Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Paris Hilton Thinks Someone Wants Children With Her

If you ever are feeling really down. I mean really depressed about your life and cannot think of a way to make things better, then I have a suggestion for you. Find a copy of last night's Piers Morgan featuring Paris Hilton and her mother. I promise that as you are watching the program you will feel the weight of the world leave your shoulders because you will realize right then and there that two people on this earth that you can laugh at and laughter will make you feel better. Promise.

First of all can you believe Piers put on Paris and her mom? Was there no one else? I know sweeps just ended and you might have gone through whatever decent guests your booker could find, but Paris Hilton?

Last night she whined about this and whined about the sex tape. Again, Paris let me remind you in case you forgot. You participated 100% in the sex tape. You split the profits 100%. The vast majority of the money you have earned over the past decade is from the profits of the sex tape. So, when you say things like you are betrayed and have to live with the shame, it is such a f**king lie that I wish someone would call you out on it. I think Piers was hoping for a hummer or something from her after because he kissed her ass more than Larry King did. Piers, did you get a hummer after? Be honest. Did you spend one night in Paris?

And to top it all off, in what would have sent everyone of you to the floor in fits of laughter, Paris said she especially felt shamed because someday her kids would have to see it. Paris and kids? No adoption agency would ever let her adopt. I hope every surrogate out there would say no, and I can't imagine a guy going unprotected into there or want to be known as the guy who provided the sperm for a Paris baby. Plus, if Paris had a baby, she would have to share the mirror with someone and that is not going to happen. Oh, and Kathy Hilton, those tears should have been for the horrible job you did raising your kids and not the fact she made a sex tape. She and Kim Richards must have had the same acting teacher growing up.


  1. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Well, someone must love seeing this twat. She has a new reality show coming out. Must be nice.

  2. Piers Morgan makes Larry King look as agressive as Mike Wallace. Talk about soft interviews. I watched 2 of his shows and gave up - not worth the time.

  3. PS - thinking about how she treats her multiple pets, becomes bored with them and then forgets them, I'm sure she'll be a FABULOUS mother. /sarcasm

  4. Paris is going heavy on the eyeliner today!

    Oh Paris, you are no Lady Diana!

  5. Hopefully, all her venereal crotch rot rendered her infertile a long, long time ago. She'll probably just adopt a trendy pursebaby when the time comes. Not a black or Hispanic one, though. Obviously.

    I only wish she were forbidden from accruing more pets, but we all know that there are probably ten Yorkshire Terriers trapped in a closet in her condo right now.

    GOD, I hate this bitch. I'd rather go on a roadtrip with Lindsay, Tila Tequila, and Bobby Trendy than spend five minutes in her company.

  6. Sometimes I don't do things because I think of my future career/kids and I don't want to shame them or me.

    What an idiot.

  7. Ummm, I like Kathy's hairstyle better than Paris'.

    Yeah, I'm sure you were duped into that video. Your history of boyfriends and public behavior tells a different tale.

  8. The new media (Twitter, FB, reality TV, endless chat shows) has done a great job in showcasing just how dumb most 'celebs' are. People who 'want' to be famous are generally dumber than shit and reality TV has proved that for me. Gone are the days when PR people could gloss over the worst offenders and still make them look like the people the image makers wanted us to buy into.... now we see that they are just sad, insecure people who want so much to be loved that they will sell their souls to be in the media. I've said it before but we have hit an all time low in society that we buy into this crap.

  9. watch the View tonight/today...Whoopi and Babs basically call her out in front of her Moms!

  10. I just hate Piers. He's an arrogant creeper and I'm not at all surprised he had Paris on after seeing him trip all over himself for the Kardashians.

  11. She's become an SNL parody of herself. The way she talks...the way her eyes are all dead and her mouth never fully closes...Nasim Pedrad will do a great job of recreating this!

  12. Another one who doesn't take responsibility for her actions. I remember when she was denying she wanted to be taped....then you see her crawl by the camera, wave, giggle and say "hi". PLEASE.

    I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate this woman with the intensity of a thousand suns.

    By the way Paris, you look like shit. You are aging horribly. Ha ha

  13. And again, a news outlet uses the term "opens up" for a subject that that has for years already been wide open and flapping in the breeze. Give me a break.

  14. If I'm ever within arm's reach, I am going to punch her in the head. This is a promise.

  15. CNN got the fake Paris. The same one that Big-Jaw Leno gets whenever she's on his show. The "I'm just a rich girl that nobody understands except my idiot twitter followers."

    We all know it's a fucking act. She's a spoiled, selfish, stupid, clueless, racist, stuck-up, heartless slutbag that would suck off a homeless guy in an alley for 1/3 of the pizza crust he found in the trash.

    Even my hero David Letterman kisses her ass when she's on his show. That's just every kind of wrong. Throw her on a show with Denis Leary or Bill maher. Then we'll see how bitchy and whiny she can be.

  16. The fact that this wench wants to be a mommy makes my skin crawl. She left a dog to starve because it became inconvenient. What happens when the baby starts to teeth and she wants to party? A trip to her car trunk? I am sick to death of her.

    @ Jason ---I say we give her to Lewis Black. I'd love him to rip into her.

  17. The sad thing is that she has enough money - when she wants a kid, she will get one. She'll be able to adopt or hire a surrogate... and people like myself who would give their right arm to have another child, can't. (It took me 20 years to save enough to adopt my daughter - I am considered too old now to adopt again.) Even worse, the people who are saving and scrimping every dime they have to afford infertility treatments or adoption fees for their FIRST child.... and she'll get whatever she wants, whenever she wants, on a whim.

    Yeah, I'm just a little bitter about people like her. Sometimes I really want to scream when I see these kind of interviews with these spoiled, selfish, pieces of filth.

  18. She and her mother apparently use the same cheap hairspray. Nice they can share that, no?

  19. @JasonBlueEyes - Ellen does the same thing.

    Her sex tape came out in 2003. A Simple Life debuted shortly thereafter. She hasn't done anything of note, (except get busted for pot and "bubble gum"/cocaine) in the last year or so. Why is he interviewing her??

    Piers really needs to step up his game. Are they going to sack him or what?

  20. I thought she was pretty much a has been. I agree about Twitter. Wow, that really shows how dumb this celebs are. I still remember how dumb Scott Baio sounded on his Twitter. I bet Twitter is every publicists nightmare.

  21. god she is ugly. wow. and her mom's shirt is my favorite. i love the pockets. way to make your boobs look even droopier.

  22. A baby? Paris should not even be legally allowed to have PETS let alone be able to breed.
