Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay

Some things in life never change. The sun rises and sets and Lindsay Lohan fails booze tests. After successfully dodging the probation department's attempt to get her to submit to drug and alcohol tests in May and the first part of June, Lindsay was finally ordered to submit to a test for booze. Right out of the box she failed and is due back in court this morning where she will probably be thrown in jail for a few minutes.

Lindsay, I know you have booze problems. Oh, and drugs, but here is the thing. Once you are off house arrest you could have got drunk 24 hours a day and there would have been no repercussions. What you need to do is find new friends. I am assuming there was no booze in your house which means that people brought it over to your house. You can't go out and buy it, so someone must have brought it in. What kind of friends are they to bring booze into your house when you cannot have any? That was the only way you were going to fail a test.

Yes, I know she learns to say no, but the first thing she needs are people around her who actually care for her and it is obvious that people don't.

What makes this really straight up old fashioned Lindsay is this quote from Life & Style which came out the same day as the news of the failed booze test.

"When my friends come over, they're not drinking. Alcohol is not in my house, so it's just not a part of my life."

Another lie from Lindsay. Like I said, some things never change.


  1. Liar, Liar pants on fire........lock the bitch up...

  2. HAHHHAHA...boy, she really IS dumb..

  3. She's an addict, and I am not surprised. She's not the first one to lie like a rug, steal, and not take responsibility for her actions, and she wont be the last. Something really, really, really, bad has to happen to her for her to realise that she's got some problems and needs to fix them post haste. Why don't they make her do her community service in a mental hospital for those who cannot break their addictions? That might work better than picking up trash in a morgue.

  4. If the court system really cared they'd put a stop to this released after 5 minutrs b.s. Only then may any of this sink in.

  5. So tired of her.
    I only hope she has a Porsche and visits my hometown in PA.
    No more lies then.

  6. I know some commenters here want a ban on Lilo, but I fucking LOVE this hot mess. She is absolutely the stupidest, most oblivious, self-entitled celebrity out there. She gets caught for boozing THE DAY AFTER her interview comes out where she says she's not drinking....PERIOD. I mean, really. Only Lindsay. This chick will never change. And as long as the worst punishment she ever receives is house arrest, why should she?
    And sorry to harp on it, but if y'all haven't read the Superficial take on this today, you should. It's hilarious. Her publicist is exhausted, poor thing.

  7. She has no career, she looks more like her mothers sister than her daughter....old beyond her years, stupid beyond belief, wake up Lindsay you're finished.

  8. I am so sick of people out there giving this woman chances. She deserves none - she's used about 100 times more than what she deserved to begin with. The only thing I applaud her for is not getting knocked up for the publicity/money, though I assume it will come to that one day.

  9. If she walks today, I will personally kick the shit out of that judge.

  10. I think that she lying about no booze in her house. And just alcohol test?!?

  11. buut but it wasn't her pee -she's been tricked y'all

  12. I agree with @RocketQueen. I was just wondering how it was possible to have a party with booze on the ROOF of her apartment, where she knows she is being papped, and KNOWS she is constantly being judged? She does not give a f-ck and it will never change. I am kinda obsessed with it.

    Now she will NEVER be able to prove herself, and we can just sit back and enjoy the show!

  13. Haha!!! @canadachick I wonder what the excuse is this time.

  14. when she does come off house arrest i will read the obituaries pages daily until i see her face then i will feel justice was served.

  15. That's my girl! Why is everyone so mad about how she lives her life? And when has more jail time ever helped anyone? We are living in the country that has more citizens in jail/prison than any other country at any other time in history. That's insane, but yet all anyone can talk about is putting more people into jail. JAIL IS NOT HELPING.

  16. Shouldn't that headline read, "Loser, Loser, Loser?"

  17. Too funny! I think she has done so many drugs that she's damaged the little bit of brain she had. She just cannot think it through! Hope she spends some serious time in jail so others can get her work!

  18. Send her to a farm in Mongolia for two straight years. Work her until she doesn't want to drink anymore.

    @bits of moxy - Too soon.

  19. You're right PM. But obviously rehab and house arrest haven't worked either. Maybe if she does go to jail, where she doesn't have access to any of this, it might actually help.

    So far under house arrest, she's had multiple parties, filmed a commercial for an Internet company, as well as a webisode for New Zealand Airlines. As planned, Matt Lauer showed up to interview her, but she shut that down.

    She is making light of her house arrest and rubbing it in the noses of the judge(s). What on earth are they supposed to do with her?

