Thursday, June 30, 2011

Octomom Hates Her Kids - Wishes They Were Never Born

At some point or the other, all parents feel frustration with their child or children. Even Michelle Duggar must sit down some days and say what the heck was I thinking before looking down and seeing a piece of bare skin and running away in shame. But, even though most parents probably have a moment or two of this, they do not say it aloud and they probably don't say it to a tabloid and they probably don't say they hate their children. Well, you are not Nadya Suleman. In an interview for In Touch where she was presumably paid, Nadya says, "I hate the babies, they disgust me. My older six are animals, getting more and more out of control, because I have no time to properly discipline them."

That is not a very nice thing to say or to have your kids read and her older kids can certainly look stuff up on the internet or have friends who do and will repeat it.

She also says she wished she never had any of her children, that she is dead broke and that she is living off the State again. Yes, to all of you living in California, we are paying her way again. She did tell the magazine that she has started dating again. Of course it is for pay. Apparently she has not had sex in 12 years. Her first child was conceived naturally but the rest were in a dish.


  1. she is addicted to babies she has no interest in them once they start to grow up. And her genius plan of being a media mom darling never worked out. God she is gross, and her voice OMG her voice is worse than nails on a chalk board.

  2. Well, then, if she "hates" them so much, I wish she could find someone willing to adopt all eight kids at once. That's a tall order, though, because MOST PEOPLE DON'T HAVE/WANT EIGHT CHILDREN SIMULTANEOUSLY.

    I truly despise this woman. She's a narcissitic, famemongering psychopath. And if she can't afford to properly care for all eight kids, I just wish the state would take them all away.

    At least the Suleman kids have each other. They can commisserate and gang up on their bitch of a mother one day. Same goes for the Gosselin brood (and I realize Jon isn't any better).

    Also, it rankled me that she referred to them as "animals." For one thing, animals are weaned much earlier than most humans, so they don't need the same kind of care, patience, and compassion that SHOULD be granted to human babies. If they *were* actually animals, she wouldn't be bitching as much about how much work they are.

    What a wretched dumbass. Gawd.

  3. I'm a big believer in personal freedom but I'm really starting to think you should have to have a license to have children. I worked in pediatric cardiology for 20 years and you can't imagine how some "parents" act. And CPS is absolutely useless in most states. Here in Florida they've lost track of children and a child died because the case worker "didn't work weekends".

    As for this idiot, just put the kids in foster care. It would be a shame to break up the siblings, but they deserve to be loved and cared for.

  4. Great! She hates her children. Give them ALL up for adoption and get on with your Octo-Mom life! That way they will not grow up to be animals and unleashed on the rest of us. Why is this so hard? Stop damaging small helpless children who have no control over their lives!!!

  5. Sorry, I meant to say -
    Stop damaging small helpless children who have no control over their lives BITCH!!!

  6. This list of psychiatric diagnoses for this bitch is long, but narcissistic personality disorder is near the top. Let's stop giving this famewhore attention, it only serves to reinforce her pathos. Hopefully, DCFS is keeping a close eye on this case.

  7. What a dreadful creature !

  8. This just makes me sad. Those babies did nothing wrong...and they deserve nothing but love. On the other hand, Nadya Suleman deserves nothing.

  9. I'm pretty sure Jamie's Girl will take them, based on previous comments.

    THIS BITCH. Superficial wrote a pretty good piece on this today. Basically...this turned out exactly the way we all feared. If this isn't enough to take her kids away, I"m not sure what is. I despise her.

    Her kids are gonna read this some day.

  10. I don't see why she would say that to a magazine so I'm going to give her a small benefit of doubt. I think she is a complete idiot and is completely overwhelmed. One person raising 14 children is impossible and none of them will receive the proper attention. I just can see her sayin that.

  11. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I always knew this is the road that nutjob would take. Hate is a strong word but I HATE her.

    She deserves to her a$$ kicked. She didn't need to have so many babies! Or any babies at all! Just buy one of those Baby Wet 'Em dolls that you can feed and change. Same effect with no damage done if you grow tired of it.

    Why hasn't CPS taken those children into custody yet? That needs to happen ASAP!

  12. RQ, I'm not quite sure why that comment towards Jamie's Girl was needed. Am I missing something? I know that Jamie's Girl is presumably a big girl and can fight her own fights. I feel the need to speak up over the last few days' comments directed at her. I might be projecting my own infertility here but from some of the comments she has made it seems that she is on the same unfortunate journey as I. If you've never experienced it, it's hard to understand how it can consume your life and thoughts. It changes a person.

  13. "Just buy one of those Baby Wet 'Em dolls that you can feed and change. Same effect with no damage done if you grow tired of it."

    See, this is why I have stuffed animals!

