I have, if someone could answer, I'd be grateful:

    1. When did the Anthony's find out Casey didn't have a job?
    2. Where was Casey on June 19th?
    3. If Casey was driving her bf's car, where exactly was hers?
    4. Where was Caylee when Casey said she was with the nanny?

  16. Wow! thanks for all the nice comments, guys.

    Unfortunately, I had a mother like Casey, in her tastes, but thankfully NOT in her sociopathy. That recognition from my childhood has me following the case pretty closely.

    Timebob---UNLIKE Casey's ex (yet concurrent) boyfriend, Tony told Casey he did NOT want Caylee sleeping over. Who could blame him?

    Believe it or not, Casey thought it was cool to sleep in a boyfriend's bed with Caylee in there with them.
    You will notice, the more and more you read about Casey, that Caylee was never a consideration in her plans or lifestyle. She just dragged that kid around doing what SHE wanted.

  17. And when I said "drugs and tapes Caylee for REAL this time..." I mean to say I believe wholeheartedly she was drugging Caylee 'lightly', duct taping her mouth, and keeping her in the trunk while she partied for MONTHS before Caylee died....
    But on the 16th, the duct tape was wrapped completely into Caylee's long hair. There was no way it was intended to be removed.

  18. Terri try
    They have a wonderful archive.

    Also has great discussion forums about lots of cold cases, missing persons, and they are a great place to discuss the case.

  19. I only hear about this case here, so I am happy for the updates. Crazy story, so tragic.

  20. I always find it odd when posters tell Enty to stop posting about one topic or another because they don't like it ... like Enty's gonna be all, "Oh poster XYZ doesn't like to hear about Casey Anthony so I better post about something else instead."

    I enjoy reading the updates here as I don't really watch much TV so I'm not hearing about it from anywhere else.

  21. I love the updates. I have crap to do during the day and I can't watch it on tv or read a bunch of junk online for it, so I really appreciate being able to read about it on this site.

    As with anything, I think that if you don't like a particular post topic, just skip it. Why go out of your way to comment about how much you can't stand it?

  22. I agree with Libby. I have LONG throught that the nanny, "Zanny", was Xanax (and her private joke),

  23. I read about this trial every chance I get.

  24. If someone doesn't like the topic, don't read the post. Simple as that. I don't like every person Enty posts about, but I don't complain.

  25. To put it into context, imagine this story taking place in 1938 instead if 2008, look at it like a mystery from that era, and all the people who don't like it would be fascinated by it. I understand where they're coming from, but (sad to say) these stories are tomorrow's epics.

  26. This is a story about a family of psychopaths who had everyone within an arm of them fooled. The only people who knew different were family, like $indy's relatives who I hope will testify to the madness. $indy, Casey and Georgette all fit the profile of psychopaths. It's a wonder someone didn't die sooner. More, lots more about psychopaths here:

    When your spawn is over 20 it's a bit too late to try to inflict discipline on them. I wish a pox on them all!
