Monday, June 13, 2011

Selena Gomez Has High Blood Pressure Issues Or Food Poisoning Or Exhaustion

The problem with someone famous going to the hospital is when more than one person is allowed to try and spin the story they think works the best. It is also tough when said person was taken from a very public place to the hospital. It is further complicated when the person has to go back again. Selena Gomez went to the hospital Thursday night after Leno. The thing is she went back again on Saturday which is the really interesting part. I am not sure why she would have to go back to the hospital and could not just handle everything at her own doctor. Maybe more privacy? Maybe a certain kind of doctor had to be called in and if Selena was seen going to that kind of doctor it would have been crazy. Instead that doctor meets Selena at the hospital, the procedure is performed and everything is good.

If it was for high blood pressure, she could have gone to that doctor. If it was food poisoning, she would not have needed to go back to the hospital. If it was for exhaustion, she could have handled that with a house call. I have a feeling it was an ob/gyn and we will hear all about it when Justin and Selena inevitably break up, or when someone sells the story to The Enquirer.


  1. Yep, I thought ectopic (sp) pregnancy or abortion.

  2. Abortion would be more likely.

  3. Maybe Taylor Swift can write a song about it.

  4. She's awful young and fit to have blood pressure issues, even from stress.

  5. Why would she need to go to the hospital for an abortion immediately after taping Leno?

    Perhaps a miscarriage. With so many abortions in Hollywood history, handlers know how to keep that under wraps.

  6. Why doesn't she just not put out any statement at all?

  7. Ms Cool- you killed me with that one!

  8. I like this kid, I seriously hope it isn't anything that might put her in a danger range like Li-Lo or Demi.

  9. i freakin knew it abortion. i called it from the minute i heard the story. mayn o man i should really really work on psychic business cards. the more i focus on my craft the better im getting at it!

  10. Conjecture at best. I'm not defending her, but she could have a pre-diagnosed medical problem we don't know about.

    I hate these type of stories, because a person's health and medical concerns should be private. It's really no one else's business.

  11. She could easily have had to go back to the hospital for food poisoning. They look at you, treat you and send you home. But if you continue to have vomiting/diarhhea and get seriously dehydrated, back to the hospital you go. Trust me. I've been there.

  12. 0 - I agree with you. This isn't anyone's business. It could be anything, I don't know why people always want it to be pregnancy/abortion.

    We all need to butt out anyways, I hope she's okay, she seems like a sweet girl.

  13. I hope she isn't that stupid to have unprotected sex with that 'Hilary Swank as Brandon Teena'-lookalike. I agree with ms snarky about the food poisoning. Been there...

  14. Dehydration and the need for IV therapy could send her to the hosptial.

    It could also be something worse and (heart, GI condition, etc). It doesn't have to be OB/GYN related.

  15. ABortion is one time. not twice. She had a miscarriage and then needed a D/C scheduled for a few days later. That is standard issue on miscarriage.

  16. I agree - if it was abortion, it would have been quiet. No emergency trip. And D&C not done so quickly after a miscarriage - which alone cna take a couple of weeks to finish (I know cause I've had 5 m/c's). I think it could be ectopic pregnancy or, you know, actual BP issues. I have a friend who is healthy and fit, and had a stroke at 31.

  17. it could be a wicked migraine that just wouldnt go away. lord knows she is under a ton of stress with the beiber fanatics sending her death threats

  18. Nellie, ITA. The Beliebers scare me crap out of me and I am an adult and not dating him!

  19. Could be respiratory, or it could be a kidney infection. There are any number of things that can send someone on a rebound trip to the hospital, but routine procedures are rarely done on Saturdays so the abortion guess is a pretty big leap.

  20. I've had to go to the ER for migraine and dehydration more than once within a few days time.

    I don't understand how abortion or miscarriage comes up. I don't think that at all.

  21. blood pressure issues aren't just brought on by age. Any number of conditions or medications can raise your blood pressure til you are in serious danger. I knew a 26 year old girl who had a stroke walking thru the mall. She's okay now, but she had a stroke at that age. Crazy! It was a year or two before she got over substituting different, but similar words for what she was trying to say. Going for a hamburger was always pretty funny.