  14. Wow, as if those kids weren't going to be screwed up anyway...

  15. Yeah I agree with Jenni. A cool thing about this blog for the most part is the lack of personal attacks (I understand that they happen, but normally it's when the person is actually in the thread and has said something to draw ire. IE around to back up or apologize for what they said)

    As far as this woman goes, that's a HUGE red flag and if anything happens to those children (and I think if left unchecked it most certainly will) it is absolutely on CPS' head.

  16. The idiot doctor who helped create all of her babies should be held at least partially financially responsible for these poor children. Didn't he finally lose his license to practice? Still, he's probably got plenty of money. And may have a license in some other state.

    I'm sure the children are extremely horrible. They have been poorly parented by a mentally ill woman who hates them. Parents like her are why prisons are full. I have no doubt that many of her kids will wind up in jail at some point. I feel very sorry for them and their future victims.

  17. The babies are innocent victims of a crazy woman....

  18. This is what burns my ass about people who crank out kids but don't really WANT them.

    They are not something that you can tire of and leave somewhere to gather dust. They are living breathing little beings who need a better nuturing parent than this narcissistic trash.

  19. @Jenni, I think RQ was referring to the fact that Jamie's Girl has posted a couple of times saying she would take the unwanted children in different stories (abused boy, starlets with unwanted pregnancies, etc). I didn't read any ill will into RQ's statement, and I don't think that Jamie's Girl is being attacked for making those statements.

  20. Thanks, Feisty. Exactly. JG has mentioned time and time again on blinds and other posts that she wants any and all unwanted babies. She can correct me if I'm wrong.

  21. Hopefully, those children will be taken away from her soon. Orange County CPS needs to just take the chance and do it, but I wonder if they are quietly trying to find enough homes to take them. They will be split up, but hopefully they can keep them in pairs at least.

    As for Nadya, she needs rehab. She needs to go away for at least 45 days for intensive therapy in private, very far away from the public eye. Her episode with Oprah and Suze Orman, with Suze saying that she had received enough money to support them all for years when the babies were born and she pissed it all away, made it so obvious that she was mentally ill. It made me so sad because there is a chance that she may have passed whatever her mental illness is on to her children. Her parents were such enablers, and so clueless how to deal with her. Just a complete mess all around.

  22. can't stand this crazy b#$%&! her doctor should be supporting those babies, not our tax money. you hate your kids so much, no one made you have them!

    if cps wasn't such a joke, they'd take every single kid away. of course they can't place them all with the same family, but maybe they could find a few families willing to intermix for them. idk. this woman. i should lay down.

  23. There are no words to express how profound my disgust is for this woman and the situation she has created. She is every bit as dangerous and destructive as an arsonist, a serial killer, or any other kind of insane antisocial personality type that commits crimes against society.

  24. I live in California, too, so you can just imagine how much I enjoy that my tax dollars are supporting her insane whims.

  25. I wish people would quit slamming CPS. My sister was a caseworker for the state of Missouri, and she worked her ass off trying to keep kids safe despite a huge caseload, long hours, and ridiculously low pay in a state where many people see any government agency, even ones dedicated to children's safety, as the bad guy. She stayed for a year and a half -- the average caseworker's career was EIGHT MONTHS because of burnout and low pay. I'm not saying there aren't bad apples in the bunch, but seeing all caseworkers tarred with the same brush really pisses me off.

  26. The babies need to be taken away from her- plain and simple.
    It is more than obvious that she cannot adequately handle them on her own and since she has admitted that she has no money for more help for the kids than this should be a red flag for CPS to step in.
    I also loath her and cannot believe she brought so many children into an already overpopulated world (dont get me started on the Duggars) but not that the kids ARE here, they should have the opportunity to live in a healthy, emotionally stable and loving environment- and this Angie Jolie wannabe does not seem to provide that.

  27. and thank you SunnyHorse!
    Blame certain political parties (cough Republican cough) that seem to take endless delight in cutting budgets. They are the reason case workers have wayyyy too many cases and burn out. The dedication and passion to help children is there for many BUT when your job begins and ends between a rock and a hard place and resources to facilite help for the kids is ever dwindling what the hell are you supposed to do?

  28. *sorry, the first comment i made should say NOW that the kids are here.

  29. She hates her kids.

    Well the world hates her.

    So, there.

  30. I'm with you Ida in wishing the State would take those kids..

    BUT then they get shuffled in a sad system and maybe 2 of those 15 kids will graduate HS :(

    More than anything I would like to foster someday so that I could actually really help kids instead of making money off of them in our backwards legal system and when I am done fucking them up and leaving them worse than where they started I can pass them off to the next criminal whos background check didnt matter when they decided to apply to foster...

    grr...rant over

  31. and I know many case workers that feel the same as me..its not the people in the system its the lawmakers and those who choose to spend overseas and on war than on our abandoned US babies..

