Friday, June 24, 2011

Rihanna Goes Crazy - Says It Was Her Fault Chris Brown Hit Her

I have no idea what got into Rihanna. Maybe all these conversations she is having with Chris Brown finally wore her down. On Rihanna's Twitter page, she posted the message above. Yes, she is really saying that she provoked Chris Brown which is why he hit her. Not completely his fault? This is insanity. What kind of message does this send to people? It is not exactly like she has ever come out and really stood up against the idea of domestic violence or really come down hard on Chris Brown and now she says it is her fault he did it. WTF? It is never the victim's fault. People have a choice. To hit or not to hit. We also know this was not the first time. Rihanna is basically saying it is fine to beat the crap out of her because she deserves it. That is just not right and sends a very, very bad message to her over 5 million followers.

The post has been taken down, BUT, there has been no word from Rihanna's people which leads me to believe she is the one who did it and the account was not hacked. Plus, if you hack into her account, is that what you are going to post?


  1. This has GOT to be a hack. I'm sorry, but it has to.

  2. And yes, Chris' fucked up fans WOULD post this.

  3. If it is not a hack job, she has some serious issues.

    Of course it was all her fault, because Chris said so (eye roll).

  4. I read she denied the post.

  5. Seems like a hack to me.

    And IA with RQ that a Chris Brown fan or a nut would post EXACTLY that.

    She should issue a firm denial though.

  6. Hack, no hack. That sounds about right.

  7. Tired of both of those two. Wish their decent songs would be recorded by someone I could actually support with my money. They both need tickets on the spaceship to nowhere right next to Paris Hilton and Michael Lohan.

  8. There were rumors that she gave him herpes. If that's true she might think it's her fault because she feels bad about it. There's no excuse for him beating her!

  9. That herpes nonsense was put out there by Chris' people. I'm telling you, this is a hack.

  10. Well, for what it's worth (not that you'll believe her) she refuted the tweet:

    I can almost see her writing it as a sarcastic statement and then quickly regretting it -- sarcasm rarely translates well if you can't actually discern the speaker's tone. But I'm sure she's sick to fucking death of being everyone's favorite super-pretty Domestic Violence Poster Child.

    That said, Bite Your Tongue Before You Tweet should really be the new Stop, Drop, Roll or Slip, Slop, Slap.

    Regardless, it would be *really* nice if you'd stop vilifying Rihanna in this situation, since SHE'S the one who got the shit beat out of her. Chris Brown gets gigs on Dancing with the Stars and SNL, and yet Rihanna is the one who still has to answer to you and the rest of the world for HIS actions?

    There's the real "insanity."

  11. Agree, Ida. I don't get the hate for her.

  12. Despite the length of time for this to come out, it's classic "victim mentality".
    I.E. "His/her violence against me were because I provoked those actions".
    You see this time and again in spousal abuse - the law gets involved and charges are filed, only to be dismissed because the injured party a)refuses to testify or b)drops the charges and returns to the offender, only to have the cycle perpetuate and inevitably escalate.
    Frankly, IMO, she desperately needs counselling to understand why she's reacting the way she is (and not for one hot damn second do I believe she was "hacked"), and he needs to be put away for a very very long time, before his rage escalates into something permanent.
    That being said, I wonder how long it took his people to get her to cave?
    Was it the fact that despite his actions against her, he was still getting work, positive publicity, and having the hordes of women still going after him despite the fact that he's nothing more than a worthless no dick shit bag who managed to get lucky and have a completely undeserved career?

  13. I'm going with this being a hack, because that tweet does anyone whose ever been physically abused a grave disservice just being in the ether. Saying that Rhianna provoked a man-child, neanderthal, fist pumping woman beater is along the same lines as saying the woman who wore a short skirt provoked her rapist, or the 3-year old seduced her molestor (as one pedophile put it). It's absolutely revolting.

  14. She has a responsibility as a celebrity to at least appear to be someone for our young ones to look up to. Her interaction w Chris Brown at this point (hell, since the night she took the beating) sends a message to young girls that she feels she is somewhat to blame -- the victim never deserves the outcome. She is justifying his behavior. Eh, she came from an abusive home so I'm not surprised if this is how she really feels. She's admitted to liking it rough in bed because of what she witnessed as a child. I guess I'll just tell my daughter that no ones perfect; Rihanna is not to blame even though she feels that way. Parents set your kids straight! Can't rely on celebs (not that they should ever be, but they are).

