Thursday, June 02, 2011

You Have To Watch This Video

Last night I finally made my way to Hangover 2 and now I have Hangover #5,000 in my life. I think that is a pretty significant milestone. I enjoyed the movie, and if it were the first instead of the second, then it would have been way better than the first. But, because it is the second, it seems the same. The best part of the second were all the pictures at the end.

Anyway, that is not why I am writing this post. I think as Americans, we are used to everyone only speaking English. We cannot fathom that everyone in the world does not speak English and I think we are equally as shocked when someone from America who does not actually come from another country can speak a language fluently other than English. And no, asking how much a beer costs in Spanish is not being fluent.

So, to be a stereotypical as the world sees us American, I was shocked to discover that not only does Bradley Cooper speak French, he does it brilliantly. I promise that even though you might not understand a word of this, you will have a new found respect for Bradley Cooper. Not for the way he treats women, you will still have that bias, rightfully so, but for the language ability. I have watched this thing like five times already.


  1. Another site posted that he studied French in college and lived in France for a time.

    I wish I could speak French, any little bit of it.

  2. Surprisingly, he says the same vacuous stuff in French that he would in English.

    The interviewer has really slowed down her speech pattern, just in case, and is rather patronizing in the way only the French can do.

  3. Ugh. I wish *I* were bilingual. Hell, I wish I were a polyglot.

  4. As a French Canadian, I must say he did quite well, I saw the hesitancy is some of his choices of words but still, I was impressed. Even the accent he spoke with was nice. I admit he sure looks hot. I don't know about his treatment of women (though I'm sure I'll hear about it) but his French was definitely decent IMHO.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yes, he said he lived and worked in Provence.

    I studied French from elementary school through college (now I'm in my late 40s, so, a very long time ago), and I was surprised at how much of this I understood. Bradley's accent is good.

  7. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I agree, his french was very good. He did search for his words somewhat but I doubt he speaks french often so it's very easy to forget.

    I have a hard time understanding France french (I'm Canadian) so I would've needed her to slow down as well. The accent is different.

    But as someone said above, if you don't understand it, it doesn't matter. It's the exact same interview he's given to every journalist for this movie. He doesn't know why the Hangover movies are successful, makes a reference to Chang being naken in the trunk of the car, Ed Helms and Zack G are hilarious, DeNiro is an idol and Clooney is king.

    He's hot.

  8. I speak both, and he did exceptionally well. And yes, it's definitely hot :)

    I forgot about the pictures at the end - that had those at the end of the first Hangover, too, and they were hilarious. Filled in what happened after they were drugged ;)

  9. Okay, I officially have a crush on Bradley Cooper now. Men become infinitely more attractive when they speak foreign languages and I'm gonna be thinking about him whispering sweet nothings in my ear en français all day now.

  10. I love that the name of the movie is in English on the bottom screen -- A Very Bad Trip 2 (I guess hangover doesn't translate into French?)

    Good for him for knowing another language.

  11. I used to be able to speak French, but it's like anything you give up on, eventually you forget it. My reading comprehension is still pretty good though. Anyone have a transcript of it? ha

  12. How about asking for a beer AND the restroom in Spanish Enty?

  13. The Hangover translates quite well in French. A literal translation would be "La Gueule de bois" (Wooden Face).
    "Very Bad Trip" was actually a reference to "Very Bad Things", another movie that took place in Vegas.
    Unfortunately, many studios renamed their French titles to match the success of "Very Bad Trip".
    So, instead of "The Other Guys", we got "Very Bad Cops".
    And "Get Him To The Greek" became "American Trip"...

    Cooper was quite fluent and I didn't find that Laurence Ferrari was "patronizing" and typical of French. Most people will speak a little more slowly so they get understood from a foreigner.

  14. Portuguese with a Carioca accent rank with anybody around here? Or does only French count?

  15. i'm not a fan but that is pretty fkn hot.

  16. PS - $10 says Goop releases a video of herself speaking Spanish in response to this.

  17. I never found Bradley Cooper all that attractive.

    Until just now :)

    He sounds Canadian to me. I speak French French (well, I should say 'spoke', living in Alberta you don't get much practice), and Canadian French sounds the same, but with a mouth full of baguette *LOL @ own joke*.

