Monday, June 27, 2011

Teen Survives Second Plane Crash

This is one of the strangest things I have ever written. When Austin Hatch, of Ft. Wayne, Indiana, was 8 years old, his family was in a plane being piloted by Austin's dad. The plane crashed and Austin lost his mom and two siblings in the crash. Only Austin and his dad survived. Over the weekend, Austin was in a plane his dad was piloting and the plane crashed and his father and stepmother were killed. Austin was the only survivor. Austin is in a drug induced coma right now because of some damage to his skull and is fighting for his life.

At 16 years old and already in two crashes like this in your life, his recovery is going to take quite some time. Do you think he will ever get in a plane again? I am sending my best wishes to him and hope he pulls through.


  1. Sounds like the dad was a bad pilot. Ick.

  2. Good lord, and the depressing posts. grrrr. It's horribly sad of course but sheesh, not what I come here for exactly. Suppose I could skip over. Ok, shutting up.

  3. That poor kid. His whole family is gone at 16, in such a horrific way. I believe he also signed to play basketball at Michigan when he graduates.

  4. Wow, after the first crash I doubt I would have gotten in the plane being piloted by my pops again.

    Hopes the kid pulls through.

  5. I remember the first crash. It was heartbreaking. This is truly devastating.

  6. I'm surprised his dad was willing/able to fly again.

    Poor kid.

  7. What valerie said. After killing most of your family in a crash, how do you decide to fly again?

  8. There were also two dogs on the plane. His dog Brady survived without injury. Such a sad story.

  9. omg, i hope he has a good support system. #heartbreaking

  10. no one should lose their whole immediate family like this.

    Hope he pulls through without any brain damage. Very, very sad.

  11. He lost his whole family. Twice. Heartbreaking.

    Can't believe his father thought it was a good idea to pilot small planes after the 1st accident.

  12. He is committed to playing basketball at U of Michigan as well.

  13. Horribly, horribly sad.

  14. Agree with all. This so so sad. The poor kid may have no will to live.

  15. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Scary,i hope he gets well soon.
    how devastating must be to lose your family twice the same way. i don't even want to think about it.

  16. How awful!

    I cannot fathom ever wanting to fly again after the first time.

    I guess when it's NOT your time to go...

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I agree that I find it hard to believe that the father would e'er want to pilot again (as well as hard to believe the family would hop aboard).
    Piloting a small plane is very, very dangerous. Look at all the people you've HEARD about lost in small plane crashes -- Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and the Big Bopper, JFK, Jr., John Denver, Left-Eye Lopez, the dude that was with Travis from Blink-182, Payne Stewart...
    I hope he takes a train to Michigan...
    Best wishes for a full recovery, dude!