  15. I don't hate her but I'd have a lot more respect for her if she were more forceful about how wrong Chris Brown was. I always got the feeling she just didn't want to get involved with anything that might hurt him.

  16. I think it's a hack too, or like someone said, a sarcastic comment which she immediately regretted. I'm not sure that she, even if she actually believed that it was her fault (and many victims do), that she would post something like this. She has had enough backlash for not speaking out against him...

  17. @Steph -- "Her interaction w Chris Brown at this point (hell, since the night she took the beating) sends a message to young girls that she feels she is somewhat to blame"

    You "take" a test. You "take" medicine. But nobody TAKES a beating, sorry. Your language in that paragraph seems to indicate that you ARE blaming Rihanna for "allowing" herself to be hit in the first place.

    THAT is true victim blaming.

  18. maybe it was drunk tweeting or a moment of misplaced regret.

    Funny how twitter never confirms or denies hacking.

    People are going to support and buy her fast food music no matter what stupid thing she does.

  19. I'd like to believe she was hacked, but I don't. She has never been that enthusiastic about vilifying him. At first I gave her the benefit of the doubt and believed her when she said she doesn't like talking about it because it's a private matter. Over time, though...I'm getting the vibe that she doesn't take it as seriously as she should. This tweet is not the first time she's made excuses for him. Not saying she deserved to be beaten, but she makes it very hard for me to have sympathy for her.

    Coincidentally, the Daily Mail ran a story today about tweets Chris Brown has been sending to her that make it appear that they are in regular contact. Apparently Chris recently made the Weiner-esque mistake of confusing a direct message with a public tweet and asked her if she'd gotten some picture he sent:

  20. This is the one thing that frustrates me about the text/tweet era...its hard to discerne how somebody means something.

    I know in several instances I have text something and it has be interpreted the wrong way. If RiRi did mean it as sarcastic and realized that lots of people wouldn't take it that way then I would think its all good. She is young still and has room to learn from her mistakes.

    If its a hack...well...I can't stand Chris Brown anyways so add it to the list of crap I can't stand about him

    And if its the victim mentality thing...girlfriend needs some counseling asap

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  23. Jesus, you guys. I'm having such a hard time understanding why people are being so cruel about her state of mind. I had an ex beat the crap out of me when I was 18 - I only removed him from my facebook last month (I'm 35). I dumped him initially, and took him back for a VERY short stint half a year later. I guess you should judge me as harshly as you're judging her. When you are tied together by friends and family and a career, making a clean break and dissing them publicly is not as easy as you all think it is.
    I hope none of you never have to find out how difficult it is to be in her position. People forget how young she was when this happened.
    I wish her the best.

  24. Well whatever the circumstances, this is very very sad. Whether it was Rhianna or hackers, it is a very sad state of mind that thinks this way.

  25. Regardless of circumstances relating to the tweet, Chris Brown is still an epic, colossal douche and one day he'll truly get his. It's never acceptable behavior to hurt another person (outside of the realm of self defense, of course).

    Why does it feel like society glorifies abusive a-holes like Chris Brown and Charlie Sheen, to name a few?

  26. That tells me she suffers from a pattern of ABUSE. EVERYONE woman beat up by their husband/boyfriend says the same thing. "It was my fault, I ........."

  27. @Jamie's Girl -- "EVERYONE woman beat up by their husband/boyfriend says the same thing. "It was my fault, I ........."

    Right. I'm so sure that you've spoken with EVERY SINGLE WOMAN who's EVER BEEN ABUSED.

    Do you ever THINK before you type/speak? Do you realize that there are victims of domestic violence who read this site, and that your words could be construed as judgmental or deeply hurtful?

    You say staggeringly stupid shit CONSTANTLY (your latest contribution to the Your Turn thread being a prime example), and I *truly* ignore about 80% of it, but when you go too fucking far, I WILL point it out.

    You should be absolutely ashamed.

  28. Is it weird that I imagined Chris Brown doing this while he and Rihanna were hanging out?

    I don't know if they actually hang out. I'm just thinking if they communicate on Twitter, it wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility.

  29. Jamie's Girl, that is absolutely ridiculous and false. What happened to me sure as hell wasn't my fault, and I fucking know it.

  30. Anyone who has not experienced domestic violence, in my opinion, has the right to pass judgment on anyone who has. You just don't know how bad that shit can fuck you up.

    I feel bad for her and I find it absolutely disgusting Chris Brown has any kind of a life after what he did. I know two wrongs don't make a right, but I wish someone would bitch slap that douche until he pisses himself. Someone bigger and badder needs to punch him right dead in his cocksucker. Several times.

