Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Weiner Says It Is His Wiener

The story did not hold true and under the pressure of more women talking about Congressmen Weiner's wiener, the politician broke down and confessed he lied about what he was lying about before, not all the other lies that are part of a politician's routine life. He is only admitting to the lies about his wiener. Anyway, he said that over the past three years he has had six inappropriate relationships with women. This comes because ABC News found a woman who saved everything and even got the same crotch shot that all the other women got. The woman, 26, says she never met the Congressmen, didn't know he was a Congressmen, but they sexted, had phone sex and exchanged pics. Sounds like a 21st century relationship to me.

And of course, this being the 21st century, the woman decided to come forward because she wants to be a nurse and to protect her career and her child, which is why she would only sell all the photos and e-mails and texts if they gave her a big fat check and put her on the tv. She is also probably searching for an agent and hoping for a reality show.


  1. Politicians! They're just like celebrities!

  2. Everything about this post -- from the headline, to the overall sentiments, is dead-on and pitch perfect.

    Seriously. I *know* who needs to be vilified more than anyone else in this situation, but FUCK women who get sexually involved with men in committed relationships and whine about the experience on national television. All they want is notoriety. I don't think they even know what contrition is.

    I hope Weiner's wife slaps him with a divorce settlement, regardless.

  3. She is a real winner....Chewing on a piece of gum during a interview on ABC's "Nightline" last night. And of course she is from Texas!!!! Ugh. : (

  4. The thing that bothers me most about this is that we will probably lose one of the best advocates for health care reform we have in congress over this. Nice going, jackass.

  5. I just don't see how he can remain in office. He showed such poor judgment by admitting to his identity. If this hadn't been revealed he could have become a subject of blackmail - including making him vote certain ways. Also, if he does this to his wife, who he supposedly loves, what is he going to do to the general public?

    I agree about the women though - what kind of idiot knowingly has any sort of sexual involvement with a married man? (or vice versa).

    As I've said before, politicians are ALL lying scum with huge senses of entitlement. They think they'll never get caught and if they are caught, they'll be protected by their fame and their party.

  6. Isn't Obama a good advocate for health care reform? Seriously though. I would think the fact that people are broke as a joke in the States would be enough to get people on board, but alas, here we are.

  7. I'm in New York...and I will vote for him...He made a really stupid error of judgement but he has been great for New York...Ugh Men....

  8. This is pretty embarrassing for him, yes, but it shouldn't crush his career. He wasn't doing anything illegal, just stupid. If we knew all of the private lives of the other members of Congress, I'm sure we'd uncover much worse stuff than this.

  9. This bitch is from my hometown. Idiot.

    Just had to be on t.v., didn't ya honey?


  10. He is a grown man. GROWN, MARRIED, FATHER AND PUBLIC FIGURE GETTING PAID VIA THE TAX DOLLARS OF THE STATE OF NY. He is old enough to know better. Let me ask you this, if he was a teacher or banker, he would not have his job anymore. Why should he still have his job now for this?
    As for the woman that he was sending the pictures to-You are an ignorant ass looking for a quick paycheck. If you were concerned for your child or your reputation, then your ass should not have been swapping pee pee pics with a person on the Mother Truckin' internet!

  11. remember a couple years ago when everyone was talking about Huma Abedin being Hilary's girlfriend? Think Weiner's a beard?

  12. *didn't Bill Clinton like officiate their ceremony or something?

  13. And this is why at every single election you always vote every single incumbent out of office! Send this guy home to handle his divorce on his own time and his own dime. We'd all do better if we keep the door revolving up on capital hill. Liars and thieves every single one of them!

  14. Just quickly I'd like to say that not all of us involved in politics are liars or cheats. Some of us actually want to do good/the right thing.

    That is all.

  15. I am so glad to hear that other people think this is unacceptable... I dont care what party this guy belongs to or what kind of platform he ran on. If you are such an IDIOT that you do something like this, you deserve to be thrown out of office before you can say "but its not illegal!"

  16. Oh come on be honest here gang..

    If this person happened to be god forbid republican.. ya'll will be screaming GET HIM OUT!

    I also cannot believe nobody is talkiing about Chris Matthews tweet about how this is also 'partly his wife's fault'..Now that is some good gossip right there!

    And what do you mean "of course she is from Texas? Umm.. honey bless your heart LOL! (said in the sweetest southern twang! Kidding! kinda ;) )

    Okay speaking of Texas.. I did watch the Nightline clip and I am not bashing much, or yelling slut at the top of my lungs, but something seemed a wee bit off with the whole story. Her movements and mannerism throughout the segment just seemd weird.. anyone else get that vibe?

    And sadly, once again a man with a huge ego fell yet again with a simple facebook post of 'your hot'

  17. Uh Sue Ellen, I don't think studying poli sci is the same thing as being "involved" in it ;) Of course there are some good ones, but I think there are icky people everywhere, regardless of party affiliation.

