Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Random Photos Part Two

Now that is random. Kellan Lutz and Florence Welch.
Kate Winslet returns to the red carpet, this time in Spain.
Evan Rachel Wood cut off all her hair. Looks like one of the Jedward twins now. She was at the premiere of the new season of True Blood.
You know Alexander was going to be there.
Sam Trammell and a very pregnant Missy Yager.
Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer. Stephen says Anna lets him bite the breasts of women fans.
Ryan Kwanten and the question of whether he stuffs or not.
Brandon Routh and Courtney Ford get ready to make out.
So, do you like Joe Manganiello better than Alexander?


  1. Alexander vs. Joe is like picking chocolate over vanilla. Both have their time and place, and each enhance the flavor of the other when mixed together.

  2. Joe Manganiello one can imagine would be such fun for hot, dirty, messy play.

    Ryan - All beans and no franks?

  3. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Anna & Stephen, kinky couple lol

    Joe & Alexander, would take turns with both lolol

  4. I'd love to sandwich with Joe and Alex. If absolutely forced to choose, I'd take Joe.

  5. OMG Joe, Ryan and Alex, ARRRGHHHH how is a girl suppose to choose?!!?

    I cannot wait for this season of TB, if they follow book 3 it will definitely be a great season!

  6. If forced to choose, Joe. But what's wrong with having both?

  7. Ryan Kwanten looks like Ed Helms in almost every episode of The Office in that getup.

  8. I think Evan Rachel Wood looks great. She's quite beautiful and talented. Too bad she's so annoying.

    I don't care what she says, Kate Winslet HAS done something to her face. But it's subtle, and she looks great. Her EYES are different.

  9. @Christine - perfect analysis of the situation. A+ for the day!!

    But for my mood right now, I need some Joe. Did you see those abs yesterday??? Dios mio!!

  10. @pwner - minus the red pants of course.

    Is anybody else afraid this season is going to be extremely fairy-centric?

    Brandon Routh's wife (?) looks like Minka Kelly.

    I do like Evan Rachel Wood.

  11. I would also like to be the meat in a Joe/Alexander sammich, please....but like LMSM--if forced, I'm Team Joe.

  12. Definitely a stuffer! Lol

  13. Fine you can all have Joe, I will be more than happy to take Alexander!

  14. Evan Rachel Wood may be a douchebaguette, but I think she looks fantastic. Love the outfit, love the short hair. Wish I could pull off hair like that...but no. Just no.

    Joe and Alexander are both nice looking men, but Beehl can bite me ANYTIME. Anna Paquin is a lucky lady :) And I am SO. EXCITED. for the season premiere!!!

  15. I too cannot wait for the season premiere of True Blood! And if I had to chose between Alexander and Joe, it would be Alexander all the way. He is sooo yummy.

  16. Pick between Skars vs Joe? (whine) Do I have to?

    Then Joe because he is from my neck of the woods.Did you see him in GQ? The man has great abs.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I used to watch Joe on One Tree Hill -- very nice then too. I don't watch TB, the freakin' fake accents kill me

  19. Lordy - we should all have a True Blood party!!

    And Christine - you are very wise.

  20. OT - did I miss an announcement that there would be no more blinds? just wondering...

  21. I miss the daily blinds, too. . .

    Love Florence's voice--it's gorgeous.

  22. Ryan's pants look a little short, in addition to being a crotch stuffed.

    To answer your last question....Joe Manganiello. I do not find Alexander sexsay. AT. ALL.

  23. I love Evan's hair so hard. I wish I could get my hair to do that but it'd probably turn into a frizzy, curly mess.

    @Jason: I think it'll be more witch centric than fairy centric. At least in the books, it doesn't get fairy centric until book eight; the show is around book four/five. If they keep it within the same parameters of the books, Jason should have panther drama; vampire Bheel and Sookeh should stay apart while Erik and Alcide try to get win her favor. Oh, and Erik ought to get spelled witches, which vamps up the sexual tension between he and Sookie. Jessica and Hoyt are unknowns, and Lafyette died in book one or two, so who the fucks knows where his story arch is going. Tara is also a complete fucking mystery given that book Tara and True Blood Tara only share a bad vampire relationship and abusive/alcoholic mother/parents.

    (Don't judge me and my poor reading choices.)

    If I had to choose between Joe and Alexander, I would go with Joe: I like my men to look like lumberjacks.

  24. I'm 100% Team Alex. So many reasons, so let's just pick one. Joe, despite his many obvious and sterling qualities, is a Steelers fan. I am a diehard Redskins fan (therefore, I know the Meaning Of Pain) and you know what they say about a House Divided. Alexander is a Hammarby Football (European style) fan and I love Euro-football as well. So, a House Undivided.

    Plus, Alexander's abs are totally not chopped liver.


  25. Joe wins any day of the week! Alexander has one damn facial expression and I just don't see the hotness everyone else goes on about.

  26. After the photoshop work I've seen done on assorted male abs lately, I don't believe them unless I touch them myself.

  27. Alexander but ONLY in the character of Eric. Joe is just fine as himself.

    Rather like James Marsters is TDF as SPIKE but himself meh. No thanks.

  28. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I like Florence's dress.

    Evan's haircut is pretty hot.

    I don't watch True Blood, but I'll take the brunet one, please!

  29. Unequivocally Alexander Skarsgard. He gives me that special tingle!

  30. I drove by the True Blood premiere on the way home from work and not shitting you -- I saw Evan Rachel Wood on the red carpet and wondered how Austin Scarlett got invited.
