Thursday, June 16, 2011

Selena Gomez Blames Movie Junk Food For Hospitalization

Someone in the Selena Gomez camp needs to come up with one plausible story and stick to it and then make sure everyone keeps repeating it to anyone who asks about her recent hospitalization.

There is nothing wrong with the malnourishment and exhaustion story. I mean everyone gets exhausted and malnourished taking back to back to back vacations. But, as laughable as it sounds, at least it can be believable. Now though, Selena went on Kidd Kraddick yesterday morning and said the reason she was hospitalized because of all the junk food she eats. Would you like to know how much junk food she eats and what it is? She eats broccoli with cheese. I know, I know, I have told everyone time and again how bad that green stuff is for you. That is why I eat my cheese separately or on chips or pizza or bread(but not wheat).

She also eats creamed spinach. Again, fouling up perfectly good cream with a vegetable is a recipe for hospitalization. Anything else? Well, don't tell anyone but when she goes to movies she eats candy. NO!!!!! Well, that is why you were hospitalized because anyone who eats candy at the movies needs to go directly to the hospital. I know she is just 18, but when you start moving further and further away from the truth, you just start to sound ridiculous.


  1. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Not for nothing, but Kidd Kraddick creeps me out. *shudders*

    I agree, Selena needs to stick to one story. Should have just went with dehydration. It's easy to remember and easy to believe.

  2. Wow. This is pretty lame.

    Even the exhaustion story is a lame attempt to do some s'plaining.
    I mean, you are on vacation on some beach with your Bieb and then you end up in the hospital for exhaustion?

    But no, its junk food now. Dang, what will happen to her if she ate TRUE junk food like so many kids her age?
    Lame 100% LAME-O

  3. Kidd Kraddick was a DFW radio host in the early 1980's. Very popular. Haven't heard that name in years, just thought I'd say that.

    That's not going to ease the speculation of why she was hospitalized, making up shit like that.

  4. kk is a GREAT thrilled when he finally got syndicated. very stand-up guy too ...turned down offers from top radio in top mkts b/c he didn't want to be away fro his daughter. he's super-decent all the way around.

    as for sooo took that out of context, enty, and you know it. not to be a selena apologist...but it's really easy to be on the road (assuming here...not sure wth she does or how 'extensive' her tours are)...and eat like crap. even when craft services provide healthy options, everyone always reaches for a cookie before they they reach for a carrot.

  5. Maybe she was eating that recalled Toxic Waste candy?

    Seriously, though, I actually wonder if she's recently converted to vegetarianism/veganism. If young people aren't careful -- and most really *aren't* -- it's easy to miss the necessary nutrients you need for a balanced diet. If this is the case, she needs some beans and collard greens!

    I was anemic for a while in high school, and hypoglycemic, too. I DEFinitely ate a crapton of pizza and junk food. Since I began watching what I eat for health's sake, I haven't had any fainting spells.

    "fouling up perfectly good cream with a vegetable is a recipe for hospitalization."

    Tee hee! ;-)

  6. I'd love to see someone release a statement telling everyone to mind their damn business about their private health concerns, and not make up crazy stories like this.

    Would be great.

    The other thought I have is that, really, she's just a kid, so leave her alone.

  7. Broccoli--the vile weed! Quick, honey mustard sauce!

  8. At first, I really didn't think there was anything "scandalous" or "suspicious" about her hospital visit.

    But now I do.

  9. Excellent Seinfeld reference, Robert :)

    As for this cockamamie story....PLEASE. More like not eating at all. And agree...she doth protest way too much.

  10. I think she was pregnant with the 10 year old looking singer...whatshisname??

  11. I heard the interview when it was live, and she didn't say she eats broccoli with cheese on it. She said she eats junk food, and if does she eat vegetables, it's always with something "bad" on it, like creamed spinach or vegetables covered in cheese.

    Beh, I think it's plausible that she eats like that. When I was that age, I ate basically junk food while playing competitive soccer (on 2 teams at the same time) and ended up crashing, had to spend a week in bed recovering. I was diagnosed with "teenagers disease" by my dr.

    And btw, hi everyone, been reading since '07, first comment :)

  12. @Hannah, it's Justin Bieber -- and I am JEALOUS that you don't know his name.

  13. I think she is absolutely adorable. Look at her face. Too cute.

  14. Welcome aboard Feisty.

  15. She's cute, but I don't by that anyone in Hollywood eats junk food, not even the anorexic men. Well, Maybe Jimmie Kimmel and Jack Black.

  16. When she first got with Bieb they were reporting her age as 20 - now she is 18.

    Which is it?

  17. Wow, she lies like a five year-old. "I, I got sick from...from broccoli candy. Its baaaad." Silly girl.

  18. KIDD is still alive and well in DFW, Momster! (waves hi from Tyler).

  19. Welcome Feisty!

    IK abt the veganism - my brother recently became one, after having been on Atkins for EVER (yeah i know, pretty radical) and he got sick.

  20. @lisap515 Thanks for clarifying! I thought Kidd was still in DFW. I remember listening to him as a kid/teenager.

    @Jeri I'm pretty sure Selena is 19. I know someone who went to school with her (same grade) and that's his age now.

  21. She is freaking adorable.

    And also young enough to not know how to lie well, or as in the case with most teenagers..she switches up the lies and tells stories that don't make sense but seems to think everyone will believe it because SHE says so..

    I have a 17 year old daughter. Believe me..I know!

    She is obviously hiding something but really..I dont care what it is. Hope she learned whatever lesson it was she needed to learn and stays healthy

  22. First of all I do not buy the crap she/her team is shoveling.

    I don't really care why you went. I am happy you are well but I am not a chimney, please don't try to blow smoke up my ass.

  23. Hi, Feisty!

    Steamed broccoli with shredded parmesan is to die for! But it sure as heck isn't "junk" food!

  24. lol @ ardleigh... I have always loved that term! It reminds me of Something About Mary when the stoner/fake Dr. says " Sorry Mary. I may have been blowing a little smoke up your ass. "
    Too cute.

  25. I think it's a publicity stunt just like their "relationship"

  26. Listening to her, I kinda wonder if she doesn't have some digestive trouble and doesn't want to say that. I have IBS and denied it for years because when people hear it they say "oh you fart alot" and other stupid things. But junk food and not eating regularly or especially if I eat raw veggies can send me into an episode. If it gets bad enough i can get dehydrated and have stomach cramps that last for days. Granted, it's a stretch but I can totally see a teenager not wanting to say IBS. People joked about Camille Grammer for years. (not that she isn't joke worthy)

  27. pregnancy termination.