  32. @Alicia -- "its not the people in the system its the lawmakers and those who choose to spend overseas and on war than on our abandoned US babies.."

    WORD. I could not agree more.

  33. oh those poor innocent babies. :(

    how can a mother SAY that?! so many people out there wanting a child...


  34. i dont know why in the world this woman would say those words to a magazine to have published - crazy or not.... i am givin her the benefit of the doubt. just a question though- and i am not a Nadya FAN..but why are we sooo supportive of the Duggars, gosselins, etc...but this woman has been branded as such a crazed lunatic? because she is not with a man and doing it alone? just want to get opinions...not a sulyman supporter!! but i am confused and wondered what everyone thought...thanks

  35. @deedee - While I don't necessarily approve of the Duggars lifestyle (seriously, this earth is GROANING with people, I know several people choosing NOT to have children for green reasons and just because so many others are having more than this earth can support), at least those parents are able to financial support and prepare those kids for their own financial responsibility down the road. I can't say the same about the Gosselins or this trick. I wish we'd stop glorifying multiple births on really is sick.

  36. Anonymous2:32 PM

    See, this is why I have stuffed animals!

    LOL! I'm the same way. But this idiot seems to want to feed and change something. So buy a doll and leave the real babies alone. She just needs to crawl into a hole and just stay there for 60 years.

  37. I know I'm late to the party (re: jamie's girl), but I don't care. You can't constantly attack someone in almost every post and then claim innocence when you bring her up for no reason.

    Seriously, if I had a nickel for everytime I saw her get attacked I wouldn't have to work tomorrow.

    And I'm not saying it's only RQ that says stuff to her, it's almost the whole crew. I don't buy the false, "what? who me?" act. Sorry.

    p.s. I am fully, as always, ready for a bitch attack. I do have plans tonight, but I'll be back later. :)

  38. @deedee -- oh, personally, I am NOT supportive of the Gosselins or the Duggars, either. Who IS, though?

    The Gosselins are unfit parents and total famewhores (just like Octomom), and as for the Duggars, I just CANNOT BELIEVE that twentysomething siblings would receive adequate and fairly distributed parental attention. I'm not talking about food and shelter -- I mean tossing a ball around in the yard, gardening together, little jaunts to the playground, trips to a bowling alley, or just taking private walks together and talking. How in the hell do parents with SO many kids get to know ALL of them when their home is like a rowdy preschool? Just because they're flesh and blood doesn't mean they can't turn out to be near-strangers.

    And, of course, I strongly dislike Breeders because of the whole overpopulation issue, too. I think it's absolutely inexcusable.

    @Sue Ellen -- most of the comments posted here today were overwhelmingly positive, supportive, and inoffensive. It happens from time to time. I like it. I'm going to roll with it.

    If you're looking to wage a threadwar for whatever reason, I'd imagine that many of us just don't really *care* enough to do so. Sorry to disappoint you. ;-)

    To quote Chase and Curtin (and later Fey): have a good night, and a pleasant tomorrow.

  39. Good lord, Sue Ellen - if you're looking for a fight, look elsewhere. I'm not claiming innocence, what I stated was fact. Sorry if you're not willing to look back to past posts and see that. I talk about other posters when they aren't here sometimes, too...sue me. Yawn. Moving on.

  40. I was one of eight children growing up and believe you me, there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't wish I was an only child. There were too many goddamn people in our house. It was a like a circus.

    I can only imagine what it is like to have 13 or 17 brothers and sisters. Madness.

  41. Well let's see Ida, just yesterday I saw this and found it (personally) uncalled for. However It was in a blind item thread and Jamie's girl was around.

    Jamie's Girl said...

    #2...please give me the baby!

    1:54 PM

    Ida Blankenship said...

    1. Gee, a spotlight-hogging thespian?! The HELL, you say!!

    I have no idea. Approximately twenty women jumped in my head as possible guesses.

    2. I WOULD say ScarJo, but she's too skinny right now to be knocked up with Penn's kid. Wouldn't she be at least two or three months along? When do women begin to show?

    @Jamie's Girl -- um, I hope you're not saying that because you think a woman can't adequately raise a child by herself.

    Actually, knowing the comments you've posted in the past, that's probably *exactly* what you're saying.

    2:27 PM

    Um yeah, please don't play the martyr here. It's obvious from what I've seen (can't speak for anyone else) that you 2 have different opinions on things.
    I've never seen RQ blatantly call someone out like that unless it was an ongoing dialogue. Then again I mostly lurk and check in while working if/when I can. I don't enjoy the cool jobs you guys have (and by you guys I mean everyone here with a job that doesn't have a firewall lockdown every other day) so I have zero idea what or where the contempt came from but I don't really care.
    Stick to commenting on stories. Please.
    Because it sure does look like you are trying to make her a pariah.