  20. I don't really care if she fucks up her life, but I'm tired of the constant lies. If she were to just say, I have a drug and alcohol problem that is a struggle for me, I'd give her an iota of respect; however, she spouts lie after and lie and expects people to believe them. Get real, honey, get some fucking help.

  21. I really really wish she would just go away and never come back. Never!

  22. So who is on the cover of the magazine, tortured for her looks?

  23. Does she SERIOUSLY have a gigantic portrait of herself hanging in her own living room?

    I realize, of course, that the Lohan family crest probably contains a Long Island Iced Tea flanked by two pink flamingos. They ain't classy and I shouldn't be shocked, is what I'm trying to say.

  24. ^the crest killed me. Snap.

  25. Ida, too funny.

    Rocket Queen, tell us how you really feel.

  26. I bet somebody spiked her drink, and those are not her pants.

  27. I'm not a Lindsay fan, but I'm willing to be a guardian/conservator for her. She needs to get out of California and away from her so-called friends. I'm tired of all the effed up stories, but I can't stop reading them.

  28. I was out of town at an airport when I heard she might be going back to jail today. I nearly spit my meal out in front of an airport full of strangers. Figures. Her going o jail would happen on a day when I can't comment on it with the force of a thousand laughing gods. :(

    Here in Montreal today. If I see Bradley Cooper around I'll tell him how the ladies of CDAN LOVE IT when he speaks in that french tongue of his. ;)

  29. What's sad is that she's in a vicious cycle. She is addicted to fame. People only give her attention because she fucks up. If she stops using the alcohol/drugs, she will lose the fame that keeps her going. And she needs the alcohol/drugs to help her avoid facing the fact that she's not famous anymore for anything but doing alcohol/drugs.

    What Lindsay needs is someone to tell her that she should become the big comeback story - the next Robert Downey Jr. BUT she has to get clean for real, because the public can see through the bullshit.

    I've thought for awhile that the paps are keeping her alive. Without them, she would have Dana Plato'd out by now.

  30. @Momster

    I think it's Ashley, the Bachorlette? I was trying to figure that out too, lol!

  31. Enjoy Montreal, Jason! It's wonderful there!

  32. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I agree with what everyone is saying lol

  33. Alcohol is not illegal..why are they testing her for alcohol? She's of legal age. Granted she lied about it in Life & Style, but why would she be in violation of drinking?? That doesn't make sense.

  34. Her lawyer really earns her paycheck (if she's getting paid). Poor lawyer.

    Mean to say but she better never ever get a comeback, she's destroyed any goodwill I might have had for her a long time ago and lying skanks don't need to become Oscar winning actors.

    I know they all have secrets but they don't all shove them under our noses constantly.

    Sorry for being a mean girl (not really).

  35. She aced it *again*.Turns out the original order said to test only for drugs; no mention of alcohol, so the positive alcohol test is not a violation. Judge scolded her for being "foolish" or something like that for having a party. From now on she can only have one guest at a time other than family members. And she's been ducking probation officers' phone calls too; from now on she has to answer when her PO calls, just like every other criminal.

  36. Uh, if the judge doesn't want her partying, she'll have to restrict Lohan family members to one at a time as well. Vile bunch of people, all deserving of a good smack.

  37. ugh, we lose ryan dunn, but lindsay lohan gets to stay?

  38. Y'all: She was NOT having a party! It was a Barbeque. There's a difference. ;) HA!

    Nothing says "I'm a self absorbed narcisist a-hole" more than a wall sized portrait of yourself. Have definitely seen these in a lot of other celeb homes before, though.

  39. You know, I don't have a problem with her drinking in her house as long as she's not allowed to drive, but good Lord, it's insulting the way she just lies. I feel like I instantly become more stupid every time I read something this person says. She might have serious mental issues.

    And that decor is horrible. I can almost smell the stale cigarettes and maybe a whiff of last night's puke just looking at that pic.

  40. We do love to hate LiLo dont we. :) Im most turned off by the poor me whiny crap.
    The Paps follow me everywhere (right after I text them and let them know where Im going to be) they make me look bad (by catching me stoned)
    I didnt steal that (even though it has someone elses name on it)

  41. Just another distraction from the Depression!

    Hollywood no longer looks after the stars, how sad! I suppose many tried and she was never grateful.

    Another Patricia Kluge? Wasting everything.

  42. why is she still reported on? i'm so bored with this same old story. she's made a living off of getting in trouble and failing drug/alcohol tests, so what? why is it still so interesting to people?

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Y'all it wasn't alcohol! It was Kombucha tea! Of course it was, liar liarson.