    And, as others mentioned, can't we let the girl have some privacy and not speculate wildly about possible pregnancy?

    Miscarriages, as @Christine noted, and I can sadly verify, do indeed take a couple of weeks to get to the D&C stage. You have to let your body take its course for the best future reproductive health.

  22. she is a teenage girl,not our business.

  23. Sorry, but it absolutely could be food poisoning or something benign. I had a stomach bug and had to go to the hospital for an IV because I was so dehydrated. If she was ill with something like that, they advise you to go back if it continues. Not only that, but if she went back on a weekend- it's hard to get a regular doctor on a Saturday. It'd make more sense to go back to the place that already has your medical file than have to have it sent on.

  24. There was a girl at my DD's high school that complained of a headache. She passed out and was taken to the ER where they said her BP was very high. Turned out she had a serious kidney issue causing the high BP.

    Just wanted to add I had D&C's immediately after both M/C's. There was no waiting until even the next day.

  25. Dear Mr. Pavlov, would you please be a decent person and put the dog whistle away? So undignified. Just drop in the word "ob/gyn" and watch the Beliebers start frothing at the mouth. Nice!

  26. @Amartel -
    I hope you don't think that discussion of a blind item means we're all Justin Bieber fans. For my part, I have never knowingly heard one of his attempts at song, except for a few moments when channel surfing.

    What we're saying is that a young girl shouldn't have her every move analyzed and be presumed guilty of almost everything anyone can imagine or make up. This sort of pressure is why young Hollywood girls crack up.

  27. I don't even believe that Selema and the Biebs are really dating...or at least not in love. I think it's a publicity stunt. Also, celebs wouldn't have to have an invasive procedure. They have an abortion pill now that you can take up to 12 wks of pregnancy. I'm pretty sure she's not at 12 wks if she was in fact pregger. I know everyone wants to believe that that's what it was...but I highly doubt it.

  28. Even if it was an ob/ know, they do other things besides abortions. There are reasons to see one even if you're not pregnant. I don't think there is any scandal here...

  29. Big-jaw Leno must have been extra painfully unfunny that night.

  30. I'm sorry for all of you who have gone through miscarriages, especially multiple miscarriages. :-(

    It feels icky speculating about the health of a teenager. Hope she's okay.

  31. I agree- it actually is very common to have to return to the hospital within days for dehydration or other serious issues. I know it's hard to believe,ENT, but there are doctors of all kinds INSIDE of hospitals! If she is having kidney issues, dehydration issues or otherwise, back you go to the hospital, to the same doctor quite often. They would not send you to a doctors office for serious issues that involve getting fluids or any follow up scans they might need to provide. Any specialist will meet the patient at the hospital so you don't have to waste time going to their office.
    I guess it's a good thing you became a lawyer and not a doctor ;)

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Seriously, when people are writing "I h8t U selena gomez. whore - I hope u die 4 stealimg my man" on your Facebook page every day - it's got to take a psychological and physical toll on you.

    I do hope she feels better soon.

  34. I know most gossip is stuff that's nobody's business, and believe me, I indulge, but I feel real funny with the speculation on what put this girl into the hospital. Mostly because it's people guessing about things that are very private - like abortion, and that kinda makes me sick for some reason.

    Our society seems overly interested in what's going on up in a woman's (in this case girl's) private parts. I mean, damn, that's creepy. I agree with the person who suggested she not make any statement at all. Then again, these days, mere speculation can ruin a person's career because collectively, it seems we do not care if our media checks on and reports the facts anymore.

  35. I'm surprised that Enty would stoop this low. They seem like two young teens in puppy love and photos here in Toronto have shown them hanging out and being pretty normal in his hometown of Stratford. The word ob/gyn makes me think a woman wrote this article, how many men use that term regularly? It never crossed my mind that it was anything other than food poisoning. Do you really think they'd be publicizing she's in hospital if it was for an abortion? There's no way that would be kept quiet.

  36. Nobody has mentioned the fact that Leno keeps his greenroom stocked with carts full of food - and booze. He uses it to "Relax the guests" and "Liven the show up."