    Sorry. I might be a little bitter (no, Netta, ya think?) but I have my reasons.

    Hacked or not, the sista needs some help.

  31. @Netta: You definitely have a way with a phrase!

  32. Oh, and Rocket Queen? If I was in Vancouver and knew who that guy was, I'd go beat him up for you!

  33. Heh, Robert. It's kinda what I do for a living.

    And I meant to say anyone who has not had the experience has no right to judge. In case there was any doubt to my meaning.

  34. What did her previous tweets say? Was this a tweet out of the blue? Probably a hack, if so.

    I bet she gets all kinds of scary tweets from Chris Brown fans. Could this maybe have been the result of someone talking shit to her and she'd just had enough?

  35. "I'd like to believe she was hacked, but I don't. She has never been that enthusiastic about vilifying him. At first I gave her the benefit of the doubt and believed her when she said she doesn't like talking about it because it's a private matter. Over time, though...I'm getting the vibe that she doesn't take it as seriously as she should. This tweet is not the first time she's made excuses for him. Not saying she deserved to be beaten, but she makes it very hard for me to have sympathy for her."

    50% agrees with this statement above and
    50% agrees with Ida and RocketQueen.

    Maybe its cause I was the child of a mother who chose several wrong men and would take them back months later; i knew at 5, 6, 9, 10 yrs old that this was doing nothing but harming her and me and yet she let them back in when they found 'god' or got a better job....
    All I have to say is I was strong enough to pack one of my step-dads bags and set it on the doorstep at 10 fucking years old and I have a sort of hard time not judging this type of shit when it happens. Dont hate me but I think some women ARE really strong enough to get out of the cycle of abuse (usually by recognizing their own self worth in some way) but some will always be the victim. My mom met her latest boyfriend in a shitty suburban bar and he is a peice of shit. She's 49 y/o and is smart and yet has told me her standards for men are low. She is very cognitive about her choices...the point is, some women are victims and continue to do nothing but allow themselves to be victims and drag children and family into their own twisted pysche. I think Rihanna absolutely tweeted this. Do I feel sorry for her? Yes, do I hate her? Absolutely NOT. Do I think she needs help? Yes. But yeah, I will admit, I am judging her.

  36. Let me be clear, my issue with Rihanna is all about her career, her hairstyles, her clothes, her videos, her music, and everything else about the product she produces. I seriously prefer to hear her songs covered on DWTS then the original versions she releases, in most cases.

    As for her relationship with CB and her comments/reactions since the night he hit her, well... I've never been beaten by a man (thankfully) so I can only say that I am puzzled by many of the things she has said/done since then. I don't think I would behave the same way, but I don't know for sure. All I know is that Chris Brown seemed to be doing well with his probation and might have been on the road to well earned redemption, but then the facade fell down and it seems the real CB is a spoiled brat with serious anger issues that can only be expressed physically. He needs a lot of help.

  37. Jasmine: I relate to where you're coming from. I'm coming from somewhere similar.

  38. Also, I'm sorry some of you might have taken offense to what I said.

    I have not experienced this kind of domestic violence directly, but I have experienced it secondhand, and I am intimately familiar with the consequences of it and the things it sets in motion and how it can affect more than just one person's life.

    I do understand the psychological and emotional intricacies at play in that kind of situation. It is possible for someone to understand where the victim is coming from and have much compassion for them yet still disagree with or be disappointed in their attitude or behavior.

    Eh, I must be crazy for trying to jump back into this after a night out.

  39. @Jasmine and Shiny -- I get where each of you are coming from, personally. It sounds as if you each have had your own personal experiences that have shaped your views on this subject. I totally respect that -- more than I can really express.

    There's a biiiiiig difference between being disappointed in *one* woman's choices and castigating ALL women who've been the victim of another person's physical wrath.

  40. It's definitely a hack. I'm not saying she does feel that way... HOWEVER, that is not the kind of thing that you put out there to the rest of the world. It doesn't fit with the mentality that would be involved to feel that way in the first place. The victim who feels guilty for "contributing" to their assualt, is going to want to hide that, and really, hide the whole thing from the rest of the world (or for regular people - family, friends, coworkers etc). They are not going to get all defensive in the face of the world and say, NO, I helped cause it so there! It just doesn't fit.

  41. Thanks Robert....:) He lives in Edmonton now - let me know if you ever head there!