    If anyone watched The Wire, the season where Carcetti is running around promising favours to EVERYONE to get elected is such a good example of how things work - no one gets to the top by being a completely honest person, whether you're left or right, regardless of your best intentions. It's a game, and an interesting one. JMO.

    I'm just honestly glad that we never really have any political sex scandals up here in Canada - we keep religion and sex out of political debates and it's NICE.

  18. @Rocket Queen -- "we keep religion and sex out of political debates"

    As Keanu Reeves once said: whooooooa.

    CRAZY concept. Unimaginable, really.
    Must be nice.

  19. @RQ

    You don't know what I get up to in my spare time, love.

    And yeah, I was going to mention something about the system itself being set up to not allow people to do the things that are good/right. Here it's party discipline, there its status-quo, but I figured no one would care, so I left it out.

    I liken it to a puzzle where all the pieces fall out once you've got them placed.

    And as far as religion/politics goes. Preston Manning anyone?

  20. moosefan, you're on a roll today...once again, you ftw!

  21. And where's he these days? ;) Reform was too extreme for Canada, hence the merge with the Progressive Conservatives to appear more mainstream and less divisive. Alberta is obviously a different creature, but even back then when I was volunteering for the fed Lib party, religion never came up.

  22. I agree with you, I just mean there are some crazies in Canada who try to pull that religion junk. And yeah, they fail miserably. That's why Harper keeps his mouth closed, even if he thinks it anyway.

  23. This woman on ABC is apparently the tip of the iceberg. The transcripts of his alleged FB chats with Lisa Weiss that are posted on RadarOnline are pretty graphic. They'd been going at it for over a year, and Ms Weiss knew exactly who he was. Love her comment, after she released everything she had, that she really hoped this didn't affect his career because he's a good congressman. What an idiot.

    Anyway, as someone said yesterday somewhere on TV, this is the first sex scandal involving people who never actually met each other. Welcome to the 21st Century.

    He's probably going to have to resign, but I think he should just say whatever it was that Vitter said, word for word, after he got caught using hookers. Vitter somehow got 'forgiven' and re-elected, perhaps Weiner can pull the same trick.

  24. Exactly. They keep their mouths shut, for the most part. And frankly, I don't really give a shit if they're religious/not or if they like kink in their bedrooms. I really don't. Just do your jobs.

  25. Sending you kisses Pooky.

  26. *sigh* with a name like Weiner, it was probably inevitable.

    I kid, I kid!

    But seriously, folks, he will probably get to keep his Congressional pension and his... wait for it... HEALTH BENEFITS.

    It slays me that that our congressmen and representatives get free medical coverage FOR LIFE. How can we expect them to even give a flying fuck about health care reform if they are sitting pretty with no worries? And we the taxpayers are paying for it, while far too many citizens have no real health insurance of their own. Something is seriously wrong with this system.

  27. RQ:

    Yup, yup and yup. And I don't want to pay for their kink/tithe either.

    (Kind of weird to see those two words together.)

  28. @Mango -- "It slays me that that our congressmen and representatives get free medical coverage FOR LIFE. How can we expect them to even give a flying fuck about health care reform if they are sitting pretty with no worries?"


  29. Julie said... remember a couple years ago when everyone was talking about Huma Abedin being Hilary's girlfriend? Think Weiner's a beard?

    I'm wondering the same thing.

  30. It's not just the Congresswo/men that are responsible for not allowing health care reform to go through, it's also the constituents. Some of the poorest people in the States are against it because they don't like "socialism". Pfftt. Please. Even Ottoman Empire made sure their people had the necessities of life.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. This whole story pisses me off, but at least I can get a chuckle out of his deed AND his last name. Comedic gold, I say!!

    I must know more about this man's wife. I read yesterday that she doesn't care about any of this and thinks the media is making much ado about nothing. I would love to know more about this Hillary Clinton theory.

    And free health care coverage for life?!?!?!?! Fuck. Most of these asshats in DC spend there time focusing on re-election, kickbacks and having a grand old time with the good old boys than helping me and my family. Gah. I am proud to be an American, but this shit enrages me.

    And these hussies going on every talk show known to mankind to "clear their names." Oh, bitch please. I'm so horrified for all of them. Just crawl back into your hole of whoredom and shut the fuck up.

  33. Weiner's Weiner has been all over the television and internet for the past week. Enough already. I already miss the days when the biggest dick on TV every night was Leno.

  34. Sue Ellen, you mentioned that we really don't have any political sex scandals up here in Canada... Surely you haven't forgotten Maggie Trudeau and her shameless, steamy hotel romp with Mick Jagger!