    Food poisoning (or alcohol) poisoning does sound plausible.

  37. Really? Now we're speculating about a teenager's reproductive choices? Seriously?

    The tone of this post is so freakin' bothersome. I second all the other people who wish you'd mind your own beeswax and stay the hell out of it. THIS is not gossip.

    LOL at people who think Enty is a woman. If Enty *is* a woman, she's surprisingly conservative and extremely judgmental towards "her" own gender.

  38. @Lynette - Is Selena still hosting that event in Toronto this weekend? My brother is going to that.

  39. @Ida - I sometimes wonder if Enty is THE Bruce that they named the shark in "Jaws" after. ;)

  40. I agree - she's too young for this kind of speculation. And if it were OB/Gyn issues, she would've gone to a private clinic, not the hospital. I feel awful for this poor girl getting trashed like this.

  41. This post makes me sick to my stomach. Ugh--I thought I could come back here for fun, and then stories like this come up and make me re-think my decision.

  42. I wanted to comment on the high blood pressure part. It could be a genetic predisposition and doctors take it very seriously. It can cause kidney failure and if she has some other underlying infection, that can spike her blood pressure too. There are tons of young and thin people with high blood pressure and don't know it.

  43. I agree with JasonBlueEyes. I'd have to go to the hospital too, after being on Leno.

  44. I know this is a double standard b/c we'd all be wondering if this was Paris/Britney/Lindsey/Kim but since this girls seems to have her stuff together (beyond dating Bieber), so I feel bad that the public knows/is interested in her medical info. It's got to be mortifying to have everyone speculating what it may/may not be.

  45. MCH -- honestly, it bothers me because she's a young woman who's probably only been to the ob/gyn a handful of times in her life. She's a newbie! I feel strangely protective, even though I OBVIOUSLY don't know her. Paris Hilton leaving a health clinic is NOTHING. Shit, she should just pull up a cot and squat there. Same goes for Lohan.

    I truly have ZERO interest in celebrity health issues. I might eat, breathe, and dream of snark, but the sad or deeply private stories really *do* bum me out.

    I just took offense to the last paragraph, as I will forever take offense when men make assumptions about the intricacies of women's health. Do you have a vagina, Enty? Are you Selena's doctor? Okay. Well, then let's not insinuate that this barely legal person has terminated a pregnancy, mmmkay?

    For all we know, Selena could still be a virgin (unlikely, I know, but we don't know for *sure*). She could be on the pill to alleviate her cramps. She could have a cyst developing or something. Who knows?

    I just know that this level of scrutiny wouldn't be given to a young man walking out of, say, an optometrist's office.

  46. It could have been a miscarriage, followed by a d/c. The timetable is right. However, it's more likely that it's a sudden, chronic condition like a gall bladder attack or a kidney stone.

  47. I agree with those who have had GI/dehydration issues with multiple e/r visits. I had colitis one Summer when I lived in an apartment w/ no A/C. Chronic dehydration is no fun.

    If it's a miscarriage I wish her well and hope she didn't suffer any permanent damage.
    If it's an abortion I say, good for her, she's just a kid herself.
    In either case, if she was pregnant---I hope she has learned her lesson about birth control. Use three kinds if you have to!

  48. BTW---My Uncle at 16 has a systolic blood pressure over 200 before they caught it and got him on meds. My dad has HBP too, though not until his 20's. It can be a tendency you are born with that becomes a problem in young adulthood, trust me. Not just for old people.

  49. Around here at least, if you need a specialist immediately, your own specialist will refer you to the ER. Treatment by your Dr. is subject to their availability which is often a several week wait.
    Even if you do see your own Dr, on a weekend it has to be in the hospital because the office is closed.

  50. I seriously doubt it was an abortion, as they wouldn't schedule her to go in for something like that straight from Leno, so you can cross that one off the list. Miscarriage? Maybe, but more likely something else gynecological, such as ovarian cysts or a Period From Hell. Food poisoning sounds entirely plausible, and it's not at all unknown to make return trips to the ER from getting too dehydrated. Any number of other things? Oh HELL yeah...the stories I could tell about my trips to the hospital over the years, not that you want to hear them...

