Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Julia Roberts Thinks Her Overweight Sister Is Disgusting

It is not often The Enquirer goes for the jugular in a story, but they must really, really hate Julia Roberts because they went after her hard in this story. It is all about Julia's half sister, Nancy who has recently topped the scales at about 300 pounds. Nancy has a job on Glee which Julia got her and Julia thinks that Nancy weighing 300 pounds reflects poorly on Julia and that she is disgusted with how much Nancy weighs and that if Nancy had any self respect she would lose the weight. Bad huh? Well, it gets worse.

Apparently when Nancy is not working a full day on the Glee set, she also takes care of her mother. Julia pays for the care, but wants nothing to do with actually taking care of her mother and has said to Nancy that if Nancy gets sick from her weight gain, then who is going to take care of mom. Umm, how about you Julia?


  1. I think Julia Roberts is a disgusting AND vile.

  2. That's why there are home care nursing agencies and old folks homes.
    Also, how does her half-sister's weight a poor reflection on her? By the same logic, wouldn't Julia's poor character (aloe vera, anyone?) be a negative reflection on the half-sister?

  3. That woman doesn't look anywhere near 300 pounds.

  4. Sorry, how is. Not how does.

  5. A story about how Julia Roberts is a horrible person? I don't even need to read it, I agree.

  6. patty just took the words right out of my mouth.

    awesome family, those roberts. :/

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  8. Right on, RocketQueen.

    She wore a fat suit for some movie and stated that if she truly had to wake up one day fat, she'd kill herself or something of the like. I wonder how she even suffered through pregnancy.

  9. Is that an old pic because that woman doesn't even look like she's 200 lbs. And I'm sure no one is surprised at the possibility of this story.

  10. Never liked Julie Roberts - never will.

  11. A Low Julia.


  12. Karma is a ..............

  13. Julia Roberts: being an insufferable c*nt long before the days of Goopy Gwyneth.

  14. Julia Roberts is so disgusted by her sister she gets her a job on Glee? How is Julia "paying" for her mother's care when it's supposedly the sister that's doing the taking care of?

    I'm no Julia Roberts fan, but something about this story stinks to high heaven.

  15. MacVixen, maybe the sister is in charge of supervising the caregivers and checking on the mother.

  16. I weigh 207 and I wish my belly looked like hers.

    Julia's a dink. If she can't accept her half-sister for who she is, then she's pathetic, too.

  17. You said it all, Montana Marriott.

  18. It's the Enquirer. Come on, people.

  19. I believe Nancy shares a home with their mother; I'm sure Julia would be paying for any heavy duty nursing but Nancy would be "taking care" of mother inasmuch as she is on-site. It is difficult for any family to talk with a member about their unhealthy weight gains. I suspect that Julia wouldn't be doing so in the most sensitive manner.

  20. I'm no Julia fan at all, but have to agree with MacVixen. Something is not right here. One of the hardest things to watch is someone you love eat themself to death. I really hate it when that happens.

  21. That woman looks about 180. 300 pound people waddle. They sure can't wear a jacket like that.

  22. I don't like JR. Which appears to be the popular sentiment here. Between her penchant for other people's husbands, and her amazingly vile ego, I just don't see how anyone could ever find her appealing.

  23. I don't believe this story. Taken out of context as are lots of ENQUIRER blurbs. If you saw your sibling weighing over 300 pounds, you'd be upset as well. And the health implications? Their possibilities in life?

  24. Julia is NOT one of my favorite people - but consider the source - The Enquirer. Sounds like B.S. to me.

  25. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Julia should look at herself in a mirror before making any comments.

  26. Julia is a Bitch? No, I cannot believe it!!! LMAO And we are supposed to consider the raggedy tab a credible source on anything?

  27. Well, Jason, the Enquirer also first broke news about John Edwards, Natalee Holloway, Jesse Jackson's stepping out on his wife, and Bill Clinton's affair with Lewinsky, among other news. So their accuracy hits around 66 percent, about as good as any of the NYT's unidentified source-based scoops. In short, I think the Enquirer may have actually gotten the Roberts story right.

