Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Kate Plus 8

Over the weekend when I got sucked into that Sister Wives marathon they also got me sucked in to watching TLC last night because Kate Gosselin was on. I would normally never do that, but the constant promos and the need to catch up on her to see what she is doing now proved to much and I succumbed. The premise for last night was a big surprise birthday getaway to New York with the one friend Kate appears to have who flew in the one baby sitter who can handle all of Kate's children.

My impressions from the show were that Kate is still anal, her best friend is scared of her and even admitted she cannot get Kate to do anything that Kate does not want to do. Kate refuses to have fun, and even when she says she is having fun it is combined with a scowl. She has had more work done since the last time I watched her on anything, including newer breasts than the last version. The bodyguard was right there like he always is and I was wondering who was protecting the kids and why did Kate need a bodyguard while she was married? I don't understand why they just don't admit they are shacking up and Kate can stop her very poor acting. She moans about trying to find some guy she can date, but she is such a bad actor that she does not pull it off. The best part of the show was watching the kids who were actually allowed to have fun for once in their life and not be on Kate time. Oh, and the guys who wanted to be on the tv so decided they would go and hit on Kate. Apparently if you are under the age of 50 you should not approach Kate. I think this is because if you are younger and date her then at some point you may want to physically touch her. I am not sure she actually likes to be touched except for brief hugs with people she is paying.


  1. This TRICK! I opened up the page and saw her staring at me and I jumped for a second.
    I do not know about yall, but I am totally buying the tell all "Growing up with Kate and her Hate" that the little one with the glasses is going to write when he becomes an adult.

  2. It must be exhausting being so uptight all the time. Ever hear of letting kids be kids. I didn't watch this mess, but on the preview it didn't look like GodzillaKate was too pleased with the kids having a lot of fun.

  3. @Moosefan -- LOL! Kate's kid (whichever) needs to pay you to use that title, because it's basically perfect and MUST be used. Copyright it STAT.

  4. Was it Beth? Beth was her good friend on the last show, when she was still married to Jon and they lived in the previous house. Once they moved, Beth seemed to be no more.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I was so hopeful that her show would implode after that mess last year and we'd stop hearing about her. Sucks to be us.

  7. She reminds me of my S-I-L with her actionswith her beautiful boys, scowling...unfort. my S-I-L will not be cancelled.

    Thank you for letting me share.

  8. She just makes me sad. She is so empty and lifeless inside. Nothing is ever going to make her happy. She is a bottomless pit of need and want.

  9. Ack! The one place I thought I was safe from this vile wretch. Please, no more!!!

  10. Going to agree with bluebonnetmom. Kate Gosselin is the embodiment of complete insecurity, and possibly the very fragile self esteem to go with it, that I cannot even hate on her anymore. It's sad, and I just feel very sorry for her and those children. But I will not watch that show.

  11. How about just "Hate Plus Eight?"

  12. She is celebrated for using her va-jay-jay as a clown car and why??

    I've posted it before and will post it again: It fills me with glee to see her book "Eight Little Faces" in the dollar bin at Books-a-Million. And still the books sit there, not moving at all.

  13. @Moosefan - Take these Internets. They are yours. Kate is a vile, vile human being...ugly from poorly coiffed head to stubby & stumpy toe. Just looking at her makes me want to throw rotten apples & toilet paper at her.

  14. I make it a point never to watch anything that involves a Gosselin. Ever. I think I live a happier life for that resolution.

  15. Kids don't belong on reality TV. These poor kids are filmed during every long weekend, holiday, and school break. Free the 8!

    If Kate was off in NY, who was the guardian for the kids when they were being filmed with the babysitter back in PA?

  16. I loathe this woman with the fire of a thousand suns.

  17. Only Kate would bitch out the workers in charge of the bungee jump off of a very tall building BEFORE she jumped. Don't piss off the people who are running your equipment and just don't be a monumental bitch.

    The clip of her in NZ is priceless.