    I know this is a gossip column and that's your business, Enty, but automatically assuming Selena seeing a doctor on the weekend =getting an abortion is stretching it and bothers me, as does the underlying notion that an abortion is innately sleazy and scandalous. It makes you sound like the kind of bitchy, spiteful women who would claim my mom had to get married (she didn't; my sister was born at 27 weeks), or that she'd tried to abort herself (quite the opposite; she did her best to say pregnant), or that my parents must have done something horrible for their kid to be severely handicapped (FUCK YOU, and if I find out exactly who you are, I just might make a side trip to piss on your graves out of principle...), and that really doesn't become you; if you have to say that kind of thing, aim at people like Paris & Lilo, not Selena, who really is just a kid. (Besides, just looking at her you can tell she's wiped out, and still wearing the hospital bracelet to boot, and is that a hospital gown she's holding?)

  51. I've had food poisoning four times in my life (guess I should stop eating burgers at fast food restaurants), and although I wanted to die while I was suffering through the worst of the symptoms, I never once thought of going to the hospital.

  52. So an 18 year old girl goes to the hospital twice in a few days and the assumtion is that she had an abortion? Wow, how offensive and sexist.

  53. @Ida - I hear you, lady. :) Definitely a little presumptuous to assume that is what is going on.

  54. As soon as I read the headline I thought... now what causes high blood pressure, symptoms of food poisoning and exhaustion... hmmmmmm... Don't want to join the next cast of Teen Mom Selena?

  55. I'm in my twenties and in great shape and I have high blood pressure. i was diagnosed last year and since it was so high for my age I had to see a doctor several times in one week. It happens. I wish all the internet doctors on here would shut up and stop trying to make a scandal out of nothing.

  56. It could any number of things that takes a person to the ER.

    Any high schooler knows that birth control is available but a teen with handlers, managers and deals surely has had a class or two on teen pregancy and Hollywood Herpes and has been well informed on protection and protection.

    Surely Selena and Justin are careful.

  57. Oh, my father went to the ER over Memorial Day weekend for a very odd lower back pain. They told him it was a developing kidney stone. He went back a week later and they said it looked like arthritis and gave him prednisone. He went back again a few days ago after becoming completely disoriented and mentally altered. Every test came up negative, but he still had no idea where he was. He finally developed a fever the next day and they started treating him with antibiotics and antivirals. Turns out he had a viral infection but the symptoms were so vague, it was the last thing they looked for until the fever came along.

    There are a vast number of reasons for a young woman to visit the ER twice in a few days.

  58. I'm another one who doesn't think Selena and Justin are really dating. It really could have been anything that led to the hospital visits, she looks bushed in that photo so I think it would be exhaustion from being hounded night and day by the paps.
    I noticed Enty did not say abortion or miscarriage but many of you are assuming that - it could have been an ovarian cyst or yeast infection or anything really IF it was ob/gyn related. I doubt very much she'd be wearing white pants if it were what many of you are assuming.

  59. @The Black Cat -- Here is the last part of Enty's post: "I have a feeling it was an ob/gyn and we will hear all about it when Justin and Selena inevitably break up, or when someone sells the story to The Enquirer."

    How, pray tell, are we *supposed* to interpret that sentence? A yeast infection could reach blue waffle proportions, and it's not gonna make the front page of a tabloid. Come on.

    And it still doesn't excuse the fact that he tried to make a *supposed* abortion into something scandalous, when the procedure itself it a private (and typically very sad) thing. He should be fucking ashamed.

    I've noticed how Enty has alluded to abortion in his blinds pretty frequently during the past year or so. Just as Ted Casablancas loves his closeted gays, Enty loves terminated pregnancies. It's getting tiresome.

  60. So can all of you see your doctor on Saturday? I can't, not after 5 or on Thursdays either.

    We don't have 24 hr docs here unless you count those chain store walk-in clinics.

  61. @Jeri yes i can see my dr on a Saturday...I also have her email and she always emails back.