    Of course, I do also think little of Roberts, who has a penchant for disdaining her relatives, sleeping with married men, and being even more insufferable than Gwynneth Paltrow. And just because you disdain your relatives doesn't mean you won't help them get jobs; the easier to keep them from hitting you up for cash or selling stories to TMZ. Not that it worked in this case.

  28. Another story I'll take with a grain of salt considering the source. Just because the NA has broken some stories that turned out to be true doesn't mean they aren't full of sh*t most of the time.

    I'm not defending Roberts - she seems like she's insufferable, and I'm probably more of a fan of the NA than I am of her, but you'd have to be a pretty miserable POS to do and say the things claimed, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt here.

  29. The sister in the photo is Lisa, not Nancy. Lisa is also an actress.
    Julia is a pain in the ass.

  30. Julia's half sister is Nancy Motes

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  32. @sevenmack - I thought it was Matt Drudge (*shiver*) that broke the Clinton/Lewinski scandal.

  33. not a Julia fan in the least but when it comes to health and being overweight she has a point - the message just got lost in the translation I guess. it's better than being an enabler IMO.

  34. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I don't understand why several people here are talking about how discussing a relative's weight with them is always distressing, etc. Why is it anyone else's place to talk to someone about their weight? Do you think they don't know they are putting on weight and/or getting fat? As someone who has battled the bulge her entire adult life, I am infuriated by the idea that it is somehow someone else's job to lecture me about my weight. My advice to you? If you see someone who is gaining weight, ignore it. They don't need your "help." And they are perfectly aware that excess weight is not healthy. Fat people aren't stupid, contrary to popular opinion.

  35. Texshan --- thanks for the honesty and the truth. Most people believe that fat women are stupid, lazy and gross. But they accept fat men with no problem. I just don't get it.

  36. Thank you, Texshan. As if people who are overweight don't know it. God, it's no business of Julia's or yours.

  37. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Thanks, Cindy. I'm sure others will disagree, but it's something I feel very strongly about. People have all of these misconceptions about overweight people. Like they all sit around all day shoveling food in their face, etc. I eat approximately 1500 calories a day, yet because of some other health issues I have, I remain overweight. But that doesn't stop some know-it-alls from telling me how I should be living my life. Weight seems to be the one thing people can still butt in about -- it's perfectly OK to comment about my weight, but I can't tell someone they're ugly or stupid without them getting all offended! :-)

  38. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Thanks, Rocket!

  39. Another reason to despise Julia Roberts? Thanks, I'll take it.

  40. Texshan, scoot over in your boat, I am right there with you and totally agree.

    If it is true-this is a horrible, awful, hurtful thing to say to anyone, but it is something a total narcissist would say.

    I would hate to be her daughter. Can you imagine what that would be like going through the hormone fueled teen years?

  41. As a 300 lb woman, stories like this (and ignorant comments like "300 pound people waddle" - WTF??) make me want to punch something. What I eat and how I got/stay this way are not anyone's business, and when I get rude comments, that's exactly my response. Texshan, you hit the nail on the head - fat does not equal stupid, and people need to learn how to keep their mouths shut about things that are none of their concern. Fat bashing seems like the last acceptable discrimination. Don't pretend to be concerned about my health so that you can put me down to make yourself feel better.

  42. the tragic part of this---whether it is true or not---and obviously the intent of the story is to bash Julia....but the person who will ultimately suffer for this story is Nancy--how humiliating is it to have your weight...whatever it is...on the cover of the National Enquirer....that your sister is disgusted by you, that she "got" you your job.

    How do you get up and go in to that job and deal with people after this.

    So no matter if Julia is the bitch this article describes, the person who is ultimately damaged is Nancy.

    Julia will still get up and be skinny and beautiful and rich and will still get offered movies and go hang out with Oprah....

    Very sad for this happening to this sister. Sounds like she has enough going on with her life, with a mother who needs care, and a cold bitch of a sister...she probably didn't need this.

  43. Most of my life I have fluctuated weight. When I was a teen was when I first started gaining and got up to 175 lbs by 15 years old. I dont know if it was because I was young that ALL of my family members thought it was ok to take me aside and tell me how worried they were, or the damage being overweight can do to your body..but not one of those talks ever made me feel better or inspired me to lose. I knew very well I was heavier ( thanks to many teen boys taunting me on the school bus ) but comments such as " look at me .. I am 30 years old and I dont have cellulite " ( coming from my moms BFF ) never made me feel better!

