Thursday, June 16, 2011

Gary Shirley Throws A Party

While his baby mama is in the hospital recovering from a suicide attempt or whatever it was, Gary Shirley showed how sensitive he is to Amber Portwood's needs by throwing a BBQ and party and inviting all of his friends. Apparently Gary wanted to party, throw back a few drinks and get wild. Oh, but he wants you to know his daughter is his first priority. He is not sure where she was during the party, but she is the number one priority. Oh, right after getting paid to appear at events and finding as many women as possible who love fat men. Take it from me, it is not easy. You would think there would be more women who would be interested in a man with a lot of meat on his bones, or fat, or excessive Twinkie bars, but in my case, I have not really found that to be true. The number is barely two hands worth and I married about 70% of those.


  1. Ugh, what a douchebag pose. The caption should read, "King-size jackass."

  2. How unattractive is this one? Blech.

  3. Why, Enty, why? Why do you care about these people? This is just a waste of site space.

  4. Enty, go on the Atkins diet. All the bacon and meat you want...and it WORKS!

  5. @Jamie's Girl
    I just went on the first phase of the Dukan diet (similar to Atkins), and lost ten pounds in 10 days. I'm a pretty healthy eater, but losing a pound a week just wasn't doing it for me. That was the best kick start, and now most of my clothes fit again. Yay. You don't get to eat bacon, though.

  6. Or go vegan - also excellent for the waistline ;)

    As for this one....yuck.

  7. this guy is sooooo repulsive. i kinda want to punch him out myself, just because....

  8. The Atkins Diet might make you skinny, but it's also a diet UBER-high in saturated fats. It's hardly healthy at all.

    All the people I know who tried it were too grumpy and miserable to actually enjoy their physical transformations. Most of them now claim that the rigidity wasn't worth the results (which didn't last, anyhow).

    Besides, WHO the hell wants to live a life without delicious, glorious carbs?!?! Life's too short to live without pizza, sorry.

    Enty needs to get himself a bike -- some grown-up Big Wheels, maybe.

    What was this post about again? Oh. That portly, partying jackass. Fuck him, fuck his ex, take away the kid/s, and place them in a home with people who've never even heard of MTV. Problem solved!

  9. i heart Ida. LMAO!

  10. How cool are you when you're wearing a tee-shirt with your own picture on it? "Gary Time!"

  11. "Besides, WHO the hell wants to live a life without delicious, glorious carbs?!?! Life's too short to live without pizza, sorry."


    Also, if someone suggested to me that I should go on a diet, no matter the reasoning, I would punch them in the throat. I know enty talks about being fat all the time, but that doesn't mean you get to.

    I've tried Atkins, by the way (ask me about any diet - I have been on all of 'em). It does the same thing as all the others. I.e FAILS.

  12. ...she said as she inhaled a cinnamon roll *LOL*.

  13. haaaaaaa @ enty :)

    Carbs are good people! IN MODERATION! Sheesh...portion control works...and actually eating! I lost 40 lbs over the last 6 months by eating less...regularly! I still eat the occasional ice cream AND donuts and I am down to a US size 4. I also work insanely long days so sadly my work out routine has been shelved for now but before I opened my biz I was working out at least 3 times a week and running about 4 times a week. I know 6 months is a long time but you know what? It was worth it and I am really happy now.

    And boo on Gary and his lame shirt. He obviously has been watching too much Jackass

  14. @Alicia - Good for you!! :)

    As far as this douchebag, the guy is 20 years old. If he wants to kick back and have a BBQ/beers, I don't begrudge him that. Maybe he got a babysitter. I'd probably want to drink as often as possible if I was married to Amber.

  15. Forget cutting out "bad" foods - just eat a ton of veggies and whole grains and odds are you'll be good.

  16. Oh, and some protein, of course, but that isn't a problem for most of us. :)

  17. Alicia, great sensible advice. If you want to loose weight forget about instant gratification. Exercise is so important, even if you hate it just do it anyway. Oprah used to get up at 4am or something insane but she made it a priority.

  18. @ Black Cat..exactly! I actually just talked to a friend today about going to work out with me in the am before I have to be at work at 630 am ( and usually I get home about 7 pm or so ) so we decided that 530 am work outs it is! I can't believe I actually agreed to this but to maintain its critical! I have gained and lost a few times and I always gain when I stop working out : / Instant gratification always leaves you a few pounds heavier than when you started

  19. Since when does someone throwing a BBQ equate to him being a bad father?? Does he have to have his kid with him %100 of the time?? Sheesh, lighten up a bit, it's summer.
