Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Amy Locane Laughed After Killing Woman In Car Crash

Amy Locane, who once starred on Melrose Place killed a woman when she was drinking and driving last year. Right now, a Miranda hearing is taking place which is related to the manslaughter charges in that death and yesterday a police officer testified that when he came to the scene, Amy was sitting in a ditch and giggling and laughing about the accident. The officer said Amy did not not understand why she was being transported to the hospital, but did admit to having had wine and drinks. When the police took a blood sample from her she asked if it was because she was drunk or because she was pregnant. She also peed all over herself in her hospital bed. The accident happened a little over a year ago.

What she did was horribly wrong and I hope it haunts her life forever. She was hammered though and had been injured in a severe car accident. The giggling and laughing could have been a combination of nerves, the accident, the cops and the booze. I don't think she was laughing at someone dying. Still, though, it does sound bad when taken on its face.


  1. There's a Crybaby joke in here somewhere, but I'm having a hard time making it. I'm guessing she was drunk off her ass to have been laughing, but it's still pretty revolting behaviour. Go directly to jail.

  2. Could have been the shock that made her laugh. No excuse for drinking and driving though - off to jail with her.

  3. I agree that nerves can make you laugh. After my Dad's funeral, I stood in the coat room with my best friend and laughed my head off, I was just laughing and laughing and could not stop. The mortician stuck his head and frowned--hmmm, you'd think he would have seen that nervous response before.

  4. Wow. Peeing on herself?

    She must have been hugely drunk.

  5. Interesting timing because I just watched School Ties the other night, and that was the first time I'd ever heard of her. I was in a car accident when I was 18, with two of my friends after a day at the beach. It was totally our fault, but we weren't drinking or anything - it was just an accident. Anyway, after the initial shock of the accident, we (I guess) started joking and laughing, maybe out of shock or relief or just to get through the situation. It was the first accident for any of us and I think we were all just relieved that everyone was ok. (Including the other driver, who when he filed the report mentioned we were laughing so he thought we were horrible.) Anyway, it sounds like she was drunk so it's definitely not the same, but I can attest that the mind does work in odd ways after something like this.

  6. It's the shock. Happened to me in a car accident when I was 14. The EMT's told me about it as it was happening.

  7. laughing has ALWAYS been my knee jerk reaction to trauma of any kind, my mom's, too. we tend to laugh at the worst times.

  8. Laughing can be a viable response to a trauma. Doesn't mean she liked what she did. From the rest of the story, she sounds cookoo.

  9. Wow, that is just awful. Feel so bad for the victim's family. She deserves to rot in jail for what she did, I hope they throw the book at her and she gets the max.

  10. @Rocket Queen - "Amy Locane, you're a drunk, a whore and I SPIT on your tears!"

    There you go.

  11. I love that you're all talking about laughter during crisis and I totally agree with you that it's a legit human response. She's going to have a tough time getting a fair trial with all the press leaving that detail out, implying she's a remorseless sociopath.

  12. I laughed when I was 16 during a crisis and it haunts me. My first dog and constant companion for 10 years had a stroke and limped towards me with his hind legs dragging and I burst into peels of laughter. I'll never forget the hurt and helpless look in his eyes as I stood there yucking it up. Effing horrible.

  13. I've never laughed during a time of crisis.

    I do laugh when people get mauled by animals, though.

  14. I'm betting that she will end up with a pretty stiff sentence unless she wins her Miranda challenge (hey, Enty sounded like a real lawyer for once). DA must have offered a grim plea bargain if her counsel is taking this to trial.

  15. I don't laugh during crisis but I do when I'm nervous.

  16. Seeman's family will laugh all the way to the bank after their wrongful death lawsuit.
    Even worse, Locane's husband owns a liquor store.