  18. BTW, I would love it if our friend Pomme comments on this!

  19. I never understood his appeal - until now. That is just so appealing (HOT!) and now I understand. Nothing like a hot man speaking French:

  20. You are probably right, RocketQueen.

  21. On the other hand, I can't even type coherently in my mother tongue. :(

  22. Thanks Angela! I don't speak French so I had no idea.

  23. It makes him even hotter!

  24. @RocketQueen - Astute comment, I think you are right!

    First time poster, been a fan and lurker for years...hi everyone!

  25. You ever hear Acadian French? It's like j'aller a la store.

  26. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Because I live next to Gatineau, I just can't find french "hot." But he is.

  27. I've heard 411 French! "Bawndjoor! Say marie a l'apparay, say pur kell ville? Ouueeeeh? Ay pur kell gnome?"

  28. Oh my god, I came like five times while watching the video. He's so fucking hot, it's abnormal.

  29. @Maja

    Pour le service en fransay, deet, fransay.


  30. That is definitely Parisian French, not Quebecois (I'm from Quebec and the difference(s) in pronunciation are easily discernible). He spoke really well.

  31. Hey, that is AWESOME! He is so sexy, and yes, he is looking for some words, but in the same way anyone else hesitates and tries to find the right words. I give him 100% credit. I do speak High School French, which is 'perfect', and not conversational French, but he is DAMN SEXY!

  32. Hi Gina!

    I wish I was bilingual. I studied French for 3 years in High School, but I never got to use it and forgot most of it. I can still recognize some written words, but not a word of it spoken to me.

    I go back and forth with Bradley. He is an attractive man, and I LOVED him in Alias, but there is something kind of... smarmy about him.

  33. Vicki wrote: "Oh my god, I came like five times while watching the video. He's so fucking hot, it's abnormal."

    See you ladies later. I'm now off to the bookstore to pick up a bunch of "Learn To Speak French" guides.


  34. Jason, get the tapes. I hear Rosetta Stone works well. Italian is a second option. ;)

  35. I think I have seen this vid on four different sites.

  36. LOL @ JasonBlueEyes ;)

    I remember him telling Conan that he lived in France & studied there but I guess i just assumed he might have coasted through and never really learned the language.

    I'm duly impressed. French is such a beautiful language.

  37. Speaking of Bradley Cooper...did anyone see Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms and Rob Lowe on Graham Norton? It's on youtube. Rob Lowe and Bradley Cooper talk about their experiences with Sarah Jessica Parker. Check it out if you get a chance.

  38. I must say I'm actually starting to like the guy (although NOT in THAT way!)... Hango'er 2 doesn't count -- haha!
    I would have probably e'en liked his Esquire (VF?) interview if the "interviewer" hadn't been such an ass...

  39. OK... yes, in THAT way!!!
    As an American, who studied at the French Institute and who has always wanted to be an interpreter at the UN, tres bien Bradley!

  40. Holy merde. I didn't understand one word but I didn't need to. Hawt.

    I don't want to like him but I do. Kinda like that guy your Momma always warned you about but you never listened.

  41. I do think she spoke pretty slowly, compared to the French I usually hear in movies or whatnot. I was able to follow the gist of most of it, and I was a German major.

    I am thoroughly impressed w/ Bradley though....Very sexy and a WONDERFUL way to build a loyal fanbase. An American star who cares to do media in your language? Awesome.

  42. I find him totally hot!

    Too funny RocketQueen, if she does post a video I hope Enty will post it, just so we can make fun of it!

  43. Wow. His hotness factor definitely climbed a couple of degrees.

    Incidentally, on Ben Affleck's IMDB page it's noted that Ben "speaks Spanish and French" and "learned to speak Arabic". Somehow I doubt this.

  44. Isn't he the guy that ALLEGEDLY beat up jennifer exposito when they were married? Knowing French does not erase this for me.

  45. As an American who speaks French, I found his accent to be really good - but I would love to hear from Pomme to get her thoughts!

  46. Nice to see him speak french!

    as for the commenter she was not patronizing going so far as to thank him for the effort.

    Always good to see non stereotypical posts about France and the US