  35. Ah yes, Margaret - she was a bit of fun :) However, as I recall, at that time she had separated from our fair prime minister, and has since admitted horrific struggles with bipolar disorder. She's an interesting one. I don't think her marriage to Pierre was very smooth.

  36. That was Rocket Queen, not me. Sorry.

  37. Maybe we are the same person? Weird. Commented at the same time, practically.

  38. Apparently I'm already Mooshki...or is it Jax? I always forget ;)

    Pretty sad that our last cool scandal involving Maggie was in the mid-70s. Well not sad....good.

  39. People should learn how to tell written personalities, it would certainly cut down on the accusations, that's for sure.

  40. @RQ -- "Apparently I'm already Mooshki...or is it Jax? I always forget ;)"

    WAIT! I thought *I* was Mooshki!! Step off, bitches!

    *scratches head* Oh, the befuddlement...

  41. There have been plenty of Republicans who have had sex scandals and stayed in office - they just say they've asked god for forgiveness, and they're allowed to go about their business. Just look at Newt Gingrich for pete's sake. Infidelity should not be a basis for judging a person's work performance. I'm still bitter about what happened to Clinton - what a HUGE waste of taxpayer's money, and a distraction from the REAL problems our country had. Weiner should stick it out.

  42. (I thought I'd post under this name to try to fool people into thinking I'm not Ida and RQ. Did it work?)

  43. Anonymous12:53 PM

    JoElla and Mango, what you two said! THIS THIS THIS!!!

  44. I hate politics... I would love to get rid of the whole lot of them and start over.. make them do drug tests BEFORE taking office.. ONLY get paid WHILE IN office... none of this work 3 months and get paid for 12 crap... it is a PRIVILEGE to work in office.. Treat it as such..

    Off my stupid horse now...

  45. @Mango - Exactly!!!

    Didn't he recently marry? Wonder how life is going in his household? I don't really care about sexting, but was he getting his job done? When your affairs start effing up your career it's probably time to stand back and reevaluate thinking so much with your Weiner.

  46. lol Mooshki. I guess if you have a lot of the same opinions as someone else, you must BE them. So glad that crazy blog with its crazy writer is gone.

  47. In Australia, overall, we care about whether the person is doing their job, rather than their sexual indiscretions. Bob Hawke was one of our best Prime Ministers and he slept around, but he wasn't voted out because of it.
    Sadly I think it would be a different story if it was a woman. Sigh.

  48. I still like him, I still like Clinton. Sexual escapades and politics don't bother me. Especially since the Rep was single up until a year ago. Single, not a monk. What he did after he got married is between him and his wife, it doesn't involve me or anyone else. Just like I don't have the right to tell gays they can't marry, I don't have the right to tell Congressmen they can't have sex if they are free and of consenting age.

    Yep, the lie was stupid, but stupidity isn't illegal -- or most Americans would be breaking the law.

  49. Anonymous2:18 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I look at it differently, Cindy. If a man (or woman) can't be trusted to keep vows he or she made before their God and all of their friends and family to be true to the one person they supposedly love above all others, then they certainly can't be trusted to do anything else. To me, a person who cheats on their spouse just shows that they are willing to cheat and lie about everything else.
    Now, if a couple goes into marriage knowing on both sides that it will be open, and don't have a religious ceremony, then to my mind, at least, they aren't breaking any promises.
    And I must say, Ms. Weiner looked FANTASTIC at their wedding. Original and unusual without being weird. Google a photo.

  51. Honestly, the shape the US is in and where it seems to be going is so depressing to be that I hardly want to discuss it anymore. And Healthcare is a BIG concern for me. But I just want to thank Sue Ellem M for the following comment:

    "It's not just the Congresswo/men that are responsible for not allowing health care reform to go through, it's also the constituents. Some of the poorest people in the States are against it because they don't like "socialism". Pfftt. Please. Even Ottoman Empire made sure their people had the necessities of life."

    Also: Word to what Mango and Susan said.

  52. I am Sparta-Mooshki!

    By the way Mooshki, saying Weiner should 'stick it out' is the absolute best choice of words in this situation. Perfect!

  53. I'm angry at Weiner for acting like an idiot, but as far as I'm concerned he can stay in office, because I haven't seen John Ensign or David Vitter or Mark Sanford or any of the other Republicans who've been caught fucking around on their wives quitting THEIR jobs, and they're the ones yammering about "family values." (Ensign only quit when it became apparent that he'd broken the law.)

  54. FS, unfortunately I think Vitter threw down the Jesus card to get out of his little scrape, and Weiner's Jewish. :D

  55. I won't say I'm not disappointed at his actions. But I will say I wish the government and media put as much effort into solving the real problems of this country like health care, jobs, the economy, the homeless as the do in Weiner's weiner.

    I don't give a rat's ass what he does with his weiner. Or what any of them do with their genitals. That's between them and their partners. Just do your fucking job already.
