Thursday, June 09, 2011

Today's Blind Items - Quick Hits

#1 - This B list television actor on a huge NBC hit, had his mom fire his agent because he was too scared to do it on his own.

#2 - This B- movie actress who has dated one of the biggest stars on the planet has started a new regimen that her shaman says will be good for her. What is it? Drinking blood from a combination of animals everyday. Craaaaazy. Of course she has always been a bit kooky.


  1. That sounds like Juliette Lewis.

  2. 1 - John Krasinski

    2 - Juliette Lewis

  3. 1) No idea. I only watch NBC on Thursday nights -- and since they decided to cancel Friday Night Lights and resurrect fucking Fear Factor, I doubt I'll watch it for much longer, anyway.

    2) The very first person to come to mind was Juliette Lewis. I hope she's not guzzling tiger blood or whatever right now, because I REALLY like her. :-(

  4. 1.Someone from 30 Rock, Tracey Morgan?

    2.Juliette Lewis who dated Brad Pitt for a time?

  5. 1- John Krazinski was the first to come to mind

    2- no idea but like the juliette lewis guess

  6. 1) No idea

    2) I was thinking Paltrow immediately, but Juliette Lewis makes perfect sense

  7. I agree with the Juliette Lewis for #2. And also; GROSS.

  8. I said that, and then I remembered that one of my favourite foods is Swedish blood pudding with lingonberry jam! *LOL*

  9. But isn't Lewis a hard-core Scientologist? Not sure they'd be down with her having a "shaman".

  10. funny blind items today:D

  11. Would Juliette Lewis be considered B at this point? Just to be different, did Christina Ricci ever date a big star? (I'm going on the "kooky" hint since she was in the Adams Family and they're creepy and they're kooky :)

  12. John Krasinski's Mom is a nurse, my mom worked with her. I don't think it's him.

  13. msfairydust, my answer for #2 is Anjelica Huston

  14. 1. it's Sheldon! you know it is...

    2. I'm going with either Winona Ryder/Johnny Depp or Rene Zellweger who dated George Clooney

  15. #1 - Rainn Wilson?

    #2 - Winona Ryder - Dated Johnny Depp. No - Scratch that - Penelope Cruz - dated Tom Cruise and Matt McConahey. (sp?)

    Or Minnie Driver - Dated Matt Damon.

  16. Sheldon is on CBS, otherwise, that's a great guess!

    NBC doesn't actually have that many hit shows, that's why I went with The Office.

  17. @bigmama - Sheldon? Are you talking about "Big Bang Theory" - That's on CBS.

  18. i'm pretty sure Juliette Lewis is a vegan so i'd imagine it's not her.

  19. Hmmm just to mix it up, how about going older,

    2.Diane Keaton who dated Al Pacino for quite some time

  20. I'm with the Winona guess!

  21. The Winona guess definitely makes sense.

  22. besides, krasinski is in lots of movies now.

  23. Lara Flynn Boyle for Number two?

  24. wow i can sooo see that! its part of a sacred ritual that santeros do!

  25. Krasinski did change representation recently....could work.

  26. @john7145 -- that guess RULES. I'm on the Lara train.

  27. The problem with Lara Flynn Boyle is that she'd be described as movie and tv actress - Twin Peaks, anyone?

    I like the Winona Ryder guess.

  28. I agree with the Winona Ryder choice.

    As for #1, that's a tough one. NBC's highest rated shows include:
    Law & Order SVU
    Law & Order LA
    America's Got Talent (doesn't fit)
    The Voice (doesn't fit)
    Minute to Win It (doesn't fit)

    I don't know if The Office is considered a hit - it was #53 in ratings last season. Big hit for NBC...and John seems like a good fit...

  29. As a meat eater, I cant judge the blood drinking but I just cant imagine gulping it down... Yuck!

  30. I love the Christina Ricci guess -- the song is totally stuck in my head now. Good job.

  31. I thought Lewis was a Scientologist. They do some wacky shit, but drinking blood isn't on the list of approved "standard tech," is it?

  32. "Hit" shows on NBC ("hit" to be taken relatively speaking since none of NBC's shows are really hits anymore):

    The Office
    Parks & Recreation
    30 Rock
    L&O: SVU

    Obviously some of those are a BIG stretch to be considered a hit but NBC barely has any scripted hit shows. Well, none, really.

    So I guess B list actors would be:
    John Krasinksi
    Ed Helms
    Rainn Wilson
    Rob Lowe
    Alec Baldwin (maybe A list?)
    Tracy Morgan
    Chris Meloni (but probably would have mentioned just leaving the show)
    Peter Krause
    Craig T Nelson
    Zachery Levi

    But I have no idea.

  33. Oh, Law and Order: LA I guess

    B List actors?
    Skeet Ulrich
    Terrence Howard

  34. 1. lol, how bad a$$ is your agent that you're afraid of them, after all you are the star...Ice T from law and order

    2. Wow, why would anyone think drinking blood is a good idea for their career, mental health, etc? super strange (who is Marilyn Manson dating) Rose McGowan could she be B-list?

  35. 1.Terrance Howard himself
    2.Maybe it is Winona Ryder on second thought. Why would anyone tell someone they were drinking blood? that's a secret I would keep to myself.

  36. not sure about #1 but the first thing for #2 I thought was Winona..

  37. As did everyone else! I guess since she did such a crappy job in Dracula maybe she is trying to redeem herself. She single handedly almost killed that movie for me. I heard Gary Oldman HATED working with her!

  38. No way it's Ice-T. He would have had CoCo do it :)

    I like Goopy for the blood drinker. Sicky...

  39. #1 Ice-T...LOL! I got nuthin' substantial.

    #2 Wino forever

  40. Wait...for #1 Enty doesn't specify if the show is on currently, or if this is, someone from Friends or Seinfeld (but obv not one of the key players, as they all would have been A list)???

  41. Anonymous10:40 PM

    1. Jack McBrayer

    2. Winona Ryder (dated Johnny Depp)

  42. Don't know number one, but since it is Johhny Depp's bday today, I'm gonna say Wanna Ride Her for number two.

  43. NBC got huge hits?

  44. Krasinski for sure. He signed with WME a month ago after leaving CAA. Wussy-slash-whipped IMO and even though he does movies they are mostly shitty (like the rom-coms with Kate Hudson and Mandy Moore). A new agent could get him better parts.

    The Office is def a huge hit for NBC. It's like their best rated scripted show or something.

  45. @Jason - your right, I feel so ashamed. LOL

    I'm going with the dude from Chuck - he dumped his girlfriend when the show got big so maybe him

  46. I've seen Juliette Lewis stocking up on healthy stuff at my local Whole Foods...I can't imagine this would be never know I guess.

  47. This doesnt fit the description of no 2, but funny anyways:

    "Speaking of exes, Jennifer Lopez's dirtbag ex Ojani Noa says J.Lo practiced Santeria with him: "We participated together in sacrifices of chickens and hens, and in one occasion, I was present when they were cleansing Jennifer with the blood of a hen." Nothing Ojani says is to be trusted, but damn, do I wish this one was true. [Enquirer via Celebitchy]"

  48. I don't practice Santeria! I ain't got no crystal ball!

  49. Well I had a million dollars, but I spent it all.

  50. I might be mistaken, but #2 says "B-movie actress", not "B-list". I don't think Winona Ryder or Juliette Lewis are B-movie actresses, though they are probably C-list at this point.

    I'm going to guess Krista Allen, who used to date Clooney, and has pretty exclusively and extensively worked in B-movies.

  51. As I was reading the blinds I started thinking abut Eva Mendes for #2
