Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Serial Husband Killer Dies In Louisiana

If you have never Googled the name Betty Neumar you need to do so right after you finish reading this post. Betty died yesterday or Sunday in Louisiana at the age of 79. She was scheduled to go on trial soon for the murder of husband number four. Betty was a grandmother and in her wake left a bunch of husbands who all died. Not died as in had a heart attack died, but died as in So I Married An Ax Murderer died. Without the haggis though.

Her first husband was shot in the back of the head back in the 50's. No arrests were ever made.
Her second husband died on a pier sometime in the 1950's but she could not remember.
Her third husband died of what reports have classified as a suicide but even his own kids have their doubts. Supposedly the couple were having a fight when he decided to pull out a gun during the middle of it and shoot himself. Twice.
Her fourth husband died after she allegedly hired someone to kill him.
Her fifth husband may have died due to arsenic poisoning.

All in all, I am guessing this is a woman who will not be missed by many people.


  1. harriette...oh, harr--ie-ette...

    what a legacy to leave behind. i wonder if mental illness played a part or if she was just plain evil? hmmm. i bet hell turned up the oven just to greet her.

  2. My kind of woman.

  3. I don't know why someone hadn't personally killed her themselves.

  4. I don't agree in marriage brutality.

  5. How do you shoot yourself twice? Well if its true I am sure Grandma has a nice warm seat in hell next to Satan waiting for her, if she doesn't try and kill him too, lol

  6. I guess she didn't want to get divorced. You know, something legal.

  7. shot himself twice... how do you not laugh at that.

    I agree with Aly.

  8. Now THAT is the OG of all OG. Total bad ass.

    And yeah, probably evil too.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. What a sweet looking Memaw. I bet she got her hair did once a week down at the Glamorama. She's even wearing blush and lipstick in her mugshot. Awwww.

  11. Yeaaaaah. I admire her skills and dedication to her craft or whatever, but even feminist ol' me can't exalt a murderess.

    If this lady were my checkout clerk, I'd probably walk out of the store muttering about how she's probably an incognito serial killer. Those EYES. Whoa. Total batshittery.

  12. This is like a bad Lifetime movie plot.

  13. Well, isn't she just a little charmer. Guess she took that whole "till death" part a bit too seriously.

  14. I bet she's MEAN MEAN MEAN!

  15. In Elk City, Idaho, a tiny little village where Myrna Loy's family lived before they crossed the mountains to Montana, there is a retired schoolteacher whose first husband died of poison: rat poison accidentally got into his beef stew one evening. Her next husband died when he stopped to get out of the car on the highway to look at something on the side of the road. The car "accidentally" slipped out of neutral and cut him in half against a tree. Luckily, the car still was running, so she was able to drive home and call the police. Makes you want to get married, no?

  16. I think you are all missing the most important question here - what kind of sexual magnetism did she have that made FOUR men marry her after previous men died in suspicious circumstances? Jessica Simpsons got nothing on her.

  17. Maybe she was Catholic and didn't believe in divorce? She got away with 4 murders. I guess the moral of this story is don't outsource. I'm kidding. This is tragic.

  18. Wow, Satan was waiting for his soul mate. How did this bitch get away with this up until now? Barney Fife was the detective investigating or what? Batshittery, I like it Ida and also T. Grape is now Xtina....Awesome.

  19. Enty gets 10 points for referencing "So I Married an Axe Murder" and Barton Fink gets ding-ding-ding 25 bonus points for his Myrna Loy reference! My dad was a huge film aficionado and introduced me to Loy's Thin Man movies as well as her movies with Cary Grant. Good stuff if you want to ferret them out.

  20. @Mango - I saw the first Thin Man movie last year and enjoyed it highly, so when the second one came on TCM, I tuned in. Terrible. So. many. holes. They should have stopped after the first.

  21. Lol 0, I'm sure I've seen this one.

  22. Why wasn't anyone (police, family, ETC) suspicious after the SECOND husband died (let alone the fifth?)????

  23. Anonymous1:52 PM

    My grandmother, who was a tall redheaded glass of water, was Myrna Loy's stand-in back in the day. She always said Myrna was a classy dame.

    Also, after husband #2 died, weren't people in Betty's hometown a little suspicious? I mean, it's not like she lived in some huge metropolis where no one knows anyone!

  24. @Texshan -- that is BADass.

  25. This woman? Married 5 times. Me? 0. I do not feel good about myself right now. On the upside, I'm not a psychotic murderer. So, there's that. Sigh.

  26. I agree with linnea, this Betty Neumar must have had it going on for these men to take her on.

    Texshan, that's an interesting story. Those were the days for Hollywood class.

  27. It's a sad day when a murderer gets more men than me AND she got married 5 times. I quit.

  28. Nope, just think of yourself as choosy - after all, would you really want to be married to someone you wished were dead? :)

  29. "Her first husband was shot in the back of the head back in the 50's. No arrests were ever made."
    Didn't I say you get a free one?!?!?!?! She was a terror indeed. Wiki says they're investigating the death of her male child. The female child survives. Wow!

  30. @califblondy

    Glamorama? You an AMC fan from waaaaay back?