    I could definitely see this type of behavior coming from JR...never was a fan

  44. Am I the only person who remembers Julia in MYSTIC PIZZA when she was packing an extra 40lbs from where she is today?? She played a Portugese fishing community gal and she was a natural for the part. She was so big she could hunt bear with just a switch!
    She's a self involved, self righteous(thank you Oprah) cunt. Just ask Danny Moder's ex wife.

  45. I dunno if I believe this story but I know shes nasty and smells bad.

  46. Right on, Jesse D and Texshan.

    I have no idea why people feel the need to comment on other people's weight. If you're looking for your beeswax, it's not over here.

  47. Two little bits: My father was in line in an airport twenty years ago when Julia Roberts held up the line because she was wearing a huge metal belt buckle that kept setting off the metal detector. She refused to take it off and used The Line ("Do you know who I am?").

    Second, I love the Julia Roberts bit on Family Guy, when she says, "Me. Me! MMEEE!!!!"

  48. I dislike her more with e'ery story I hear... I would not doubt this to be true...

  49. Obese people deserve to be ridiculed.

  50. Obese people deserve to be ridiculed.

    @ Missy: No, but stupid people do. Must suck to be you.

  51. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Wow, Missy, I hope you are being sarcastic. If not, then I hope and pray that one day you develop a physical characteristic you hate about yourself that is EXTREMELY visible and invites people to freely put you down under the guise of "trying to be helpful."

  52. The missing part of the equation is that caregiving is the most stressful person a thing can go through. It often affects caregivers' health negatively. Gaining weight is a common reaction to this stress and pain. So IF the story is true, the best way to help her sister would be to actually be there for their mother to lean on as well.

  53. As it has been pointed out before, Missy seems to be a very angry/hateful person of various races, sexual preference and now size, so best just to IGNORE her. She's boring.

    @car54 - I totally agree with you!

    Well, if it makes anyone feel better, the sister apparently told her to mind her business and to go EFF herself. Go Nancy!

  54. Im not a crazy fan of JRoberts, just know about her marriage and i disaprove BUT telling someone in your family you're concerned is nothing bad. I tell my mom i want her to stop smoking, i hope with time she'll quit, if she was very overweight I'd tell her i'm worried for her health because i know her, and i know it can be depression, the first lazy years after retirement etc... and I'd want to help. Why should i keep my worries to myself when i witness a loved one sliding and sliding with nothing happening to slow it down? (of course the saying it during an interview part is wrong)
    And about the caregiving I understand Julia's POV too. That's super expensive ! so if she's the biggest money earner in the family I'd rather she keeps making money to make it easier on everybody than her quit her high paying job and move to spend time around and then everybody's broke and ends up sleeping under a bridge because of medical bills. That's how some families work out. Of course if you NEVER visit U stinks.
    But all in all both topics can be seen differently...

  55. The woman hasnot made a decent movie since Erin Brockovitch. Every movie since then has bombed.The Enquirer is merely reporting the current feeling about her which is :That she is on her way out.

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  57. @Barton Fink:
    Haha, I didn't know that episode. Just looked it up on Youtube, brilliant!

  58. My best fiend is struggling with a weight issue....no one wants to be fat ! It's not always an easy fix...Be Kind.

  59. Hey, I don't care if your sister is eating seven deep-fried lard sandwiches a day, or your brother has a heroin habit that would feed a small third-world nation.

    Concern for other's health is a noble sentiment, but humiliating people in public is not only unhelpful, it usually exacerbates the problem by causing oppositional defiance. Many people would rather be dead than controlled. It's just stupid and futile and you only look like an bully. In Robert's case, like a superficial waste-of-carbon type bully.

  60. That woman in the photo is NOT 300 pounds. I agree with someone above--this is another sister. I'm not sure I believe much of what the Enquirer says anyway.

  61. @Missy -- You are a vile, horrible, useless, egregious person with nothing of merit to say. But you probably already know that, which is why you insist on coming here and saying terrible things that you HAVE to know affect certain people in negative ways.

    Crawl back into your putrid pit of bigotry and just fucking stay there. Or go troll to your heart's content on Perez, please. He's like your intellectual twin.