    And you know what? I would say the same thing if someone tried to do that to you. It's weak and not worth reading.

    If everyone agreed this would be a mighty boring place to be.

  42. Ha and it just hit me you guys may think I'm Sue Ellen. :)
    I'm not, I wish I wrote as well as she does. I also miss Canada (loved living near the border. Duty Free 4ever xoxoxo)

    I just adore this blog and have for years, I'm not a fan of people thinking others don't belong because their politics may be different or they may not express themselves in a way deemed 'proper' by a select few (selected by whom?)

    Love it or hate it, that's why I dig DListed (oh and hey I was runner up in a caption this contest last week..Yay me!) Talk about all walks of life somehow getting along.

    It can happen.

  43. @suhyphen -- "Um yeah, please don't play the martyr here."

    You're not using the word "martyr" correctly here, but I don't really feel like picking apart your diction at the moment.

    I will call anyone out for comments I deem bigoted, boneheaded or sexist in real life and/or on the internet. Jamie's Girl didn't say anything I found personally offensive *today* -- thus, I didn't address her directly in any thread this afternoon.

    From what I've gathered, most other readers are basically bored and annoyed by these verbal battles, and I've had such a fabulous day and such a splendid week in general that, again, I SIMPLY DO NOT GIVE A SHIT about engaging anyone in a thread war right now.

    That said: I have a delicious burrito, a Walking Dead DVD, and a hot man waiting for my company.

    Ciao, buh bye, and XOXO.

  44. Wow, not sure I would talk about consuming a burrito and having a hot man waiting for you like that but hey, what do I know about proper use of words?
    Even when you're being condescending it's a fail.
    I do notice you didn't point out my use of the word pariah, quite telling.

    Have fun with the hot man! Hopefully you didn't order extra beans.

    xoxoxoxo right back atcha. Not towards him though.

  45. I am not trying to fight with you RQ. It's actually very hard for me to have attitude towards you due to our shared politik. I just think that it was a little uncalled for to bring Jamie's Girl up for no reason in this post except to be snarky towards her. Especially since she never, ever says anything back.

    It's maddening to watch people attack one person because they don't believe what the majority believes, yet the same people are the ones saying that others are causing a problem. You can't live in a glass house and throw stones.

    Again, I am not trying to start with you here, I absolutely promise, I am just pointing something out.

    It's just been a long week of Jamie's Girl attacks and it's wearing on me.

  46. Also, I have decided every time Ida attempts to speak to me I will pollute somehow. Batteries in the garbage, anyone?

  47. RocketQueen was being SARCASTIC.

    I'm sure Jamie's Girl is fully capable of defending herself and does not need cape wearing celebrity blog reading commenters to come to her rescue.

    On the topic of Octomom, I'm not at all surprised at this comment. She strikes me as the very opposite of maternal.

  48. Honestly, I haven't noticed the attacks. I guess I will have to go back and read. Or maybe I shouldn't.

    I always post that I want the unwanted, abused or murdered child, because I think every child deserves to be wanted and loved. Infertility will do that to you.

    If you were that abused or unwanted child, wouldn't you want someone, someplace to say they wanted you? They don't ever deserve this.

    Michael Jackson offered to take them, which I thought was odd. Yes he had the money, but he darned sure didn't need another child.

  49. Suhyphen, I posted that I wanted that baby, because I "read into" Enty's post that the woman in the blind is considering aborting it. Sad, but Hollywood is a reflection of the real world too.

    Thanks for reposting.

  50. I'm with RJ. The doctor who allowed this to happen should be paying for those kids. I live in California and she had those kids on Medical, so we have been paying for those kids since they were born. I wonder if the state is looking into getting their money back.

  51. "This is what burns my ass about people who crank out kids but don't really WANT them." - AMEN!

    I've never read anything that said she carried those babies out of some religious conviction. If that were the case, I could respect that view.

  52. this woman is very ill indeed. I can understand that she is frustrated, but why couldn't she think about this when she decided to bring 14 kids into the world? The kids don't have adequate discipline, don't have enough attention, love, and she probably is being driven nuts in a house with fourteen children. There is a reason why humans usually have single births. I hope she will do the most unselfish thing of her life, and allow them to be adopted by parents who could take good care of them. The problem is that these formative years are extremely important. God knows most of these children, living in their current environment, will end up with problems later on in life unless something is done now to get them out of there.

  53. Lisa - She was on Howard Stern this week promoting some boxing/wrestling match and was asked why she didn't do selective reduction (or whatever it is where they remove some fetuses to help the more viable fetuses), and she said that she believes that the fetus is the beginning of life. I only listened to a few minutes, so I didn't catch the entire show.
