Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lazy Cat Meets Lazy Fly

When a cat and a fly just could not bother to make the effort to care.


  1. Boy do I love cats. And that fly is really stupid. You keep getting flipped over by a cat. LEAVE THE AREA.

  2. They might want to check the carbon monoxide detector in there.

  3. I'm going to say the fly is the lazier of the two, but it was a close race.

  4. Fellow cat lovers: Have you seen My Cat from Hell? It's awesome. Jackson Galaxy is the cat whisperer!


  5. Mango - the link isn't working :(

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  7. Hey, don't you get it? The FLY IS ALREADY BROKEN!! The Cat(don't ever call me lazy, cats are not lazy, THEY are EITHER: Thinking, Posing,Taking a break, Waiting to ATTACK, Playing or a combination of any of them. THIS VERY HANDSOME CAT-is Taking a break,between Posing, Playing and Attacking. The Fly was Broken, not knowing how to play the game right. Too bad for the fly, too bad for the Cat, the Very Handsome Cat, He will soon have to find a new UNBROKEN FLY.

  8. Yay jbdean :)

    @bj...I dunno...I have three cats - two love to stalk flies, the third just likes to watch them with semi-interest. He's just too lazy and busy thinking about his next feeding to bother :)

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  10. I can't get the hyperlink to work but maybe if you copy and paste it will load the page:


  11. That cat lookes exactly like mine! And acts the same too!

  12. OMG Mango, that article made my eyes water a little bit! If I weren't already taken I would hunt this man down and slow blink him into submission. I kinda want a kitty tattoo, too :)

  13. RQ: the man is a miracle worker. He tamed a mostly feral cat in the episode I watched this weekend. And he says stuff like, "No matter how good I think I am with cats, she (the feral cat) doesn't care." No ego at all.

    On one episode a woman had cats that her fiance hated. By the end of the episode, the fiance was walking the cat with a pink leash and the guy was referring to the cat as his, so Jackson doesn't just train cats, he trains people, too.

  14. Amazing. I've just looked him and his show up....Animal Planet must be a channel I don't get because I've never heard of this - will look into getting it, though!

  15. Ohhhhh, cats are the best! <3 They don't try to exert any extra energy or impress anyone. We humans could all take many lessons from the feline world.

    Animal Planet is a GREAT channel, but Animal Precinct (I haven't had cable in years and I don't know if they still air it or not) makes me want to punch walls, slit tires, and break all kinds of stuff. I just can't handle it.

  16. Man, that is a gorgeous cat!

  17. what Ida said. *hearts*

  18. Yes, RQ, do not under any circumstances watch any of the animal cop shows. They will make you hate humanity.

  19. I watched Rescue Ink a few times - cried through each one, so I know what you mean.

  20. This is just like my cat Ethel..yaaawn..She simply cannot be bothered.

  21. Animal Planet is awesome! RQ - You should check with your TV subscriber. I second the suggestion to NEVER watch the Animal Cops shows. :-(

    My cat looks similar to this one (but WAY fatter). Sometimes I walk in the kitchen to find mine laying on his back and staring at the ceiling, pondering life. Cats are such funny creatures.

  22. This is hilarious. And bj made me gigglesnort.

    I watched ONE animal cop show. One. Never again. It made me so stabby and weepy. People suck.

  23. That is a beautiful cat. Not at beautiful as my Princess Babydoll Fluffypants, though.

    I think the fly's wing is broken.

  24. love the cat..love the cat..love the cat

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